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Nadushka <> - admin - 12-14-2024

Masama / Marina / Anastasia / Olga / Masama / Masama Assessed/ Tanya / Verochka

<> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>

Zitat:Salut I got letter from dating agency. I'm thirty years. It`s my snapshot. What do you think? I you cute? You can call me Nadya. I think you are nice person. I know that now many people met partners in int. So I decide also to use such way. I liked you and I decided to get discover with you. Nobody know, maybe this is our chance. Like other people online. I want to write that I want only for serious relation. Im not interesting just chat, games or virtual romance. I do not like to spent in vain my time for this. I am from Russia. I hope this is not a problem in 21 century. We can meet in future. If this is problem just ignore my letter. All that I want is to find man with whom I can be happy for the rest of my life. an you write more information about you, please. If you have Image I will be glad to see it. Or you can send it later. I will be wait for your letter. Take care. Nadushechka

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RE: Nadushka <> - admin - 12-14-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Arkhangelsk, 06
Organization Beeline Home
ISP Beeline Home
AS Number AS3216 PVimpelCom

RE: Nadushka <> - admin - 12-14-2024

Zitat:Hello xxxxxxx! Have a good day! Thank you for your picture. You are avery attractive man! I am glad that you have written to me. I hopethat I can interest you not less than you me. I hope that you havetime to send me some letter. We can get acquainted and learn moreabout each other. I understand that you ask a question where I tookyour information. In Russia exist dating agency which take money forthat to help to get acquainted with the male. I have paid twentydollars to get to know your e-mail. I hope this is not a problem. Inagency for new acquaintance I have received the answer that they tookyour email from dating site. They have not say the site name. I neverused the Internet for new dating earlier. I shall tell you about who Iam. My name is Nadezhda. But you can call me Nadya. I'm 30 y.old. Myb-day on May, 12, 1986. I live in Russia in little city calledOkulovka. Just ask and I will tell you about my city more. I hope thatit will not stir our correspondence. I think that in twenty onecentury the distance has no value. It was difficult to overcome thebig distances earlier. But today there are many planes and trains forthis intent. I'm not married and I live with my mother. I never wasmarried. I will tell to you about my family later. I haven't babies.But I love children. I work as the seller in shop of cosmetics. I lovesports and active rest. I like to voyage and to be in differentplaces, but my work does not let me to do it often. I have manyfriends. We sometimes spend time together. We play in the billiard andgo bowling. I search in the mate for love and understanding. I don'tlike those who lie and don't want to say the truth. Particularly if Ialready to know this truth. As most woman, in life I consider family!I hope that my message not scare you. I send you my images. I hope youliked it. Inform me please some information about you: What do you dofor fun? What is your character? What qualities do you love in women?I also will let you know more about me in the next letter. I will waitfor your answer.                        
Your friend Nadya

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[Bild: Russland_resistwolf222_02_resistwolf222.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_resistwolf222_03_resistwolf222.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_resistwolf222_04_resistwolf222.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Nadushka <> - admin - 12-14-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Secaucus, NJ 07094
Organization Interserver
ISP Interserver

RE: Nadushka <> - admin - 12-14-2024

Zitat:Hi. I got message from dating agency. Me 30 y.o. It`s my photo. What do you think? Do you like me? My name is Nadya. I think you are good human. I know that now many people met partners in internet. So I decide also to use such way. I liked you and I decided to get discover with you. Nobody know, maybe this is our chance. Like other people online. I want to write that I want only for long term relation. Im not interesting just chat, games or virtual romance. I do not like to spent in vain my time for this. I am from Russian Federation. I hope this is not a problem in 21 century. We can meet in future. If this is problem just ignore my message. All that I want is to find person with whom I can be happy for the rest of my life. [ch1057]an you write more information about you, please. If you have Photo I will be glad to see it. Or you can send it later. I will be wait for your message. Have a good mood. Nadushka

