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Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat:Hello! I ask a pardon that I disturb you, but for a long time you haveleft to me yours email on a site and I have decided towrite to you just now! I any more have no mine profile on this site! Ihave removed mine profil because simply I have no free time for thispurpose! But I still had yours email and I have decided to write toyou, the short message! Certainly if you answer me I will be glad! Iwill write to you about me and I will tell about the life as I willsend you my photos! To me it would be pleasant, if you answer mymessage and will tell about you! I will not force you to wait myanswer because I with impatience will wait your letter!!! I hope thatwe will be good friends and is possible it is more..... ;-)I wait your answer.

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RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
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Location NL NL, Netherlands
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Organization Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
ISP Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH

RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat:Hello. I have received your letter, and I am glad to this verymuch. I thank you for attention to me. My name - Anna. I was born inRussia where it is a lot of bears and Russian vodka. But I live andI work now in city Toronto in Canada 4 months. My age of 29 years, mysign on the zodiac - Cancer. I am a woman who is tired to be lonely. Iwant family happiness with my beloved. I have family in Russia is mymum and my younger sister. I miss them here very much, therefore I usethe Internet for dialogue with my family. I have arrived for work inCanada. I want to buy an apartment for my family in Russia because myfamily is tired to live in a demountable apartment and to not have ownhabitation.I am a young woman now, therefore the more potential of capacity andenergy exists in me and my body, and I want and I dream to meet mytrue love and to allow my beloved this energy. I love children,different animals, music and dances. I appreciate true nobleness andkindness in men. I - the romantic and fairly clever woman who does notlike to play different games with feelings of other people. I am awoman who appreciates gravity highly, confidence and purposefulness ofmen. I want to see the good and interesting guy near to me which cansubdue and fascinate me for ever. The guy who will appreciate me andtrue warm feelings. I want to have long and serious relations,therefore I want to correspond and develop relations only with seriousmen who are interested in search of true love. I hate lie, treachery,terrorism, silly people, mosquitoes, cockroaches, illness. I hope,that I have told about me a little for these some lines. If you wantto know about me more write your questions in your following letter.Do not hesitate! I wait for your letter soon if you have not forgottenme... I shall be glad to learn about you and about your life! Tellabout a place in which you live now please, and I want to see yourphotos!!! I send you my photo (I think, that you will like my photo).I hope to see your letter soon.Anna

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RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Fairfax, VA 22033
Organization HopOne Internet Corporation
ISP HopOne Internet Corporation
AS Number AS14361 HopOne Internet Corporation

RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat:Hello X. I have received your letter again and is very glad tothis. I was afraid sincerely, that you will not answer my letter, butyou have answered my letter, and I should write to you my answer now.I like your attention. If you have written to me your letter, means, Ihave interested you in something, whether not so? I like tounderstand, that I can interest you. I think, that you continue towrite to me your letters in the future because I am glad to each yourletter really. I am glad also, that you are not afraid, that I haverelatives in Russia. My family is a unique happiness in my life nowfor which I continue to live and I aspire to something in this life. Imiss on my family here in Canada. My family is my mum and my youngersister. The name of my mum Elena, age of my mum 53 years, and she anymore does not work and lives on pension money. She is very goodmother, and I very much love my mum. The name of my sister Christina,Christina's age 25 year, and she studies final year at university on aspeciality the economist. My sister - my best girlfriend whounderstands me always. I work in Toronto in private medical clinic 4months and I earn money to buy an apartment for my family in Russia. Ihave quite good earnings here! I plan to come back to Russia soon tobuy an apartment for my family (I wrote to you about it in my previousletter) though I can live in Canada still some long time. Therefore Ishall explain to you something now that you did not worry. I shallcome back to Russia for 2-3 weeks because I shall buy an apartment andto do some duties there, and then I shall come back in Toronto atonce. I warn about it you that you did not worry. Do not worry, Ishall not escape from you! And if we shall decide to meet, I think,that you can visit me in Toronto, or I can visit you (when I will havedays off)!?I live in Toronto in the house of my girlfriend Svetlana. SvetlanaRussian too, but my girlfriend lives in Canada 10 years and has theCanadian citizenship. My girlfriend Svetlana was married about 7years, but half-year ago she got divorced from her husband. Svetlanahas the small daughter, which age of 6 years. We know each other 15years, therefore Svetlana has helped me much when I have arrived inCanada. Svetlana - very good friend!!!I already wrote to you, that I am a romantic woman very much,therefore I like to dream very much. My imaginations about the futurethat waits for me and my relatives in the future. My biggest dream isa meeting of my prince which will have necessarily pure soul and thebig knightly nobleness which will love and respect me with which I cancreate happy family. My ideas about true love a little children's,probably, but it I. I am a sincere woman, therefore my imaginationsabout love seem naive, probably. But I want, that you knew it, Xbecause you are very interesting to me really. You - sincere and kindthe man (at least I see you such now), therefore I want to see yourletters on mine email always. I the lonely woman now, therefore I tryto find my love in Internet, because to write and wait every day fromthe man the warm letter for the lonely woman it very interestingly andromantically, especially if feelings start to develop between themthrough these letters (probably, love)... Unless I am not right? I ama romantic woman, therefore I like to read love novels, both modern,and classics. I like to listen to classical music, sometimes POP andRock-n-Roll. I like to dance under good slow music, and I am pleasantlike cinema, especially melodramas (I the sentimental woman). My mostfavourite film is &quot;Ghost&quot;, in which first roles at Patric Sweizi andDemi Mur. You know this film?I finish my letter on it, and I ask to answer you my new questions:you have the girlfriend? What woman of your dream? Knut, please,answer me these questions because it to know for me very important.Tell please about you and your life has more. I send you my new photo,(for a photo as my girlfriend - Svetlana and her daughter) and I hopeto see your photos in your following letter. I wait for your followingletter with impatience...Very much loving dreams Anna

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[Bild: Russland_annalavanda_03_annalavanda.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_annalavanda_04_annalavanda.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Fairfax, VA 22033
Organization HopOne Internet Corporation
ISP HopOne Internet Corporation
AS Number AS14361 HopOne Internet Corporation

RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat:Hello X . I am glad to your letter always. Your attention for thelonely woman is a gift. I thank you for this gift. I am sure, that youcan appreciate beauty of the woman, beauty of tender feelings andsurprising beauty of love. I thank you for your sincerity in yourletters. I appreciate it very much. I hope also, that you do not telllies in your letters because it is pleasant to me what I learn you inyour letters. Please, X , do not tell lies to me never! I aminterested in you seriously. I have understood you and your ideasalso. You - gentle and kind the man really with which I would be gladto spend my free time. Therefore I ask you, X , to write yourletters to me frequently because I want to spend my free time forconversation with you. Please, make it for me!!! I think (iffairly), that we are similar very much and it would be interesting tous together... How you think of it, X ? I want to know about youmore and I want to continue with you our conversations through ourletters. I ask you to not stop and continue to write to me if you areinterested in me really because the destiny has given us chance, andwe should use it, whether not so X ?I shall tell to you, X , about me something else. It will soundfor you surprisingly, but I have no close relations with men during 1year. I think, that the reason of my failure with men is my fullfeedback to my boys - friends and excessive naivety. It is insultingso when BELOVED leaves me. Your BELOVED left you once? Sex wasnecessary and important to all my last boys - friends from me, andfeelings were not important for them. I am tired to have suchrelations once, therefore I have no close relations with men 1 yearand to reject all men. It (is poorly (possible), but I am afraid to bedeceived again. I want to love and be BELOVED (understand it X)!Therefore promise me, , what you will not deceive me never ifour relations to become closer, OK? But I continue to speak you now,that I began to tell to you above in this letter. My girlfriend fromwhom I live now, has suggested to come for work to me in Canada and tofind my happiness here after one year without relations with men. Ihave agreed and have arrived in Canada. I found work in Toronto,having arrived in Canada, and I have understood, having worked somedays, that I have few free time to find my BELOVED. Therefore mygirlfriend has advised me to find the man through Internet, using hercomputer. I have agreed with my girlfriend again, therefore I write toyou now, and you can write to me your letters. I have told to you itthat you could understand my fear to make the wrong choice of the managain. It is hurt to have a wound of soul really! It is the followingreason on which I have chosen Internet to find good the man because Ican learn and understand the man better in the beginning, not meetingwith him in a reality and not spending my free time on meetings withimproper men. I ask you that you did not worry if I do not answer onyour letter soon! I work much, but I shall try to answer your lettersdaily! I hope, what you understand me, X ? Therefore know, X ,that the main thing now - I want to find my TRUE LOVE in the nearfuture. The TRUE LOVE which will not change to me never with otherwoman who can support me and &quot; to protect me a strong shoulder &quot;during any difficult moment for me. I have understood still, that if Imeet, TRUE LOVE really then I shall entrust to make the choice aboutmy future only my BELOVED (if I shall be confident, that my BELOVEDlikes and appreciates me really)!!! It sounds surprisingly for you,probably, but understand, X, Russia - the conservative country inthe belief about FAMILY. Therefore the main person in family in Russiais a man, and he solves much in FAMILY. I am conservative and naive inmy belief on LOVE and FAMILY (probably), and I should change my beliefabout FAMILY and LOVE, but I am such woman, and my father has givensuch education to me. Forgive me for my openness in this letterplease, but I want to tell to you it, and I want to be fair with youthat you have understood me better (I hope, that you are fair in yourletters too). Therefore you - next! I ask to tell you in yourfollowing letter on your plans for the future. What belief about TRUELOVE and FAMILY at you? Answer these questions please because I shallunderstand you better as the man if I shall know it. And I send you mynew photo. These photos are made in medical clinic where I work now (II hope, that it is a photo will like you). I wait for your new photosand your new letter with impatience.AnnaP.S.: the words written by the big letter,are important for me very much.

