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Anastasiya Abramova <> - admin - 09-27-2024;searchtotal=7

Zitat:Divnaya (27)

MitgliederübersichtEnglisch (Original) Deutsch ?I'm a simple girl from the center of Russia. I love sports and love to dance. I dream to meet a man who can provide me and our children. I want to learn to ride a car and I'll be glad if you can do it for me. Ich bin ein einfaches Mädchen von der Mitte von Russland. Ich liebe Sport und tanzen mag. Ich träume, einen Mann zu treffen, der mich und unsere Kinder versorgen kann. Ich will ein Auto fahren zu lernen und ich werde froh sein, wenn Sie es für mich machen können. Über Divnaya  Sie sucht nach  Wesentliche  [ unbeantwortete Fragen anzeigen ] Geschlecht: Weiblich    Männlich    Alter: 27    38 - 40    Wohnhaft in: Kazan, Tatarstan, Russland    Beliebig    Umziehen: In ein anderes Land    Beliebig    Aussehen: Haarfarbe: Blond    Beliebig    Haarlänge: Keine Antwort    Beliebig    Haartyp: Keine Antwort    Beliebig    Augenfarbe: Blau    Beliebig    Brille: Keine Antwort    Beliebig    Größe: 167 cm    Beliebig    Gewicht: 51 kg    Beliebig    Körperbau: Schlank    Beliebig    Ethnizität: Kaukasisch (weiß)    Beliebig    Gesichtsbehaarung: Nicht zutreffend    Beliebig    Besonderes Merkmal: Keine Antwort   Beliebig    Körperschmuck: Keine Antwort    Beliebig    Aussehen: Durchschnittlich    Beliebig    Lebensstil Trinken Sie: Ich trinke nicht    Beliebig    Rauche: Nichtraucher    Beliebig    Familienstand: Single    Beliebig    Kinder vorhanden: Nein    Beliebig    Anzahl der Kinder: Nicht zutreffend    Beliebig    Ältestes Kind: Nicht zutreffend    Beliebig    Jüngstes Kind: Nicht zutreffend    Beliebig    Möchten Sie (mehr) Kinder? Nicht sicher    Beliebig    Haustiere: Keine Antwort    Beliebig    Beruf: Verkauf / Marketing    Beliebig    Stellung im Erwerbsleben: Keine Antwort    Beliebig    Einkommen: Keine Antwort    Beliebig    Art der Wohnung: Keine Antwort    Beliebig    Lebensumstände: Keine Antwort    Beliebig    Kultureller Hintergrund/kulturelle Wertvorstellungen Nationalität: Russland    Beliebig    Bildung: Abitur    Beliebig    Sprachen: Keine Antwort    Beliebig    Englische Sprachkenntnisse: Gut    Beliebig    Russische Sprachkenntnisse: Sehr gut    Beliebig    Religion: Andere    Beliebig    Sternzeichen: Jungfrau    Beliebig    Persönlich: Körbchengröße: Keine Antwort    Beliebig    Brustumfang: Keine Antwort    Nicht zutreffend    Taillenumfang: Keine Antwort    Nicht zutreffend    Hüftumfang: Keine Antwort    Nicht zutreffend    SucheEnglisch (Original) DeutschI want to meet a man who would be my friend, husband and lover. I really want my man was a brave and honest. I will do for my man every whim. Ich will einen Mann treffen, der mein Freund, Ehemann und Liebhaber wäre. Ich will wirklich meinen Mann war ein tapferes und ehrliches. Ich werde für meinen Mann jede Laune machen.

