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Aleksandra <> - admin - 10-09-2024

Zitat:Good day, xxxxxxxxx!I am happy to see your the answer very much! Thanks for photo, you are very beautiful.I am very glad, that you wish to get acquainted with me!What new at you? How there is your day?I am on work now. Internet of my house has broken, therefore I shall write the letter on my work some time. Now a small break and I can write some lines to my friend!) Today in Moscow excellent weather! The sun shines brightly!Air is filled with freshness and sing birds! I love this time very much! I with the great pleasure continue to write to you about myself! Moscow my native city. My parents have came to live here till my birth.I was born on August, 11, 1980, now to me 29 years old. It is possible to tell, that I have typical European appearance. I work as the manager in saloon on sale furniture. I am pleased with my work very much. I very much love sports and I try to have good health and body. I am fond Yoga and dances. They are my favorites hobby.I cannot tell that my life differs from a life of other Russian people, but I try to make it interesting. I do not have such harmful habits as smoking and the use of alcohol. Now many women have such bad habits, but it is inadmissible for me.I try cares of my health very much. I like to waste time with friends and to have good rest. We can go at cinema or walk together! In Moscow many good places for rest and entertainments. I like to skate on ice and to ski.Unfortunately the winter already has ended, but in a hall for hockey it is possible to skate on ice all year!I wait warmly and summer very much! I like to have rest outside of city in the summer. I love the nature and picnic very much!I love music and cinema! I do not have special favorites, because it depends on my mood more. Most of all I listen radio. Please tell to me more about yourself? All is interesting to me!What else to tell to you) I love home affairs very much.I think that each woman should be able prepare well and cares of the house. I live one already long time. I always dreamt have a dog, but still have not dared to receive it. My parents live on surburb of Moscow. I frequently on a visit at them.What about you? What you most of all like in your life? I shall wait your answer and certainly new photos too!Have good dayYours friend Aleksandra!

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RE: Aleksandra <> - admin - 10-09-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location AT AT, Austria
City Vienna, 09 1030
Organization UPC Austria
ISP UPC Austria GmbH
AS Number AS6830 Liberty Global Operations B.V.

RE: Aleksandra <> - admin - 10-09-2024

Zitat:Hello my friend xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!Thanks for the new letter! I am very glad to continue our correspondence!I waited your letter very much! It seems to me that the friendship between us grows with each letter! Today good day! The sun shines brightly and very well!At me excellent mood! This usual phenomenon, because I very vigorous and positive person. I with pleasure continue our acquaintance and I shall try to tell to you about myself a little more.All my life has passed in Moscow. I have no brothers and sisters. I am one child in my family. My parents live in our old house on surburb of city. I love my parents very much! These are most close and dear people for me!I some years live separately from parents in my apartment.I have received good education. I studied five years in institute at faculty of management. Now I have a trade the manager on work with the personnel. I have a habit to wake up early in the morning. I do not like to sleep for a long time. In the morning I accept a bath and have breakfast.I do not have special favorites in food. I can eat almost all, but not much.)I try to have good body and consider calories.In the morning my food is milk and salad. After a breakfast I direct beauty and a meal at work.I work about 9 morning till 6 evenings six days in a week. On Saturday I work up to 14 : 00 and on Sunday full day of rest. I love a free and active life. I live many years independently and have got used to do all that brings pleasure to me. As I already spoke, I love dances and sports very much! In Russia it is very popular. Except for Yoga I skate on ice and a ski in the winter and a mountain bicycle in the summer. As well as the majority of people I love music and cinema. My favorite singer Enrico Iglesias.From cinema I like fantasy and animation more! You saw Avatar? I went with girlfriends on this surprising film in 3D!!! It is incredible!!!!I like to look movie at the big cinemas with a good powerful sound convenient armchairs and the huge screen!My favourite actors it Nicolas Cage and John Travolta!)What about you? It is very interesting to me!I am glad that my photos liked you! All of them are made my friends from the amateur camera. I very much want to see your new photos too!I have a lot of good familiar and best girlfriends! We are friends from the ending of institute many years!I am single some years. Probably it is surprising for you why the beautiful girl one. At me was bad experience before. The ambassador this a sad history I have changed and became very circumspect. Not looking on my age I am not was married also any children. I think that for each woman in relations very important to be always confident her man! Always to feel attention and care. I search good man, which will give me it. What the main thing for you in relations between the man and the woman?I would like to learn your opinion.I shall wait your new letter very much! Now I should finish.Take CareYours friend Aleksandra

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[Bild: Russland_pertobegokyne_02_pertobegokyne.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_pertobegokyne_03_pertobegokyne.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Aleksandra <> - admin - 10-09-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location IT IT, Italy
City Catania, 15 95124
Organization Consortium GARR
ISP Consortium GARR
AS Number AS137 Consortium GARR

