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Albina <> - admin - 12-11-2023

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Zitat:Hello XXXX. How today there passes your day? How is the weather at you? In Russia now bad weather, but my mood does not change from it. It is happy, that I have learnt about acquaintances on the Internet. I know now, that on the Internet it is a lot of possibilities. And to find to itself friends not so it is difficult, as I thought earlier. You already to use for a long time the Internet?? Really I showed interest to you. Also I wish to start to communicate with you on post sending. I think, that we will be fair to each other then our contact will be long and interestingly! I very much to be interested about you. Than you like to be engaged? What your hobby? And as a whole about your country, what at you development culture or manufacture? I think, that nevertheless release of cars of different marks or a thing!! Now it is a little about me - my present name Albina, and on December, 20th, 1979 my birthday. I live in Russia, village Medvedevo! You can probably find it on a card? I would like to know more about you, you can tell to me? I think. That I long will not need to wait your answer:)AlbinaHello XXXX!!! Today I have come to Internet cafe and with hope to receive your letter. Was delighted, when has seen your letter. I hope, that with each letter I will learn you more and more. And this fine feeling, that during my life the new friend has come. With which I can be fair and frank. I prefer to talk to the person confidentially, but now it seems to me that to write letters each other also interestingly. Though it occupies a lot of time from me because I cannot quickly write. I am a little familiar with the computer, I think, that in due course it becomes easier for me. I use the translator because in Internet cafe there is no foreign keyboard, only the Russian alphabet. But I know 3 languages: German, English and Russian. I can write, talk on them and it does not represent work. I learnt English language at school, then went for 3 months courses. On these courses me learnt to a spoken language. I learnt German language at institute of 5 years, and I think it enough to learn to talk! But nevertheless I hope, that the general thought of my letters will be clear to you!!! I wish to tell to you about my life and a family. I the lonely girl, was born in village Medvedevo, I live here till now. This place is on distance of 40 kilometres from city Cheboksary! I have the house in which I live with my younger sister. My Daddy died, when I was 17 years old. It had automobile tragedy. I remember it till now, and I represent, that he to live with us. Later 5 years after his death, mum left on the north, in city Norilsk! There it found to herself the man. Now it happy with it, and I is glad for it. For me the main thing - that mum was happy and lived still a long and fine life. It comes in Medvedevo about time in 2 years. To bring gifts and cheerful mood with itself, and this time for me the finest. Also I have the aunt who lives in Estonia already long time. It likes to live there with the man! When it comes to us - she tells, that the new occurred for this time. And to listen to it it is difficult a little, as she already all knows Russian worse and worse!! I think, that the life outside of Russia seems is better. There can be I to be mistaken!!! I think what see possible I can once the world the eyes. You like to travel??? It is interesting to me to know about it! I in Medvedevo to live since the childhood, and I visit only some cities in Russia. In our country sports are very developed. But many people to smoke, and to drink alcohol. Therefore it is possible and in it bad Russia. Do not worry - I never smoked, and I drink alcohol Exclusively on holidays!! And always I watch on TV transfers about sports as itself I love sports. You go in for sports? My hobby - to prepare to eat, and I can do different dishes. It should seems to me each girl to be able to prepare various dishes. Otherwise what man will look at them?!!! Russian national dishes seem me excellent on taste: Pelmeni, soup Borsch, and also pies with a potato and salads. As to my work - I go on foot as I have no car!! I work as the hairdresser in &quot;Anteya&quot; is a name of a hairdressing salon. 3 years work here. In general, I have higher education and could work as the bookkeeper in a city. But I work as the hairdresser in Medvedevo. But I like to work as the hairdresser, to do different hairdresses. As to your work?I think, that gradually I learn you better. Also would not like to lose contact to you. You for me very interesting person.I wait from you for the letter as soon as possible again to answer you!Albina!

[Bild: Russland_aalbina2008_01_aalbina2008.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_aalbina2008_02_aalbina2008.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_aalbina2008_03_aalbina2008.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_aalbina2008_04_aalbina2008.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_aalbina2008_05_aalbina2008.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_aalbina2008_06_aalbina2008.jpg.thumb.jpg]
[Bild: Russland_aalbina2008_07_aalbina2008.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_aalbina2008_08_aalbina2008.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_aalbina2008_09_aalbina2008.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_aalbina2008_10_aalbina2008.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_aalbina2008_11_aalbina2008.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_aalbina2008_12_aalbina2008.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Albina <> - admin - 12-11-2023

