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Yuliya <> - admin - 10-03-2024

Zitat:Hello xxxxxxxxx!!!I am very glad that you wrote to me on my email. I am very pleased. I feel very good and my mood is very good. Because you have not left me with no response. How's your day? I hope you are fine. You did not pay any attention, but now I'm not much worried. Because I'm afraid as soon as you do not like.I was born in 1982, on September 15 in the city of Kazan. Country Russia. I live with my mom. We live in his house. Pope I have not. As for me, I do not when was not for my husband and I have no children. Also I do not have not any bad habits, I do not smoke and do not drink alcoholic beverages. My character is very simple, all the things I'm very well, and always takes them seriously. Also I do not like noisy companies. My height 168, weight 54. I always try to keep its shape, because it is very important for my beauty. And I hope you understand me as a woman. Before I went to work in a barber shop, I finished the course of a hairdresser. I studied for 3 months now and I really like my job. But before I started working, I just finished university. And I finished it perfectly. I studied English. Because in our time is very important to know this. What can you tell me about yourself?I will tell you immediately what I use the computer is not at home, and I go to Internet cafes. And I can only write to you my letters, and I do not have msn and other programs to write. But I hope that we're going to know each other gradually. Do I immediately liked him, and I hope that you and I will succeed. I hope you send me your picture and tell about themselves. I'll wait for your letter. Yuliya

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RE: Yuliya <> - admin - 10-03-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Fairfax, VA 22033
Organization HopOne Internet Corporation
ISP HopOne Internet Corporation
AS Number AS14361 HopOne Internet Corporation

RE: Yuliya <> - admin - 10-03-2024

Zitat:Hello xxxxxxxxxxxxx! Today I woke up with a good mood. Because I was hopingthat you write. But when I came here today in the Internet cafe andsaw your letter, I was so pleased, and I just smiled. Yesterday Ispent the whole day was at work and not much tired. My affairs are inprinciple very well. At home my mother also in order. How are youxxxxxxxxxxxxx? How is your day yesterday? The weather here was good yesterday.How did you weather? I'm certainly not much worried, because I reallydo not want to lose you. But I hope that in my letter, I did notoffend you. In his spare time from my work, I have more time helpinghis mom, because for me it is very important too, to help at home. Butas I have time to attend various cultural institutions. I really liketo visit museums, theaters, and sometimes I go with friends to watch amovie at the cinema. I like to walk in the park and go to the beach Ilove my life, because he's gay, and I try to just not think about thebad because when you think, then you feel sad, it is best to always becheerful person in my life, it helps in many ways. During his 27years, I have learned a lot, and in my life, I also saw a lot. xxxxxxxxxxxxxDo you like to go to theaters or museums? I also love to cook, Ilearned from my mother is very tasty to prepare write and now I justalways do everything herself. So I finished the course chef. I do nottry, go to restaurants, because I really do not like how they know how to cook? My best dish that I know how to prepare it forFrench fries and meat salad. As I told you that I work in abarbershop. When I have a good mood I love listening to classical orwhat may be fun music. It keeps my mood. You love listening to music?I am certainly very pleased to tell you all about me, and I will bepleased as well to learn all about you, because now important for usto learn all that you and I can do and what we have with youshortcomings. Just in the future, then we will be much easier to referto any things. I hope that agree with me! I think that in this I willfinish my letter to yours. And I hope that I see your letter, too,with a beautiful story of your life. Bye. I'll wait. Yuliya

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[Bild: Russland_777yulia666_02_777yulia666.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_777yulia666_03_777yulia666.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Yuliya <> - admin - 10-03-2024

Zitat:Tatiana Kovaleva

Stadt:Moskau, Russland
Universität: National Research University Higher School of Economics (SU-HSE), Korrespondenzabteilung, Student (Bachelor)
Ausbildung:Schule: Lyceum Nr. 11, 1996 - 2000
Aktivität:National Research University-Higher School of Economics (SU-HSE)

[Bild: Russland_777yulia666_Profile_777yulia666.JPG.thumb.jpg]

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