admin > 11-21-2024, 10:25 AM
Zitat:Greetings my dear friend . For me it is very pleasant that you toanswer on my short message to you. Really pleasantly that I haveinterested you. As you know from my short letter, my name Anastasiyaand me 25 years. I was born and have grown in Russia, in small cityUfa. My city not big but beautiful. The beauty is created by thenature. In this city I to live and grow and receive my formation. Tofinish I medical school on a speciality nurse. I work in a children'spolyclinic and I help the doctor at work with children. Work certainlyis not so well paid, but to me to like to help people and is especialto children. In fact our care of them is our duty. As I shall try totell to you a little more and my childhood it will be possible to youinterestingly. In at school I studied well and many spoke that I veryinteresting and inquisitive child. As I almost 10 years to be engagedin sports ball dances. you are familiar with them??? It is verybeautiful. Now the truth I to not be engaged in them any more, but tome very much to like to look them on TV when them to show.As to myinterest to sports me very to like to look sports gymnastics, tofloat, and in the winter when it is necessary to descend good weatherfor city and on to go for a drive on a ski. As to me very much to liketo go to a campaign with friends for city and to sit at a fire undersounds of a guitar. Probably it will be interesting to you to learnwhy I have decided to try to find mine to the partner in life on theInternet??? It probably is interesting to me, I at all do not knowwhy. Simply probably because at me not how to not develop seriousrelations here in Russia. I do not want to tell that we do not havegood men, they are certainly. But only at me that that not that tofail here. And one my familiar which to find its love on the Internet,has advised me to try. And I have decided to try. It is my firstexperience in it, but I to hope only for the best and who knows allcan really turn out at me.And it seems small beginning to me is, youto answer and write to me! And we are farther can look with you thatat us will further and as will develop our acquaintance.I would liketo set to you some questions, if you certainly not against it. why youyou to try to search your love on the Internet? To like you Russiangirls and why? You had serious relations earlier earlier? You havebeen married? You have children? And how you concern to children? Ivery much love children and very much I hope to have such happiness aschildren in the future. You are interested probably with my intentionsand how many I am serious? Also what I want to do further? in generalI the serious person also do not joke with such things as love, amarriage, etc. I want to build serious relations, and it is possibleto leave to live to the husband and to live with it further. Ingeneral I search for my big love! I think she still exists in ourworld, where now so a lot of bad. And if she is - that, I hope that Ican necessarily find her. And who knows probably we with you we can togo far in our relations. Probably you also are my prince on whitehorses. Now I would like to know a little about your intentions andthat that you to search in relations. You want a marriage? Family andchildren? Or you to search only friendship? What for you the marriagemeans? For me a marriage - very important and serious step in a life,and it should be made safely and judiciously. It is a lot of people tobe in earnest to this not and as a result it to see to break ofrelations and divorce. And I very much would not like to do toward the end I shall tell to you a little about myparents. From parents to remain with me only my mum. Its nameEkkaterina or is simple Katya. as to my father to my big regret it hasdied at the end of this spring in May. Also I still have my youngersister and she is a little similar to me. On it I want to finish thislmy letter to you. Sincerely I hope that you will answer and that I tolike you. It will be pleasant for me to continue our acquaintance.Sincerely yours Anastasiya.
