• Vera <cute.kissgirl@yahoo.com>
  • RE: Vera <cute.kissgirl@yahoo.com>

    admin > 09-12-2024, 06:30 PM

    Anna Vladimirovna Abdulina 40 04 370248

    [Bild: Russland_cute.kissgirl_Pass_cute.kissgir....thumb.jpg]

    Zitat:Der Russische Inlands-Pass ist zu 100 % ein Fake-Dokument! Die 40'er Inlands-Pass Serien-Nummer passt nicht zum Ausstellungsort der StadtNischni Nowgorod, die Hauptstadt des Oblast Nischni Nowgorod! In Nischni Nowgorod gibt es die 22'er Serien-Nummer für Inlands-Pässe, die 40'erInlands-Pass Serien-Nummer kommt aus der Stadt Sankt-Petersburg! Das Ausstellungsdatum vom 15.05.2000 passt nicht zur 40 04 ... der In-lands-Pass Serien-Nummer! Solch ein Pass-Foto ist in Russland nicht möglich, dort gelten die gleichen Vorschriften für Pass-Bilder wie hier bei uns!Das Pass-Foto wurde mit einem Fotobearbeitungsprogramm in den Inlands-Pass eingefügt! Der hier verwendete Schrift- und Zahlen-Typus entsprichtkeinem Originalen Typus! Die Unterschrift der Passinhaberin passt nicht zu ihrem Familiennamen! 

    The Russian Domestic-Passport is 100% a Fake-Document! The 40's Domestic-Passport Serial-Number doesn't match with the venue in the city ofNizhny Novgorod, the Capital of the Oblast Nizhny Novgorod! In Nizhny Novgorod are the 22'er Serial-Number for Domestic-Passports, the 40'sDomestic-Passport Serial-Number comes from the city of Saint Petersburg! The date of issue 15.05.2000 doesn't fit with the 40 04 ... the Domestic-Passports Serial-Number! Such a passport-photo isn't possible in Russia, there apply the same rules for passport-photos as here! The passport-photowas inserted with a photo-editing-program into the Domestic-Passport! The here used font- and number-type doesn't correspond to any type oforiginals! The signature of the passport-holder doesn't fit with her family-name!
  • RE: Vera <cute.kissgirl@yahoo.com>

    admin > 09-12-2024, 06:32 PM

    Zitat:Gift of heavens, sweet, pleasant look of the sun. Tenderness ofwinter morning, pleasant mood of the present Russian winter. I wishto present to you a gentle kiss, a sweet smile, that your mood wouldbe brighter than solar beams. What, I have felt you, and a melody ofyour soul. You can love me;)?Ok, I would want that you have really smiled;)The darling, you know, in the childhood, we often gathered on hillswhat to receive an entertainment from driving on sledge. Yesterday, wewith girlfriends, have decided to recollect the childhood. Yes, youhave correctly understood. Yesterday, we with girlfriends went for adrive on sledge. Wow, the darling, you simply do not represent, as itwas fine to receive the sea of positive emotions. A smile on theperson not recession. Even in a dream, I smiled. However, afterdriving on sledge, I all has got wet, but, the mood even now shinesmore brightly stars. It is fine.By the way, in a dream, I too went for a drive on sledge, but alreadywith you. Yes, the darling, we were together;)Such feeling as if, we with you are familiar since the childhood. Howyou think, once, we can carry out my dream? You would like to have adriving entertainment on sledge?Ok, I will wait for your kisses, your smile, and the fast reply;)I very much miss on you, the lovely, solar man Anna

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    [Bild: Russland_cute.kissgirl_39_cute.kissgirl.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_cute.kissgirl_40_cute.kissgirl.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_cute.kissgirl_41_cute.kissgirl.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_cute.kissgirl_42_cute.kissgirl.jpg.thumb.jpg]
  • RE: Vera <cute.kissgirl@yahoo.com>

    admin > 09-12-2024, 06:33 PM

    Zitat: - Geo Information
    IP Address
    Location BG BG, Bulgaria
    City Dobrich, 40 9300
    Organization Bergon Net - ISP in Dobrich
    ISP Vivacom
    AS Number AS12436 Bergon Internet Ltd.
  • RE: Vera <cute.kissgirl@yahoo.com>

    admin > 09-12-2024, 06:36 PM

    Aleksandr Jurevitsch Schmalko 33 00 171302

    [Bild: Russland_cute.kissgirl_Pass_cute.kissgir....thumb.jpg]

    Evgenij Aleksandrovitsch Lobanov 33 00 171302

    [Bild: Russland_cute.kissgirl_Pass_cute.kissgir....thumb.jpg]

    Sergej Evgenevitsch Schtscherbakov 33 00 171302

    [Bild: Russland_cute.kissgirl_Pass_cute.kissgir....thumb.jpg]

    Vitalij Aleksejevitsch Ajutjuschka 33 00 171302

    [Bild: Russland_cute.kissgirl_Pass_cute.kissgir....thumb.jpg]

    Oksana Petrovna Malahova 25N2453682

    [Bild: Russland_cute.kissgirl_Pass_cute.kissgir....thumb.jpg]

    Darya Petrovna Filipiuk 25N2473269

    [Bild: Russland_cute.kissgirl_Pass_cute.kissgirl.jpg.thumb.jpg]

    Nadezhda Petrovna Fyodorowa 25N2378126

    [Bild: Russland_cute.kissgirl_Pass_cute.kissgir....thumb.jpg]

    Darya Petrovna Filipiuk 25N2458915

    [Bild: Russland_cute.kissgirl_Pass_cute.kissgir....thumb.jpg]

    Darya Petrovna Telyatnikowa 25N3254535

    [Bild: Russland_cute.kissgirl_Pass_cute.kissgir....thumb.jpg]

    Inna Petrovna Roudskih 25N2478601

    [Bild: Russland_cute.kissgirl_Pass_cute.kissgir....thumb.jpg]

    Elena Vitalevna Yuschneva 88 73 646763

    [Bild: Russland_cute.kissgirl_Pass_cute.kissgir....thumb.jpg]
  • RE: Vera <cute.kissgirl@yahoo.com>

    admin > 09-12-2024, 06:37 PM

    Sergej Evgenevitsch Schtscherbakov 33 00 171302

    [Bild: Russland_cute.kissgirl_Pass_cute.kissgir....thumb.jpg]

    Zitat:Der Inlands-Pass ist zu 100 % ein Fake-Dokument! Der Stempel hat die Nummer 120-802 und nicht wie im Schriftteil die 953-615! Die beidenNummern müssen aber gleich sein! Das Ausstellungsdatum vom 12.05.2003 steht im Wiederspruch zur Serien-Nummer 33 00 ..., denn die '00'gibt das Jahr 2000 an! Die Serien-Nummer müsste die 33 03 sein! Der hier verwendete Schrift- und Zahlen-Typus entspricht keinem OriginalenSchrift-Typus!

    The Domestic Pass is 100% a fake document! The stamp has the number 120-802, and not as part of the script in the 953-615! The twoNumbers have to be the same! The issue date of 12/05/2003 is in Wiederspruch to serial number 33 00 ... since the '00 'indicating the year 2000! The serial number would have to be 33 03! The use here of font type and number does not correspond to originalFont type