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Svetlana <> - admin - 10-03-2024

Zitat:hello! My name is Svetlana.I am looking for serious relationship! I like you and I would like to know you.Here is my e-mail , contact me! so we can know each other! I’ll wait for your letter.

RE: Svetlana <> - admin - 10-03-2024 


Mitglieds Nachname    krásnýGeburtstag    Mai/16/1983Sternzeichen    StierGeschlecht    weiblichOrientierung    HeterosexuellFigur    DurchschnittBeziehungsart    Romantik, ernste BeziehungStaat    TschechienStaat    Liberecký krajStadt    ChrastavaPersönlicher Status    SingleKinder    keineGröße    175cmGewicht    52kgHaarfarbe    BraunAugenfarbe    BlauTyp    WeissReligion    ChristianSchulbildung    HauptschulabschlussWelche Sprache sprichst Du    Englisch, TschechischBeruf    poradce-prodejceInteressen    Kochen, Musik - Pop / R&amp;B, LesenÜber    O sobì mùžu øíct, že jsem hezká holka, která chce vážný vztah.Mám rád romantické lidi, a já sám jsem také romantická dívka.Suche nach    männlichGesuchtes Alter    30 - 60Registrierungsdatum    Aug/11/2010 12:10:57Letzter Zugang    Aug/24/2010 13:02:54

RE: Svetlana <> - admin - 10-03-2024

Zitat:Hello xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!I am very glad, to begin dialogue with you.It is very pleasant to me to get acquainted with you you to me are very interesting!I am assured that we can find the general themes and interests in ours with you acquaintance.When I have seen your profile, I have thought at once that here which man I searched for that.And I hope that I was not mistaken in you.I want to get acquainted with you more close, I want to learn you and your interests.About myself I can tell that my name is Svetlana, I was born on May, 16th, 1983.I live in Russia. I live in the city of Vologda, you can find a photo of my city in the Internet!If you try, can find it. If you write me that to me also it will be pleasant to learn about you and about your city.I work as the seller-konsultanat in small lady's wear shop, I work here 2 years.I like my work, here as my friend works, it has helped me to be arranged here.We communicate every day and we can help each other with work.From languages I know only Russian and English.But at once I will tell that my English not so it is good and consequently at once I apologise, if I write to you incorrectly. Ok?Now I will tell to you about the character. As you have already understood by my first words I am the romantic girl.I despise lie, a deceit and insincerity. It is not pleasant to me when people trifle with affections of other people.Now I will try to tell to you a little about my appearance though you will see much from my photo which I will send you.My growth of 175 centimetres. My weight of 54 kgs. I have the brown blue.My hair colour a brown-haired person. My figure harmonous.Tell to me in the letter on your impression. Also I want that have told about myself, about your interests, about your work?Except work at leisure I have a small hobby. I like to read books, basically I read novels.To me it delivers weight of pleasant emotions, for me there is no more pleasantly a rest, than to esteem the book. And you like to read books?Earlier I read a lot of fiction, encyclopaedias.But now at me more and more gravitation to romanticism, to various novels.On it I will finish the letter and with impatience I will look forward to hearing from you.Do not forget to write to me! I very much would like to know about you as much as possible!Yours faithfully Svetlana

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[Bild: Russland_svetlanka.beauty_01_svetlanka.b....thumb.jpg]

RE: Svetlana <> - admin - 10-03-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Kirov, 33 610000
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Kirov
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41727 JSC ER-Telecom Holding

RE: Svetlana <> - admin - 10-03-2024

Zitat:Hello xxxxxxxxxx!How you today? How your mood? How your state of health?I am very glad that you have written to me again. To me it is very pleasant.And as I am glad that have caused in you interest and that you want as to learn me.I very much hope that this interest between us will not cease but only on the contrary to increase.It was pleasant to me to learn about you more. Thanks that you tell to me it.If it is fair, I thought that you will not write to me, but you have written me also me it very much pleases.I think that we should write each other every day and learn about each other more. You agree with me?At least I will always try to write to you and to answer your letters and your questions.I hope that we can learn as much as possible about each other and we will pleasantly communicate with you.I want to tell to you a little more about me. As I already informed you in the last letter I very much I like to read.But you understand that I read changeably.Except reading of books I have also other employment, I like to go in for sports.But unfortunately I not always have a free time and I go in for sports only when there is a possibility.I like to run, earlier I ran every morning. I was overslept, rose from a bed and at once would leave what to make jog.In the childhood when I still was small and went to school, I ran fastest from the class.Boys at all could not overtake me, I even participated in competitions and won!Run brings not only a lot of health, but he helps to relax, be forgotten and concentrate the thoughts on something and to think of it.Usually I ran on 12 - 30 minutes. But now when I began to work, I run only during week-end.Also at school I liked to play volleyball, in the childhood I was very sports girl!Earlier I went in for sports with such pleasure and pleasure.From the childhood rumpling my parents have taught to love sports and to protect the health.Tell and you love sports? If yes, you are engaged in what kind?For many now the big place in rest occupies the computer and the TV.But I at all do not support their point of view.I sit down the computer, only when necessary on work and now to write you this letter.The TV I also look seldom when there show interesting cinema or any transfers.Tell and how you spend a free time?Many people go to clubs on discos or in bars. Earlier I and itself went on discos.But now I have matured and I do not have such desire, I do not want to visit such noisy and even not safe places.Tell to me you love discos and you prefer what music?I will be glad to learn still that that new about you, and I will be happy to see your photos.I wish you pleasant day!!! Kisses!!!!!!!!!Your Svetlana