admin > 11-21-2024, 10:26 AM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Yoshkar-ola, 45 424000
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41786 JSC ER-Telecom Holding
admin > 11-21-2024, 10:27 AM
Zitat:Hi Xxxxxx. I am very glad that you again to write to me your newletter. As you, how are you doing, how mood??? I hope that at you verywell. Xxxxxx it was very interesting to read your letter. The truthfor me it is a little difficultly to understand some your phrases, Ivery much try to understand all that you want to me to say. I hopethat my English language not so bad and you to understand that that Ito try to you to say and what I to you to write? I write in Englishworse than I can speak on him. I to study English language at schooland at university and it is a little to go to rates on study of thislanguage. I hope that my efforts and to not pass simply so. Xxxxxx Ito write to you my letters from the Internet of cafe which to be notfar from me. I to not have my own computer and on this to have to usethe Internet of cafe. However I want to continue to tell to you aboutmyself. Probably will be interesting to you mine hobbies. I very muchlike to read and I to read very much. To me to like to read thehistorical books. The historical novels and stories and there is a lotof other literature. The truth now became not so a lot of time toread, as many cares have appeared, but nevertheless I to not miss themoment and in free time to sit behind reading of the book. Sometimesif there is no book to me to like to prepare food, is especial to meto like to prepare when is for whom. I prefer Russian kitchen, but thekitchens and dishes of other peoples of the world like both Italianand French and in general. Still I at heart I very much like sweet:ice-cream, chocolate and all rest. From music it is difficult meprobably to give back to that that my preference, me to like variousmusic, both classics and other musical directions, Russian executorsand foreign. Xxxxxx and how you concern to music and what music tolike you more? Xxxxxx, also to me also to like to go with mygirlfriends in cinema. From genres of cinema I prefer romanticismfilms, a drama, also I like to see a ridiculous comedy and historicaldramas. Xxxxxx Also probably it will be interesting that to me tolike in the man. Me to like strong and self-assured the people. Tolike interesting and formed, to which it is always interesting totalk. Also me to like the people with at which good sense of humourbut also common sense. From my future the man I wait care and love,mutual respect and kindness, fidelity and sincerity, understanding.And then I shall give back always all myself and all my love,tenderness and caress. To me to not like when on me shout also itselfnor I like to swear. It seems that always all better to discuss and todecide a problem silently, is quiet and with understanding to to eachother. Xxxxxx I want a little more to tell to you about my family.Still I have my younger sister and we with her are very similar. Andthe name her Elena or is simple Lena. and cousin to live in othervarious cities of our large country. And unfortunately for this reasonwe can not see all often and on this we see only sometimes during avacation at them or sometimes when I to arrive to them. Well and underthe end there is some information concerning me: my liked colour pink,but also me the green and bright - dark blue colours like. Fromflowers me to like roses and hrizantema. Well that's all probably forthis letter I probably and so to bother to you with my story aboutmyself. With impatience I shall wait that you again to write to me andI hope what is it will be speed. I wish to you and your family onlyall most good.Sincerely Anastasiya!
admin > 11-21-2024, 10:28 AM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Yoshkar-ola, 45 424000
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41786 JSC ER-Telecom Holding
admin > 11-21-2024, 10:29 AM
Zitat:Hi dear Xxxxxx!!! Thanks to you for your following good letter, wasvery pleasant again to receive it from you. I read it with interest.How are you doing, as mood, how job??? At me very well and house andat job. Weather today cloudy and behind a window unfortunately thereis no sun. And you see as is perfect when the sun in the streetshines, you are especial in the morning when to rise. Yesterday I havedecided to do houses general harvest and everywhere to inducecleanliness and order. And when I all to finish all house simplyshined from cleanliness. I in general like cleanliness and order of ahouse and always I try to support her. In the evening I have decidedto spend time with my friends. And we went in city and went for a walkon it. And then have sat in a little to park and have talked. And I totell by him about you and about our acquaintance on the Internet. Sonow my friends know about you. Xxxxxx I hope that for you it will notbe by a problem, what I have told by him about you and about ouracquaintance? They asked much concerning you and I by him to say thatthat I to know. Xxxxxx And how you usually to spend your evening???Xxxxxx I would like to say to you that I am glad, that ouracquaintance and our relations to advance