admin > 03-18-2024, 08:13 PM
Zitat:I shall have with myself only 650 $ andthrough customs house it is necessary for me for transition more 350 $. I need in your advice. I can fly in the USA only if I shall havewith myself 1000 $. After purchase of the ticket at me remain 650 $,but I shall require still in 350 $. I tried to find money, but allefforts were ineffectual. It is a pity to me to inform you about it,but I cannot fly in the USA without your help. To fly in the USA to meit is necessary more 350 $ and I do not know that to do now? Whether Ido not know you can help me whether or not, but it only your decision.If you can help me I canfly to you and I shall return your expensesback. I should have this money only with myself and if you can help meas soon as we shall meet I shall return this money. Please write tome what to do in this situation.I could not provide all nuances of my flight in the USA,but I hope, that have not changed your plans. You should not help mebut as I have already told to you, I can fly in the USA only if youcan help with this problem. I do not know what to do, but inform thatto me to do in this situation. If you cannot help me I shall be to gohome. At the airport there is branch Western Union and if you can helpme I can receive money very quickly and then I can buy the ticket ofthe plane. Then I shall give the full information of my flight.
admin > 03-18-2024, 08:16 PM
Zitat:Der Reise-Pass ist zu 100 % ein Fake-Dokument! Das Foto ist mit einem Fotobearbeitungsprogramm in den Reise-Pass eingefügt worden! Der Restdes alten Original-Fotos ist noch unter dem blauen Sicherheitsstreifen zu erkennen! Im Schriftteil hat sie am 23.10.1976 Geburtstag und imMaschinenlesbaren Teil am 24.08.1978! Ihr Geschlecht wird mit 'W' (dt. weiblich) angegeben, dort müsste aber ein 'F' (engl. female) stehen! DasGültigkeitsdatum des Reise-Passes ist mit dem 19.07.2010 und mit dem 11.05.2010 im Maschinenlesbaren Teil angegeben! Der hier verwendeteSchrift- und Zahlen-Typus entspricht keinem Originalen Typus eines Russischen Reise-Passes! Das Pass-Foto wäre so in keinem Russischen Reise-Pass möglich, auch dort gibt es kein Halbprofil und eine Frisur die fast schon ein Viertel des Gesichts verdeckt! Die Gute Anna FjodorovnaDerkach heißt eigentlich Anna Fjodorovna Derkatsch
The Travel-Passport is 100% a Fake-Document! The passport-picture has been inserted with a photo-editing-program into the travel-passport! A partof the old original passport-picture is still visible under the blue security-pattern! In the written-part her birthday is on 23.10.1976 and in the Machine-readablePart becomes the 24.08.1978! Her sex is specified with W (German: weiblich), but in an Original Travel-Passport there has to stand F (English: female)! TheEffective-date of the Travel-Passport is the 19.07.2010 and in the Machine-readable Part it becomes an 11.05.2010! The here used font- and number-typedoesn't match with any original-type of a Russian Travel-Passport! The passport-photo wouldn't be possible in a Russian Travel-Passport, they have the samerules for passport-pictures as here! There aren't any half-profiles and her hair-style covers almost a quarter of the face!The Nice Anna Fjodorovna Derkach,really it's: Anna Fjodorovna Derkatsh