• Kristina <cristinaveselova@yahoo.com>
  • RE: Kristina <cristinaveselova@yahoo.com>

    admin > 02-07-2025, 09:32 PM

    Zitat:Hello ???????

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  • RE: Kristina <cristinaveselova@yahoo.com>

    admin > 02-07-2025, 09:33 PM

    Zitat: - Geo Information
    IP Address
    Host dynamicip-188-187-145-231.pppoe.yola.ertelecom.ru
    Location RU RU, Russian Federation
    City Yoshkar-ola, 45 424038
    Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola
    ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
    AS Number AS41786 JSC ER-Telecom Holding
  • RE: Kristina <cristinaveselova@yahoo.com>

    admin > 02-07-2025, 09:34 PM

    Zitat:Greetings My love.!!Many thanks for your letter my love!!! I to have awfully bad messages my sweet, today me to reject with workas today still to count up money and inMe it to appear shortage even it is more, in simple to go mad and sit now to shout as the head, to tell, thatI shouldGive indemnification to it within 2 days after 370 dollars, I not to know, that it to me does as I not tohave this money.......................I not to wish to live in general how all is very bad who so can make to me? Who it to steal and replace withme and the partner,He to speak it if I, not to return it money within 2 days, that it will go and will write the statement aboutme to militias!!My favourite it - very much a shame to me and it is very inconvenient, but I simply do not have other exit,I to wish to ask, that you my favourite, that you have received me and have given me 370 dollars as to you mylast hope and onlyYou can rescue me now, I love you very insistently and I ask you, please help me for God's sake!! I only togo to churchAnd to pray, I to ask the god about the help!!My dear, with which I even cannot print now as in me very insistently to shiver hands and to me, it is verybad as I now to sit and shout,To me awfully awfully wash an angel!!My dear please, if you can to ask, that you for God's sake to help me I ASK, THAT YOU promised PLEASE to youitI to return all to you even with percent as I will be arranged on work and to work and give All of you moneythat toEarn only please to help me!! Simply main washing Vladimir it to tell, that it to impart me in prison, if Inot toReturn it money, I not to know to speak with parents about it as I will know that they to die if they toLearn about it, and me nobleness which in my parents was not existing money, I not to know more to the onewho to address to my dear!!!!I love All of you heart, and I should go now and try to calm down!!!!Please, to help me I ask for God's sake!!I will write you tomorrow the favourite!!Your love Svetlana

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  • RE: Kristina <cristinaveselova@yahoo.com>

    admin > 02-07-2025, 09:35 PM

    Zitat: - Geo Information
    IP Address
    Location GB GB, United Kingdom
    City -,
    Organization UK2 Customer
    ISP UK2 - Ltd
    AS Number AS13213 UK-2 Limited