and we continue better tolearn each other. During this time I seem that to me already well tolearn about you. And you seem that to me the very interesting man. AndI hope that you also to find me interesting. If it so, I shall be veryglad. Xxxxxx, but I think what rather difficultly to learn the manthrough the letters. It only first small step in acquaintance. You seeyou do not see the man, whose letters you read. But that that forcesme to think that you the honour and sincere man and that all that youto me to write, you to write it from your heart. Xxxxxx, in general Ivery much trust and the simple man and is sometimes very easy tooffend me. But I that can make with it, I have got used to trust tothe people. Dear Xxxxxx (I hope that you will not be against, if Ishall be you so to name), I would like to ask you, that you to wantfrom the woman and what you from it to wait??? How you to representthe woman of your dream??? And in general how much in your life was ofthe women??? Probably it is a not so good question from my party, butit is simply interesting and if you to not want on him to respond, itis not necessary. Xxxxxx, you to correspond with other girl in theInternet??? I can say to you honourly, that I to write to you to one.Also it would be very pleasant to learn too most. Xxxxxx Stillquestion, how you to understand a word love??? For me this significantand magic word. It seems what to like the man, this largest happinesswhich can be. And if this love mutual, seems to me that then it simplylimit of happiness. Love it as sweet dream, from which you simply donot want to rise and which you want that he went eternity. So it seemsthat the love is necessary always. I think that if there are feelingsof love - there will be a family, if there is a family - there will bechildren, and if there is a love of children - there will be ahappiness. Xxxxxx, I think that family, it not only cell of asociety, but also also level of development of the man. Xxxxxx, andwhat for you a pledge of the long and successful relations? I thinkwhat is it - complete openness and trust to the liked man. It is anopportunity to speak with the partner, on any subject and about all.Xxxxxx, all about what I to dream, it of the good liking husband,about children which we with it will have also which we shall bring uptogether with it and always likes it and to be liked him. And ingeneral to me to like the man which are capable to take care of thegirl. It I think important and pleasantly to many women. Xxxxxx, itis very interesting that we could learn each other further. And whoknows probably at us will most gentle and feelings and and from themto grow the large love and we can be happy together? Who knows, whoknows??? But by and large I can say to you that you to me very much tolike and I am very glad that we with you to meet. On it I would liketo finish my letter and I want to wish to you all most good and I wantto present you my kiss. I shall wait and to hope that you soon againto write to me your letter.
admin > 11-21-2024, 10:29 AM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Yoshkar-ola, 45 424000
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41786 JSC ER-Telecom Holding
admin > 11-21-2024, 10:31 AM
Zitat:Hi mine dear Xxxxxx!!! I am simply very glad to receive your new letter. Xxxxxx,as your day today, how are you doing, how your family??? I hope thatat you all wonderfully and fine and my letter to find you in perfectmood and you it will be pleasant it to see. At me all and mood simplyremarkable. You see I to have pleasure to see your letter. And weathertoday good, certainly not so is warm, but though the sun shines. Xxxxxx,today at me very romantic mood. I am cheerful and joyful and even themum, I am surprised why such today cheerful. I in general in heart amby the romantic man. Me to like of walk under the moon, in warm summernight and supper at candles. Xxxxxx, to you probably to seem that at me thevery large searches. But it not so, in general I the very simple girlalso do not demand so much. I simply think that any girl should beromantic and or have though an insignificant share to romanticism insoul. And it seems that when the man falls outside the limitsromanticism and ceases to become in soul though small romanticism, italready to become boringly. Xxxxxx, for me it would be interesting to learnyour opinion, why there are a lot of pairs at first converge and livetogether fine, though they absolutely different and they have notenough of that general among themselves??? It seems, that if they twomen were similar against each other by character, him will not be sointerestingly together and in a result of their relation will becomeworse. And if two men will be with various characters and differentpoints of view on the world, then it will be much more interestingtogether. It when two men, man and woman add each other and in aresult make as a single unit each other. And thus it turns out thattheir relation become harmonious and it is possible to name them asideal pair! Xxxxxx, and I sincerely think that between us there is thatthat general and various. And me gradually begins to pull to you. I amopened to you as well as you in each letter