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Elvira <> - admin - 10-04-2024

<> <>

Zitat:Hello xxxxxxxxx! I am glad to receive your answer to my letter. It ispleasant to see that we interest each other. It is pleasant to me tosee you in a photo. I hope to see still your new photos further.Before to begin the letter I hope at us there will be a long and goodDialogue which will help us to learn each other. I search for theserious relations based on mutual understanding trust, honesty andsincerity in relations. It is difficult to find second half becausemany people individualists and are not serious in a modern society. Iwith optimism believe, that I will find second half, and to a smog tocreate a family. xxxxxxxxx I Wish to tell to you more about myself. Asyou already know my name Elvira. Was born on January, 19th, 1981. Nowto me of 29 years. On a sign on the zodiac the Capricorn, my growth of172 sm, weight of 54 kg. I live in republic Marij-El, settlementMedvedevo. I lonely mum, at me am available the daughter, which now 3years. We live together with my mum. It on pension. The father hasdied 12 years ago. I work in food shop as the seller. xxxxxxxxx I hope tosee in the following letter of more information on you, I think itwill help to learn better each other. xxxxxxxxx I am sincerely glad toour acquaintance. And very much I hope that we will continue pleasantdialogue. And in following letters I will tell to you more about mydaily life. xxxxxxxxx I will wait your answer. Elvira

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RE: Elvira <> - admin - 10-04-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City -,
Organization Beeline Home
ISP Beeline Home
AS Number AS8402 VimpelCom

RE: Elvira <> - admin - 10-04-2024

Zitat:Hello xxxxxxxxxxx! I am glad to receive your answer to my letter. It ispleasant to see that we interest each other. It is pleasant to me tosee you in a photo. I hope to see still your new photos further.Before to begin the letter I hope at us there will be a long and goodDialogue which will help us to learn each other. I search for theserious relations based on mutual understanding trust, honesty andsincerity in relations. It is difficult to find second half becausemany people individualists and are not serious in a modern society. Iwith optimism believe, that I will find second half, and to a smog tocreate a family. xxxxxxxxxxx I Wish to tell to you more about myself. Asyou already know my name Elvira. Was born on January, 19th, 1981. Nowto me of 29 years. On a sign on the zodiac the Capricorn, my growth of172 sm, weight of 54 kg. I live in republic Marij-El, settlementMedvedevo. I lonely mum, at me am available the daughter, which now 3years. We live together with my mum. It on pension. The father hasdied 12 years ago. I work in food shop as the seller. xxxxxxxxxxx I hope tosee in the following letter of more information on you, I think itwill help to learn better each other. xxxxxxxxxxx I am sincerely glad toour acquaintance. And very much I hope that we will continue pleasantdialogue. And in following letters I will tell to you more about mydaily life. xxxxxxxxxxx I will wait your answer. Elvira.

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[Bild: Russland_for.elvirape_02_for.elvirape.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_for.elvirape_03_for.elvirape.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Elvira <> - admin - 10-04-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Togliatti, 65 445026
Organization Beeline Home
ISP Beeline Home
AS Number AS3216 PVimpelCom

RE: Elvira <> - admin - 10-04-2024

Zitat:Hello xxxxx. How mood? I am glad to get acquainted with you. My  name Elvira.
You remember me? We have got acquainted on ukrainedate. For me acquaintance on the
Internet the new. Also I want that you knew at once my overall objective of acquaintance!
I wish to have serious relations which will necessarily lead to a meeting.
If relations are strong that it is possible to talk and about my full moving.
I seriously approach to this conversation. And if at a real meeting we each other
like we can discuss and further the relation. It is my purpose and I hope that you
seriously approach to our acquaintance. Please tell to me that you search on the Internet?
We divide the general intentions? If yes, it is remarkable. I will not write much
about myself in this letter. I will send you photos and I will wait from you for the
letter with the big impatience. If I was pleasant to you in the following letter
I will write to you about myself. Elvira.

[Bild: Russland_for.elvirape_04_for.elvirape.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_for.elvirape_05_for.elvirape.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Elvira <> - admin - 10-04-2024

Zitat:Hi xxxxx! I am glad to receive from you the letter.
To me it is pleasant that you tell about yourself and about your life.
And me I am very pleasant that to you to see interesting and attractive!
From it at me it is cheered up and I write you the letter with pleasure.
In the last letter I have written to you that I have a daughter.
Her name is Nastya. We live three together together with my mum.
Certainly my daughter has a father, but he with us does not live.
Till a birth of the child we lived together but when was born Nastya
it has wished to throw us. Very sadly about it to write. Now we see it very seldom.
Nastya the majority of time spends with the grandmother as I constantly work.
I need to contain both mum and the daughter. It is difficult, but I have
got used to these complexities. Especially I wait for the help from whom.
I love the daughter and my mum most of all on it light. And for them I also live.
Very much I wish to find the man who will care of me. With that end in view
I also have decided to enter into the Internet. I think that on the Internet
many men who divide my thoughts. And with you xxxxx I try to open new page in my life.
You tell about yourself and it is visible that you in search of second half.
Appearance not so plays roles, as we any more children. It would be desirable
to find happiness and to live a quiet life, to bring up children with love
and to build the future only on mutual understanding and trust.
I the economic girl and very much love an order and cleanliness in the house.
I like to prepare different dishes very much. It is not surprising, after all
I the girl! And in my opinion each girl should prepare and watch well cleanliness in the house.
And I find for this time, not looking on my permanent job.
I work from 9 o'clock in the morning till 6 evenings.
And you understand that on my daughter I still has not enough time.
Only on days off we spend all the day long together. I open to you my heart and
I want that you saw me from inside. On myself I have not enough time.
And only in letters I can open to you. Not who from my friends and
native does not know that I correspond with you. So I can reveal completely to you
and who to me stirs. As a matter of fact I the lonely girl. And only my daughter and mum cheer me up.
When I write you the letter to me
It becomes quiet on heart. That is that in the world there was a
person who with the great pleasure communicates with me.
It is pleasant for realising! I hope that so will be and further.
I trust that you very good person. And I give you a kiss!
I wait for the following letter.