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[Bild: Russland_resistwolf222_05_resistwolf222.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_resistwolf222_06_resistwolf222.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_resistwolf222_07_resistwolf222.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Nadushka <> - admin - 12-14-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Kazan, 73 422528
Organization Perspectiva Ltd.
ISP Perspectiva Ltd.
AS Number AS41668 JSC ER-Telecom Holding

RE: Nadushka <> - admin - 12-14-2024

Zitat:Hi xxxxxx! I am pleased to receive your message. Thank for yourpictures! It is very pleasant to me! I liked it! I shall try to tell alittle about my character. I don't know how to start... I think, thatI very romantic person. I like communicate with people, it is pleasantto me good humour. I very much appreciate such qualities in people, asfidelity and honesty. I believe in love, and I think it very valuablething which needs to be protected. I adore, when to me givecompliments and is ready to listen to them indefinitely. For me it isnecessary, that around me there was a cleanliness and the order, Ifrequently am engaged cleaning. Also I like prepare for a meal,various tasty things. I dream of romantic relations! But probably allwomen dream to get acquainted with good man to have with him beautifulromantic relations. But often such relations come to an end veryquickly! I have no intention to spend myself on such relations. I havenot met such man to whom I would decide to give myself and the life!But I would like to find such man... I think that career - not themost important purpose in a life of the woman! The strong family, theloving husband and healthy children are the most important purposesfor the woman! Tell please what woman you dream to meet in your life?Excuse xxxxxx, that I ask you to discuss such frank thing with theperson whom you know couple of days. But it interests me. I have inbrief described the outlooks on life. We can discuss it in moredetails if it is interesting to you. I will wait your letter. Takecare.        Yours faithfully Nadya

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[Bild: Russland_resistwolf222_08_resistwolf222.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_resistwolf222_09_resistwolf222.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_resistwolf222_10_resistwolf222.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Nadushka <> - admin - 12-14-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Secaucus, NJ 07094
Organization Interserver
ISP Interserver

RE: Nadushka <> - admin - 12-14-2024

Zitat:Hi  xxxxxxxx. I am glad to receive again your message! Every day we startto  learn  each other better. Your e-mail - very interesting thing forme!  Recently  the  boredom has lodged in my soul, there are no joyfulevents! Your letters for me now as a sun beam! xxxxxxxx, thanks, that youwrote  to me some answers to my questions. Your letters gradually helpto  learn  you.  Tell  to me more in detail about the family. You havemany  relatives?  What  relations  at you with them? As frequently yougather?  In  my  family  very much close relations. I already Informedyou,  that  I live with mum. My father has died in 2001 of a cancer. Ivery much miss him. We live in a cosy apartment, where there are threeinhabited  rooms,  and  as kitchen, a balcony and a bathroom. I have aroom.  I  the  only  child in the family. My mother name Sveta, she 62years  old.  Now  she  does  not  work some years. We love each other,sometimes  we  are chosen for city for an entertainment. In the summerwe  go to the lake. During the winter period of time we go for a driveon  skates  and  a  ski. This good time for me! In private life I haveemptiness.  My  last relations were one year ago. We loved each other!But  he  has  deceived  me  and  has  broken my heart! He had sex withanother  girl! After that I thought, that never I will find the man ofthe dream! I at all did not search for such man! But now I am ready torelations! It is very difficult to find the suitable man at this time!Therefore  I have addressed to the Internet! I heard many histories inwhich girls found men of the dream in the Internet. I hope, that I canfind  the man who will love me, to appreciate and understand! His workand  a financial situation is not important for me! I wish to find theman  who  is  able to appreciate the woman and to concern with love toher!  I  shall  be  ready  to give myself all without the rest to suchperson  and  I think, that the main advantage of the woman is fidelityand  skill To make family happy, without quarrels and conflicts. On itI I finish the letter. xxxxxxxx, write to me the ideas that I Has told toyou. I look forward to your reply.                  Yours Nadya

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[Bild: Russland_resistwolf222_11_resistwolf222.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_resistwolf222_12_resistwolf222.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_resistwolf222_13_resistwolf222.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Nadushka <> - admin - 12-14-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Secaucus, NJ 07094
Organization Interserver
ISP Interserver

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