admin > 07-27-2024, 07:35 PM
Name: edinAlter: 31 JahreWohnort: 3456546644Geschlecht: weiblichKategorie: Sie sucht ihnSchulabschluss: Größe: 1,54 mGewicht: 56 kgPLZ: 78498Land: DeutschlandAugen: braunHaare: braun langFamilienstand: LedigKinder: NeinAlkohol: MaimRaucher: NeinInteressen: Sport treibenMusikrichtung: JazzPersönliche Fragen:Was ist Ihnen besonders wichtig in einer Beziehung?I describe myself as a simple, outgoing, spontaneous, friendly and loving woman. I can also say that I am a good daughter and sisterWorüber können Sie lachen?I describe myself as a simple, outgoing, spontaneous, friendly and loving woman. I can also say that I am a good daughter and sisterWas bedeuten Ihnen Ihre Freunde?I describe myself as a simple, outgoing, spontaneous, friendly and loving woman. I can also say that I am a good daughter and sisterWas schätzen andere an Ihnen?I would like to find someone who I can get along very well. Somebody cheerful, respectful, truthful and responsible.Worauf sind Sie stolz?I describe myself as a simple, outgoing, spontaneous, friendly and loving woman. I can also say that I am a good daughter and sisterWovor haben Sie Angst? I would like to find someone who I can get along very well. Somebody cheerful, respectful, truthful and responsible. Was für eine Rolle spielt Geld in Ihrem Leben? I would like to find someone who I can get along very well. Somebody Cheerful, respectful, truthful ans responsible.Sind Sie ein Tierfreund? I would like to find someone who I can get along very well. Somebody Cheerful, respectful, truthful ans responsibleNeigen Sie zur Eifersucht? I would like to find someone who I can get along very well. Somebody Cheerful, respectful, truthful ans responsibleWas bedeutet sur Sie “alt werden”? I would like to find someone who I can get along very well. Somebody Cheerful, respectful, truthful ans responsibleGibt es etwas wofür Sie Ihr Leben riskieren würden? I would like to find someone who I can get along very well. Somebody Cheerful, respectful, truthful ans responsibleFühlen Sie sich zu Hause am wohlsten oder sind Sie lieber unterwegs? I would like to find someone who I can get along very well. Somebody Cheerful, respectful, truthful ans responsibleGibt es Dinge die Ihnen peinlich sind? I would like to find someone who I can get along very well. Somebody Cheerful, respectful, truthful ans responsibleSo sollte der Partner sein…I would like to find someone who I can get along very well. Somebody cheerful, respectful, truthful and responsible. Lieblingsfilme: LOVELieblingsserien: HONESTLieblingsessen: TRUTHFULSucht: BeziehungSo sollte der Partner sein…Ich will mein Leben, mein alles, teilen mit, dass eine spezielle Person. Mein ideales Match hat eine warme Seele und eine gewisse Sanftmut about.i Werte die Wichtigkeit von Ehrlichkeit und Vertrauen