[Bild: Russland_for.elvirape_06_for.elvirape.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_for.elvirape_07_for.elvirape.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Elvira <> - admin - 10-04-2024

Zitat:Hello Xxxxx
I am glad to receive your letter and so much happy to have speak with you today.
Thanks for your photo, you are looking attractive, really Smiley
I see that we become closer! It is pleasant for realising.
We live far apart, but all the same I see that between us there are general interests.
You do not represent as it would be desirable for me now with you to meet
and talk in cafe behind a coffee cup. How you represent this picture?
We could communicate on different themes. I would think that I with pleasure have listened to you.
Certainly I not so well know your language, but I try to learn at first English.
He seems to me is easier. Certainly I not so well know languages, but I try to learn English.
I hope, that in the course of our dialogue we will understand our thoughts,
feelings and we learn each other more close. I represent ours with you a meeting.
As we would spend time together, went to the cinema and in theatres.
If you certainly like to go to similar places? I am assured at you many beautiful places
which you see constantly. To me it would be pleasant if during our conversation you invite me.
As we could meet and in Russia if you arrive. For example to St.-Petersburg.
Certainly I understand that probably early for a meeting.
But I want that further our dialogue passed just as goes now.
You really very much have liked me. And it is interesting to me to communicate with you.
I wish you good day. I look forward your following letter. Elvira.

[Bild: Russland_for.elvirape_08_for.elvirape.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_for.elvirape_09_for.elvirape.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Elvira <> - admin - 10-04-2024

Zitat:Hello. How are you? I hope that at you all well!
It is pleasant to see your letter.
Today I have decided to take the day off on work.
Has decided to spend all the day long with Nastya. Today we went to a zoo.
At us is in Medvedevo a good zoo. Nastya very much it was pleasant.
Whom only today did not see there: Hedgehogs, badgers, horses, parrots.
After a zoo we have gone to the tutor. I want that mine the child
in the future studied well and I have started it to drive on lessons on
the mathematician. As in the evenings we learn the alphabet.
Sometimes she is capricious and does not wish to be engaged Smiley
But then to her to become interestingly. When we go to walk on a city
it constantly sets many questions. Very inquisitive!
Now she sleeps, because is very tired for a today.
And I had time to write you the letter. Here so we live constantly.
And very much it would be desirable to find the man whom it will be constant nearby.
For the child it will be good, because to it only three years and she will quickly get used.
Please write me in the following letter your phone number.
I wish to try to talk to you. All right? I will call the girlfriend who knows English
language very well and it will help me to communicate with you.
I hope that you will not be against?!! I wait for yours a phone number.
All right. I will write can later. Now it is necessary to make a supper.
Today has decided to prepare a potato with a hen and an apple pie.
I wish you good time of days.
Yours Elvira.

[Bild: Russland_for.elvirape_10_for.elvirape.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_for.elvirape_11_for.elvirape.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Elvira <> - admin - 10-04-2024

Zitat:Hello my dear.
It is pleasant to see your answer today,
for me it is very important that you find time to write to me.
I think it remarkably when two persons understand each other and
it is interesting to them to communicate.
I hope that our dialogue will allow us to pass to new level in our relations.
In the previous letter I asked you about that as we can meet with each other,
this meeting is very important for me, I badly understand computers and have more
got used to communicate with people in a real life and consequently
I hope that soon we can meet you. Dear our meeting will demand preparation,
it is not important to whom from us it is required to go to other country,
in any case it will demand preparation of documents which can occupy some time,
will be fast at me possibility to take holiday and I hope that we can spend some time together,
but for this purpose it is necessary for me to know details of our future meeting,
that I could have time to be prepared for it,
therefore I wish to learn from you that you think of it.
Probably you have what that ideas about that as well as where we will spend time?
I have got used to plan all in advance it allows to avoid problems which frequently
arise when all do hurriedly. I hope you understand me. Do not forget about my daughter Nastya,
in any case she will be with me. It is already heavy to grandmother to sit with it because of age.
At us still it is a lot of nuances which it will be necessary will solve,
but I hope that we can be defined concerning all questions.
thanks for your offer to come to you, of course it would be harder for me,
but I will try to do all my best and visit you as soon as possible if you can't come to me first.
I have some plans on you for my life and want to check it while meeting Smiley
On this I'll finish my letter. wish you good day and waiting for your answer.
kisses for you. Elvira.

[Bild: Russland_for.elvirape_12_for.elvirape.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_for.elvirape_13_for.elvirape.jpg.thumb.jpg]

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