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[Bild: Russland_annalavanda_05_annalavanda.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_annalavanda_06_annalavanda.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Fairfax, VA 22033
Organization HopOne Internet Corporation
ISP HopOne Internet Corporation
AS Number AS14361 HopOne Internet Corporation

RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat:Hello X . I regret about a delay of my letter, I had very intensedays on my work. I worked all days off, and now I have a free time towrite to you the letter.! I thank you for your new letter. Knut, youare responsible a man, and I like it in you. I think, that the mainthing for our relations now is a constant development of ourrelations. We should try to learn and understand each other better ineach our new letter and then we shall understand later (probably),that we are necessary each other, and that we should meet in a realityand see, that we should make with our relations in a reality further.I am right, X ? I like our correspondence because I feel my heart,that our lonely souls are similar very much. How you think, X ? Ithank you, that you have opened and have told some secrets of yourpersonal opinion and character. I like it because it is the truth (Ifeel it). I think sometimes as though you did not write it, and yourtired heart and lonely soul have written it your hands because theseromantic ideas can belong only to tired soul from the big lonelinesswhich wants happiness really. I am sure, that lonely women from yourcity are blind because they do not see good the man, living near tothem. Therefore I shall catch this chance to learn you better (mylovely X ) because you like me very much. I hope, that the star ofhappiness will ascend in our sky soon in the future (I believe in itvery much). Remember also, that I believe you now very much.I am a romantic woman very much which trusts in true relations andfeelings, therefore I like to dream very much. I dream frequentlyabout such: the sea, a wild beach, the sun comes for horizon, I laywith my beloved on this beach, we drink dry white wine, and we look atthis beautiful sunset. We understand (with my beloved), that it istrue happiness, and we want to be only together now, and we fallasleep with this pleasant feeling in embraces each other. You like myimagination? I think, that you will like my imagination because youare romantic too as I. By the way, I like the nature very much. I liketo spend my free time, simply enjoying the nature. I like productiveleisure very much: for example, I like to be floating on the river ona canoe or to go in a wood for picnics. You like it, X ?I finish my letter on it, and I thank you once again, that you havetold about you much in your letter. Answer my new questions please.You like to dream? Why you try to find your beloved through Internet?Tell about your parents in your following letter please. I hope, thatyou will answer these questions soon. I send my new photos to you. Iwait and already I miss...Anna

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RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Fairfax, VA 22033
Organization HopOne Internet Corporation
ISP HopOne Internet Corporation
AS Number AS14361 HopOne Internet Corporation

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