RE: Aleksandra <> - admin - 10-11-2024

Zitat:My dear friend xxxxxxxxxxx!Again your new letter makes my day!I always wait your new mail! I am very glad, that have found such good friend as you xxxxxxxxxxx!With each new letter we learn better each other. As I have already told to you in the last letter, that I live one some years in my apartment.  I already long time live independently and all that occurs in my life it is my own result. I love my life though in it there is nothing especial. When I wake up early in the morning at me always good mood, because I am glad new day and to all new, that can take place with me! Certainly not always good weather and there are troubles, but I know, that it only temporarily and it is not necessary to despond. The only thing that would not suffice me now it is the person, which always was near to me. I speak about the man, which would be ready to cast in the lot with my destiny and to pass this life together!I had relations before, but I did not find that searched. Unfortunately now men seldom appreciate serious and long relations. It is very difficult to find the man, which has the same vital sights and priorities.Even more often men search only for relations for short time. I never respected these games and tried to not communicate with such people. My parents have learned me to respect themselves! I always dreamed of the real feelings and serious relations. When I more youngly, to me was seemed,that to me still early to think of it. Now I am adult woman, but I do not see in Russian men of those qualities and priorities, which there should be at worthy men. Time goes also all around changes. Serious relations and a marriage any more does not involve men. People use each other in the personal purposes. It sounds severely, but it is valid so.In Russia of the proprices of cancellation of marriages grows every year. From it suffer not only adult people, but also small children, which remain without family and parents.Therefore I did not hasten to leave in marriage and to create family.For me in relations the most important full trust, honesty, fidelity, attention the friend to the friend, understanding, support and care, respect and certainly love. Life in Russia not so well. I for a long time think to begin a new life in other country.Therefore I have decided to find the friend abroad. First of all I search for friendship in fact without friendship there can not be relations. I am open for all new!Our correspondence became very important for me! I am very glad, that we have found each other and now we have an opportunity to learn each other better.I do not hurry and hope anywhere that you too. I only wanted to tell to you that I think. Certainly it is interesting to me that you think of it.Have good day! I always wait your letters!Your friend Aleksandra

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[Bild: Russland_pertobegokyne_04_pertobegokyne.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_pertobegokyne_05_pertobegokyne.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Aleksandra <> - admin - 10-11-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location GB GB, United Kingdom
City Bristol, B7 BS1
Organization Sky Broadband
ISP Sky Broadband
AS Number AS5607 Sky UK Limited

RE: Aleksandra <> - admin - 10-11-2024

Zitat:Hello my dear xxxxxxxxxxx!Your new letter again makes my day!Thanks for your attention for me! I always wait your new letter! I try to check my mail box more often. Our correspondence this my favorite hobby and is necessary for me very much!) Today at me excellent mood and good day on work.I always try to go for work with good mood.I love my work and affairs it with pleasure.When I have free minute necessarily check my mail and read your new letter.The Internet in my house still does not work, therefore I is compelled to write letters on work. You write a lot of interesting and allow big positive emotion to me.I have got used to your letters and it is necessary for me always. When I do not see for a long time your letters to me becomes sad. You as the best friend for me!It is very easy and convenient for me with you. I feel your attention and heat.It seems to me, that we understand each other very well and we shares ideas each other. It not seems to you? It is incredible! We are divided with huge distance, but when I read your new letter to me it seems that you close.I would like to learn more about your life. Please tell to me more about your city, your house and yours family.My friends very much like to come to me on a visit.I like to receive visitors too.)I always prepare for my friends for something tasty! I like to prepare very much! These one of my hobbies! I think that it is necessary to prepare with pleasure. Only in this case the food turns out especially tasty. The woman should be able to prepare well and to receive from it pleasure.I know many recipes from kitchen of the different countries.Most of all I like to bakee! My friends very much love my pies. You would like to try my pies? I with pleasure would be prepare for you! Usually I spend weekend with my friends. We go at cinema or cafe. Sometimes we go on the nature for picnic or walks on a wood. About the big cities you get tired and it would be desirable fresh air and silence. In weekend I visit my parents. They very much miss me in fact I their unique child. They already old and seldom come to me, therefore I try to visit them.They are always very glad, when I arrive to them. These are my most close people. We always prepare for something tasty with mum for father.At my parents the house and a garden. This garden was planted by my father for mum.I have told to my parents that have got acquainted with you. They very much surprise and certainly glad. They transfer you big Hello!Unfortunately I should finish now. I shall wait your new letter with impatience!Have good day Yours friend Aleksandra

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[Bild: Russland_pertobegokyne_06_pertobegokyne.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_pertobegokyne_07_pertobegokyne.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Aleksandra <> - admin - 10-11-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location FR FR, France
City Hem, B4 59510
Organization Numericable
ISP Numericable
AS Number AS21502 SFR SA

RE: Aleksandra <> - admin - 10-11-2024

Zitat:Hello my sweet xxxxxxxxxx!How are you my dear?Thank for photo!I missed your mail! Your letters the big pleasure for me and I always wait for them with impatience! When I see your new letter my mood improves! I am very glad, that I have such good friend as you xxxxxxxxxx! Your letters make my life brighter. Thanks that you give me a lot of attention and care. Today excellent day and at me excellent mood! Solar and warm weather! On open air very well and there is no desire is in at room.Your letters my a favorite hobby! You give me much heat and positive energy! With each new letter we learn each other more and we become closer.It is surprising, but I feel changes in my life! My dear xxxxxxxxxx, it is seems to me that you have changed my live. Your attention always is necessary for me!I feel very well with you! It seems to me that we know each other many years. In me the increases desire will get acquainted to you personally in a real life. I hope that this desire will be executed. xxxxxxxxxx you the surprising person!In the evening I go to theatre! My friends constantly find any new entertainment for us. Today they have invited me in theatre on Romeo and Juliet. You were at theatre sometime? After that we shall walk on city! Weather really good very much.It is possible to dress easy clothes. It is really surprising and pleasant! Fortunately the winter has ended! I like heat and spring very much!I even more often think of you! Sometimes I present as we have walks together! It would be surprising, you do not think so?You render very good and pleasant influence on me.I was be sometime trusted, that we can to have conversations not only through the Internet, but also face to face. I would like will get acquainted to you very much!I am grateful, that you have come in my life and became the best friend for me!I should run now! Have good day!I wait your new letterAlways yours friend Aleksandra

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[Bild: Russland_pertobegokyne_08_pertobegokyne.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_pertobegokyne_09_pertobegokyne.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Aleksandra <> - admin - 10-11-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location FR FR, France
City Le Havre, A7 76620
Organization Free SAS
AS Number AS12322 Free SAS

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