ever more and more. Xxxxxx, asI to trust you, I am ready to inform you all secrets which are at mein heart. And I shall hope that you also with me are frank. And I wantto speak with you on a frank subject of the sexual relations betweenthe man and woman. Xxxxxx, I think that we already adult people, and thisconversation concerning this subject is necessary, if we and furtherwant to develop the our relations. Xxxxxx, how you concern to sex? What isfor you important in it? How you to consider what role concerning pairplays sex?. Xxxxxx, I think what is it, what isit - very important detailof the relations. But for me to become not pleasant, when the manbegins to establish only sexual relations. Though in general I think,that the man should play the important role in it, but also should notput his partner below itself. He should receive the liking girl! To doso that it did not look, only as satisfaction of own needs. He shouldallow that the girl knew, that he wants to do the favour and her too.And then she will answer to him with those and will try to do also,that to the partner too it was good! It certainly my opinion, and howyou think concerning all it??? Xxxxxx, also I would like to ask you. You tofall in love the man, you it is easy to fall in love?? You hadsometime love from the first sight? About directly I can not say thatI to fall in love the man, I always long look on the man, and I try tolearn it from the different parties. Main for me a thing to learn thatfrom this man in soul. And I not when do not try to look at hisappearance and age, you see main his internal beauty. Xxxxxx, and on whatyou to look first of all when to get acquainted with the girl? Whatthe girl should make that you could trust her? Xxxxxx, also I to want toinform you one history from my life. Once I to meet one by the man. Itwas almost two years back. We communicated with it also I began tonotice that this the man to me to like both he me also he is notindifferent also responded me by the same reciprocity. He spoke memany compliments and gave gifts. In my maiden heart the love to it hasgrown. He was such good, careful, sensitive. We met the almost wholeyear. I thought that he will offer me to leave to it and to marry. Idid not speak him it, but in depth of my soul thought of it and waitedfor it. I lived as in a fairy tale and all was good at us with it. Butthen I began to notice that he, became where that to vanish and tovanish on long. I have asked it about it, but he has said that at himsimply businesses and that he all tries to do for us, that at us allwas good. But I began a little to worry and to experience, but did notgive to this the large value, because was in love with him and trustedhim. But once, to me one girl has come, when it was not at home, andshe has said to me that at it and mine the man already as some monthsto go the relation! You can present, that I to feel at that moment.She has said to me that she did not know that he meets also me, andwhen has learned, has decided to come to me and to speak the truth. Ithen certainly to leave it at once, as he to cause me the large pain.One year since then has passed. For this year I could communicate withone by the man. But now I have understood what you see on it my lifeto not come to an end and that it is necessary to live further. But Ivery long could not trust the men, it seemed that all from them onlydeceive. But then I have understood that, that on light there are verymany good and perfect men, which can like and not deceive the likedgirl. And very much I hope that I can find such the man. Xxxxxx, you see asI could to him not trust when he constantly when we were he togetherspoke me that me love and looked thus to me in eyes. And now I haveunderstood and I see that if the man can looking the man, liking it,to speak that he very strongly likes it both thus, and thus here andto deceive you. That such man does not have not what human qualitiesand not that human. You see to play feelings of other man it it isvery severe. Xxxxxx, such was with me a history and which to push me to tryto find my love on the Internet. And the similar situation both you meto understand seemed that at you to me and I see that you the verygood and sincere man. I am sure that you not when could not do to theman poorly. And more I have decided to search my love on the Interneton that that, in the letters it is possible to learn soul of the man,as it sometimes happens to say all more easy having written it. Alsoit is possible to learn his prospects on life. Xxxxxx, well I also shalltry to finish my letter to you, as you probably and so already to gettired to read all this. Simply I to want that between us was as smallas possible of secrets if we really want to build the seriousrelations and on this has tried to tell to you maximal about me. I towish to you all most good and I with impatience shall wait your newletter. I want to give you my kiss!!!Yours Lyuda!
admin > 11-21-2024, 10:31 AM
Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Sankt-peterburg, 66 190826
Organization CJSC ER-Telecom Holding Saint-Petersburg branch
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS51570 JSC ER-Telecom Holding