Zitat:Hello XXXX!!!! I to rejoice, that we to begin very interesting correspondence and to learn more and more the friend the friend! It is very pleasant to me to read your letter! To me to like to tell about itself and to learn you better. Today again I to have fine day and cheerful mood. I to rise easily in the morning and to wish you fine day! I always to think, whether you will write to me today? And I pleasure, that you wrote today to me! How there passes your day??? To tell to me, please it is more about it! In how many you to rise, and to lay down in bed??? What usually you do in the evening??? It will be interesting to me to know it. I to rise in the morning usually at 7.00 and to gather for work. I to take a shower, and to have a breakfast. Then I to embus and go on work. Usually I to have a break on work in 13, or later, but if it is a lot of clients to go for a dinner later. Or after work also I can write to you! It depends on my chief. I can write letters and after work to you, in general, as good luck to me. Sometimes I very much to get tired, on holidays many people wish to be beautiful. I to work as from the man, and the woman! Then I many work and to have it is not enough time for a dinner! But to like me my work, and it is a lot of woman to thank me very much! I to try to find work on a speciality, but it is difficult to find in Russia good work! I can work, as the manager or the bookkeeper, but to be arranged in the big firm only through bed of the chief. The chief of the big firm to suggest the girl to be its mistress. I never to make it!!! I think, that in your country there is no such a rudeness!!! Or it not so??? In the evening I usually to walk on different streets or to go in for sports. Sometimes we to meet girlfriends and to go to cafe. We like to eat a pizza and to speak on different themes and news. I to come home not so late and to go to bed in 22. I like to go to the day off in wood or to go to a city and to walk there. Sometimes I to go in other village on a visit to my grandmother. Near to ours the village to be a pine grove. In this pine grove people like to ski, walk on foot. There very beautifully also lives many animals. Sometimes it is possible to see a hare, the squirrel, woodpeckers and other birds and animals. I love the nature very much. I love animals also. It is possible to speak you a question: you to have houses a cat or a dog??? I to have a beautiful Persian cat. His name Bars. It to have grey-blue a wool, and it very clever and gentle. I will send to you a picture with it! It to lift me every morning, and very to wait from work! I hope, that you now not to fall asleep when to read this letter. I simply wish to tell little bit more about myself and the life. I to write to you what to search for serious relations. Each girl to have dream of the future! Each girl to dream of the the prince, and the man of its dream! I think, that the main thing in the man - the Man from the big letter!!! It means, that it should be the real man who will carry the love on hands!!! I think, that the real man will be kind, opened, gentle and care to the girl!!! It cheerful and dialogue!!! It protection and a support to the girl!!! It beautiful appearance and internal beauty!!! The big soul and warm heart! Love, trust and understanding should be at the real man!!! It the strong person, but it very sensitive to the the girl!!! I think, that it is the ideal man!!!! I wish to base with such man a family and serious relations! I to get acquainted with you several days ago, but I to feel, that you the good person and the pleasant man! I hope, that with each new letter I will open in you even more interesting and good!!! To me really to like to learn you more!!! I think, that now I need to stop to write my letter. I hope, that you will like to read it and tomorrow I will wait your new letter! Please to write to me it is more about you!!!!! I wish you pure the sky over a head and cheerful mood!!!!!!!!! Good-bye!!!! Albina

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[Bild: Russland_aalbina2008_14_aalbina2008.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Albina <> - admin - 12-11-2023

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RE: Albina <> - admin - 12-11-2023

Zitat:Hallo und Wie heute deinen Tag geht? Wie das Wetter bei Ihnen? In Russlandjetzt das schlechte Wetter, nur manchmal, die Sonne zu leuchten. Ich kommejetzt zum Internet-Cafe, um dir diese Mitteilung zu schreiben! Entschuldige,dass fruher dir nicht schreiben konnte, denke du wartete! Du gabst mir deinene-mail, wenn wir dich auf der Webseite kennenlernten. Wirklich zeigte ich furdich Interesse. Eben ich will zu umgehen mit dir nach der Post beginnen. Ichdenke, dass wir ehrlich der Freund zum Freund werden, dann wird unser Kontaktlange sein und es ist interessant! Ich sehr, sich zu interessieren du. Wievieldu der Jahre? Als du hast gern, sich zu beschaftigen? Eben du kannst zu habendie Familie sein?? Dir ist es nicht kompliziert ich, es zu schreiben? Jetztist ein wenig es uber mich - mein gegenwartiger Name Albina, und am 20.Dezember 1979 meinen Geburtstag. Ich lebe in Russland eine, nur mit meinerSchwester im Haus! Ich habe die Kinder und keinen Mann nicht. War niemalsverheiratet, nur die Sehne die 2 Jahre in der burgerlichen Ehe! Zu rauchen zutrinken, die Drogen nicht zu ubernehmen! Ich denke, dass es heute uber sichist viel ich werde nicht schreiben! Da ich deine Antwort sehen will, denke ichdass du ein Interesse fur mich noch hast? Ich werde deinen Brief warten. Ebenich schicke dir naturlich, meine Fotografie wie auch versprach! Albina
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[Bild: Russland_aalbina2008_15_aalbina2008.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Albina <> - admin - 12-11-2023

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