[Bild: Russland_abramova_nastya_Profile_abramov....thumb.jpg]

[Bild: Russland_abramova_nastya_01_abramova_nas....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_abramova_nastya_02_abramova_nas....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_abramova_nastya_03_abramova_nas....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_abramova_nastya_04_abramova_nas....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_abramova_nastya_05_abramova_nas....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_abramova_nastya_06_abramova_nas....thumb.jpg]

RE: Anastasiya Abramova <> - admin - 09-27-2024

Zitat:Hello Y !!!  I am very pleased, that you have answered my letter. I to regret for a small delay of my answer to you,but I should leave from cities, at job. In general I do not know from that, ? to begin the letter.Probably,you find out something concerning me? I should inform concerning me. I the usual Russian girl actuallywho isnot distinguished than - be from others. It is probable to describe concerning itself it would beeasier, if Idid not do it for the first time. Excuse me for the disorder of words, it, because I worry a little, youseethis my first acquaintance through the Internet. The time has arrived to continue a history concerningitself.My growth of 168 centimeters, and weight 52 kg. They - normal sizes for the girl, who supports itself,and goes in sports clubs. I very much like to engage in sports competitions, without it I feel not inthe form.I like sports competitions from childhood, I participated on competitions to a trace and field athletics,and repeatedly won the awarded places. My age 30 years. And you like sports competitions? However, ithas nofor me the large value. It is important, that we have with you mutualunder tanding. I live in city Engels,as I was born and has grown. It - very beautiful city. I live with the mum and daddy in an apartmentwith two rooms.I live in a separate room , I very much like her. I shall inform concerning job: I work as the manager infirm which is engaged in colours. I very much to like to a fish. I well speak, in English but to writein meit is going to concerning many mistakes, as you can see. My dream it to create family with the correctmanin the future. I to want to inform, that I have no a house of the computer and telephone, I use theInternetin cafe of the Internet or at job. Do not leave my letter without the answer. I wait for your answer,and your photo with impatience. Sincerely Anastasiya.Best regards,If you to interest my message write to me on a box of an e-mail:abramova_nastya@yahoo.comAnastasiya!

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[Bild: Russland_abramova_nastya_01_abramova_nas....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_abramova_nastya_02_abramova_nas....thumb.jpg]

RE: Anastasiya Abramova <> - admin - 09-27-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location NL NL, Netherlands
City -,
Organization LeaseWeb Netherlands B.V.
ISP LeaseWeb Netherlands B.V.
AS Number AS60781 LeaseWeb Netherlands B.V.

RE: Anastasiya Abramova <> - admin - 09-27-2024

Zitat:Hi my new friend Y!I am very pleased, that you did not ignore my letter. It is verypleasant for me. I think, that age not the main thing, I never lookedat the person on the part of his age, for me the main thing that it isskilful to behave with the girl as the gentleman that it was possibleto rely on him in all. I shall continue the story concerning me. As Ialready spoke you, that I live one with mum and daddy. I I provideitself all necessary. I have no any children because I was nevermarried. I in life had not many men, and the longest attitudes lastapproximately 3 years, having dug attitudes has taken place for thereason that I have learned that my former the man was dishonest withme. Now I search for the correct person who always will be fair withme both most important my dream and the purpose in life it to find thecorrect person and to be with it up to the end of life in happyfamily. I like to listen to various music, the direction of music isnot of great importance for me. The main thing that music was goodthough I give the greater preference, classical music. To me deliversgreat pleasure to go to theatres. When I remain at home one I includethe tape recorder to dance under slow music. I dream to dance not one.And now I search for the man of all my life with which at us would befull mutual understanding. There can be at us with you something itwill turn out??? How you think??? I very much would like, that ourletters were not simple words. Inform me more concerning you. Than youare borrowed at leisure? Inform concerning work. It is veryinteresting to me more to learn you. And what weather at you? It isvery interesting to me because I never was outside of the country.Though I very much like to travel. When to me was 20 years, I activelywas engaged in tourism of the pedestrian and a camping. It was finetime when we have gathered with friends at night before a fire andsang songs under a guitar. We could sit at a fire all night, IT SOPERFECTLY LOOK AT the FLAME of FIRE. And you love foot tourism and afire? When at us winter, I like to ski. Inform more concerning city,it the big city? I send you a photo. Once again many thanks that youdid not ignore my letter. I shall wait your new letter withimpatience. You became interesting to me.Your new friend Anastasiya