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[Bild: Russland_svetlanka.beauty_02_svetlanka.b....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_svetlanka.beauty_03_svetlanka.b....thumb.jpg]

RE: Svetlana <> - admin - 10-03-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Kirov, 33 610000
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Kirov
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41727 JSC ER-Telecom Holding

RE: Svetlana <> - admin - 10-03-2024

Zitat:Hello my xxxxxxxxxxx!!!How are you today? How your mood?I was very glad to receive your message.I was very happy and even joyful. Your message is very beautiful.I am very interested to know about you more and I hope very much that we very well be able to know each other.Today is my day was very hard and I'm tired. But your letter has raised my spirits and I now I feel great!I waited your letter, because of our acquaintance, we still know very little about each other and so I want to know more about you.I hope that you have such a desire.I really want to every letter we learn about each other more and more.With each new letter, we will know each other, to tell something new about yourself.Today I want to tell you about myself and my family. About me and my work, I have a little bit you wrote.Now, of course, if you do not mind I'll write you about my family.I was born and live in the city of Vologda.In 10 years I have lost my parents, they died in a plane crash.I do not remember them very well because 16 years had elapsed.They flew to their friends on holiday, but I was left by his grandmother.In the plane on which they were flying had any problems then (dead engine), and because of this accident.My mother's name was Tatiana she was only 35 and my father's name was Nicholas he was in 1948.They were still quite young and they had a whole life ahead of them was me.But that was long ago and the terrible picture of the long gone from my memory.After the death of my parents, I began to live with her grandmother, she brought me, it replaced my mother.She lived in an old house, in those days were more wooden houses. (I sent you photos of the house where I lived with her grandmother)It passed all my childhood, then I graduated from high school and enrolled in a local university and after 5 years I finished it.And trained as a salesman and consultant.Now I really want you to write me about yourself and your family, about his childhood.I'll wait for your very quick message!All you good good and good mood!   Svetlana         kisssssss

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[Bild: Russland_svetlanka.beauty_04_svetlanka.b....thumb.jpg]

RE: Svetlana <> - admin - 10-03-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location GB GB, United Kingdom
City Dumfries, U2 DG1
Organization BT
AS Number AS2856 British Telecommunications PLC

RE: Svetlana <> - admin - 10-03-2024

Zitat:Hello my friend xxxxxxxxxx!!!How are you today?? I am very glad to receive your answer.I hope that you like and think about and express the same emotions when you get my letter.And I liked the picture you sent me.Tell me, is it true your boat? she's so big!Do you like what I am writing to you? I want to tell you that you're writing a very beautiful letter.But you can not judge a man by the beauty of his letters. The main thing for me is that you write to me about yourself.How do you write a sincere or trying a bit of spice his storyyour character and stuff.But after a few letters, I understand that you are a very serious person and you can discuss a more frank and serious themes.In general, you are giving me the opportunity to more and learn more about you and your country, about your traditions.Generally of course I would be very great to know about your country more and more about your city!Now I want to tell you about their country and the city where I live.As I wrote I live in a country like Russia. I am very proud of their country.Maybe you even have a distaste for my country but I think you simply do not know her.To be honest I also have a feeling when you're not familiar with the country, I think that it is bad.As a child, when I studied history, then I hated all the countries that have fought against my country.Then I was such a patriot, a child's head is easily driven in such thoughts.But when it gets older, you realize that you have not lived in those times and just do not understand that life.You realize that it was necessary. And most importantly that this is not so easy to blame people like us!Well in our country a lot of cities and various stakeholders.In our country the lives so many different people, different nationalities.But most of all in this country I love my native city of Vologda!I love this city. This city has given me everything.He gave me life, he gave me my beautiful childhood, my first memorable high school years, a good education and work.In my town there is a river Vologda, it is in honor of this river and named my town. I will send you his photo with this letter.This is the most beautiful and clean river. Here I often bathe in the summer. Sometimes I even swam in the winter.I really like my town and I'll never say and remembermy city with a bad hand.My love, but sometimes I get tired of this monotony, when every day youYou see the same thing.You are probably tired of my sad and monotonous story about mythe city of my country.But I'll just say that the more you know, the better you representthis man.I really want you to write me also about your city!Good Luck! Do not forget your girlfriend from Russia.I look forward to your letter, do not make me wait long, because you are very interested in me!Your Svetlana         kissssssssssssssss

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[Bild: Russland_svetlanka.beauty_05_svetlanka.b....thumb.jpg]

RE: Svetlana <> - admin - 10-03-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location DE DE, Germany
City Kronach, 02 96317
Organization Kabel Deutschland
ISP Kabel Deutschland
AS Number AS31334 Vodafone Kabel Deutschland GmbH

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