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Olesya <> - admin - 09-26-2024

Zitat:Hello xxxxxxxxxxxxxx! I am very glad to meet you! Thank you for write me. I am not experienced in the communication through the Internet, and do not know what to tell you. May be I could tell you about myself and hope you are able to tell me about yourself more also. As you know, my name is Olesja. I live in Ukraine in Kharkov.I live with my friend Olja, we rent a flat together with her here, as my parents are far away. My birthday is on the September,2. And I will be 24 this year. I have already graduated my university and now I will have the 2 year of practice, I am a doctor by speciality. But I get a very little salary in the hospital and it is not enough to rent a flat and to live. That is why I have the other work, I work in the shopping center in Bowling. And some days a week, when I have day offs there I work at the shop of the furniture. But I have enough free time to do what I like. I like to keep fit and to go in for different kinds of sport: Jogging, swimming, skiing, gymnastics and others. Depends on my mood. I also like to spend time with my friends and specially to go camping or just on a picnic. I like to swim a lot, that is why during the summer I try to go to the lake on the weekend, it really saves from the hot weather. I like my life and my friends, but I feel sad when there is no my beloved beside me. I wish to love somebody and somebody to love me. And in the Internet I have found this one site one day and I decided that it is some sign and regestrsted there. So here I am to communicate with you. I would like to tell you also, that I am serious about the relations between a man and a woman and I am 24 already and I need to have a family! Sorry for the private question, but how old were you when you married, if you already divorced at 20? Or have I misunderstood something?I do not know what to tell you more about my life, but if you have some questions to me, then you are welcome and I will reply all your questions with great pleasure. I also would like to know why you have regestrated here and have you met some girls already? Somebody special? Tell me also how do you spend your days and what you do? I hope to hear from you again! Your new friend from the Internet Olesya

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[Bild: Ukraine_oklubnichka1_01_oklubnichka1.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Ukraine_oklubnichka1_02_oklubnichka1.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Ukraine_oklubnichka1_03_oklubnichka1.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Ukraine_oklubnichka1_04_oklubnichka1.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Ukraine_oklubnichka1_05_oklubnichka1.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Ukraine_oklubnichka1_06_oklubnichka1.jpg.thumb.jpg]
[Bild: Ukraine_oklubnichka1_07_oklubnichka1.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Ukraine_oklubnichka1_08_oklubnichka1.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Ukraine_oklubnichka1_09_oklubnichka1.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Ukraine_oklubnichka1_10_oklubnichka1.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Ukraine_oklubnichka1_11_oklubnichka1.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Ukraine_oklubnichka1_12_oklubnichka1.jpg.thumb.jpg]

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RE: Olesya <> - admin - 09-26-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
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Location LU LU, Luxembourg
City -,
Organization root SA
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AS Number AS5577 root SA

RE: Olesya <> - admin - 09-26-2024

Zitat:Hello the interesting man from the Internet xxxxxxxxx! Thank you for the photo, you are a very nice and attractive man. Very nice that you were interested in me and replied to me. I liked it also that you have told me about yourself also, because now I know you better and may be it will be easier for us to communicate, because to tell the truth I did not get used to communicate through the Internet with the unknown to me person, but it is good experience I think and anyway it is very interesting and unusual. I have thought what will be interesting for you to know about me, and remembered that I have not told you about my family. May be you wish to know about it. Well my family is not a usual family. We love each other, but can not be together, it must be strange for you to hear it, but it is so. My parents married when they were students, and I was born. A little child needs a lot of things and a lot of money of course. Both of my parents worked, but then my grandparents had a car crash(parents of my father)and my Granny died. I have seen her only on photos, because I was 2 months only, but everyone says that she loved me most of all in her life. My Grandpa was in the hospital for a long time, but he was paralyzed after it. So, someone needed to take care about him. My mother has left her work, and took care both of me and of Grandpa. Father has found the other one work-sailor! Do you understand what it means? He spends only about one month at home, and my mother is alone all the time, only with the Grandpa who is ill. She suffers a lot, because her beloved far away and all her life she needs to take care about the ill person, but there is nothing to do, we love him. And they moved to the village, because the doctors have told that the fresh air will be better for them. I lived there with them and then I needed to enter the university, and needed to go to study! After that accident I have decide to become a doctor, because my parents think that doctors could help her, and that her death is the fault of the doctors. And I will help all the people.Thanks God the other my Grandparents(my mother's parents)are alive, I often go there to help them. I love all my family a lot and it is a pity that they needed to suffer so much! That is the story of my family, it is sad, but this is life. How is your family? Are you friendly? Do you love each other and do you like to spend time with each other? Hope to hear from you again soon! Olesja

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[Bild: Ukraine_oklubnichka1_02_oklubnichka1.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Ukraine_oklubnichka1_03_oklubnichka1.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Ukraine_oklubnichka1_04_oklubnichka1.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Olesya <> - admin - 09-26-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location LU LU, Luxembourg
City -,
Organization root SA
ISP root SA
AS Number AS5577 root SA

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