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[Bild: Russland_abramova_nastya_03_abramova_nas....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_abramova_nastya_04_abramova_nas....thumb.jpg]

RE: Anastasiya Abramova <> - admin - 09-27-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location NL NL, Netherlands
City -,
Organization LeaseWeb Netherlands B.V.
ISP LeaseWeb Netherlands B.V.
AS Number AS60781 LeaseWeb Netherlands B.V.

RE: Anastasiya Abramova <> - admin - 09-27-2024

Zitat:Hi Y .It me again. How are you? For me pleasantly when you write to meletters and that you do not detain each time with the answer. I ampleased, that I have directly the friend not in Russia. So it isinteresting to correspond with you through such big distance. Andletters arrive so quickly, that can not think up a theme for theletter at all, but it is on the contrary good, because I see, that youdo not forget me. I recollected, when we have got acquainted with you.Then I did not think, that you will answer my letter, but I hoped forit, both you have answered, and it is excellent. Here in Russia I longsearched worthy for the man, but could not find. I want to inform youa little concerning me. As I already spoke you, that I like to dance.I go to a hall of aerobics. We prepare for various competitions.Recently we have borrowed 3 place in dances in our city. For me it issuch pride. If you want, I also could learn you to dance, though forthis purpose it will be necessary to meet face to face. And between ussuch distance though all can occur once. I did not inform youconcerning my relatives? Then I shall inform. I have mum daddy, theylive with me, still I have the grandmother and the grandfather, theylive in a village, I sometimes visit them. Unfortunately, I do nothave neither the brother, nor sister. I wait yours the letter.With best regards. Anastasiya

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[Bild: Russland_abramova_nastya_05_abramova_nas....thumb.jpg]

RE: Anastasiya Abramova <> - admin - 09-27-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location LU LU, Luxembourg
City -,
Organization root SA
ISP root SA
AS Number AS5577 root SA

RE: Anastasiya Abramova <> - admin - 09-27-2024

Zitat:Hi mine dear Mr-Y, shall be possible I to name you so.Today I have gone in internet cafe and accepted your letter. You knowwhat I felt? It was similar, as the whole world has smiled to me. AndI wanted to smile to it in the answer. Yes, I really want to kiss andembrace this big, mad world because it gives me you. I am grateful tothe God, for that that it has helped to find to me you! I am notlonely more, I can think of you each minute smile, and breathe withyou. Today I have informed concerning you to relatives. You haveseemed to them very much educated person. Mum has told, that she isglad that I have found the friend. She has asked to send the regardsto you, and has no anything against our friendship. I already verystrictly estimate our friendship. What you think in this occasion? Ivery positively look, when we shall meet in the closest future. I wantto meet you because any letters will not replace a meeting very much.It is very important, when people will feel each other when they willbe together. I so want to feel you about myself and to kiss you!Everyone wants to love and be loved , liked, favorite. But noteveryone can make it. You see, that people began so has used up gameof the actor. When I look at it, I do not want, never to speak withthem. I am afraid of it. I am afraid, that I can not find good the manwhich it will be valid the intellectual. From the big letter. Whichwill not do treachery and disrespect. Which will be kind, fair andtrue. People can not understand, that sense of all existence only LOVE- LOVE to a nature, LOVE to children, LOVE to the man, LOVE to allworld around. And there, where - the love, is not present any placefor something not clear and false. I will kiss you and I wait for yoursymbol.With love Anastasiya

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[Bild: Russland_abramova_nastya_06_abramova_nas....thumb.jpg]

RE: Anastasiya Abramova <> - admin - 09-27-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location LU LU, Luxembourg
City -,
Organization root SA
ISP root SA
AS Number AS5577 root SA

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