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Lena <> - admin - 09-26-2024

Zitat:Hallo xxxxxxxxxxxxxx! Ich wunsche Ihnen eine gute Tag! Auch ist es sehr frohdass man Zeit finden fur die Antwort auf meine Nachricht ... so werde ich beginnenmit dem kleinen Beschreibung ... hier mein Foto, und ich hoffe, dass esangenehm fur Sie! Auch ich mochte, dass Sie zu mir geschickt, um Ihr Foto!mein Name ist Lena, mein Alter 27 Jahre alt. Ich arbeite in der Stadt wie das KrankenhausArzt-anasteziolog und meine Pflicht bestehen wird, dass ich sollte einKorper der Person der Rentabilitat in der Narkose! Bei uns im Krankenhausgut genug Grad an Service, aber trotzdem wurde ich gerne wissen,wie bei Ihnen im Land Stellung in Krankenhausern? Es ist einfach meinberufliches Interesse. =) Ich mag den Korper in einem Ton und UnterstutzungFolglich habe ich regelma?ig auf eine Trainingshalle zu gehen. Ich habe eine Menge vonFreunde und wir sehr gerne Zeit miteinander zu verbringen. Billard spielenund Tennis, wir haben andere Unterhaltungsmoglichkeiten. Ich wohne in der Stadt Volzhsk. Ich binnicht sicher sein, dass Sie wissen, wo es ist. Es ist eine kleine Stadt in Russland.Sie werden wahrscheinlich denken, dass es sehr weit fur dich ... xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Ich nichtmochten, dass Sie voreilige Schlusse habe! ok? Denn wenn wir wollenhaben wirklich ein Treffen, versicherte ich, dass wir eine Variante fur einen zu finden binTreffen! Zum Beispiel fur mich ein Problem fur dont haben eine Sitzung Ischon au?erhalb von Russland! Es war klein reisen. Ich war in der Turkei,in Finnland ... Es war angenehm, mich in diese Lander, weil fur michEs war sehr interessant zu sehen, neu! Es ist absolut andere Kultur, andereEssen, andere Sprache, fur mich alles, es war sehr interessant! Ich war dortals Tourist, und ich bin sicher, dass Sie keine Notwendigkeit, uber eine SorgeTreffen! Ich im allgemeinen sehr zuversichtlich, Madchen, und wenn wir wirklich eineTreffen Ich bin sicher, wir konnen, damit es eine Realitat, und jetzt wurde ichum herauszufinden, wie Sie besser! xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Bitte versuchen, Zeit zu finden, undSchreiben Sie mir ein wenig uber sich selbst! Welchen Charakter bei Ihnen? Was meinst duSie gute Unterhaltung? Ob es bei Ihnen eine Frau? Was meinst duschatzen bei Frauen? Ich werde fur Ihre Antwort warten. Ihre Freundin Lena

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[Bild: Russland_elenirfoo_01_elenirfoo.JPG.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_elenirfoo_02_elenirfoo.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_elenirfoo_03_elenirfoo.JPG.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_elenirfoo_04_elenirfoo.JPG.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_elenirfoo_05_elenirfoo.JPG.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_elenirfoo_06_elenirfoo.JPG.thumb.jpg]
[Bild: Russland_elenirfoo_07_elenirfoo.JPG.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_elenirfoo_08_elenirfoo.JPG.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_elenirfoo_09_elenirfoo.JPG.thumb.jpg]

RE: Lena <> - admin - 09-26-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location NL NL, Netherlands
City -,
Organization LeaseWeb Netherlands B.V.
ISP LeaseWeb Netherlands B.V.
AS Number AS60781 LeaseWeb Netherlands B.V.

RE: Lena <> - admin - 09-26-2024

Zitat:Hello dear friend xxxxxxxxx!!! I am so happy to receive another letter from you! It means so much to me.I want to tell you more about me in this letter. I am very kind and generous. I have good sense of humour And I like to make people happy. I like fair people who look directly in my eyes when they speak to me. I do not like people who lie. It is a very bad quality in people.I read books in my free time at work. My favorite kind of books are novels and adventures and books about travelers. I like to listen to music. Usually, I listen to the Russian artists.Celine Dion is a foreign artist that I like. She has a very nice voice. Sometimes I listen to the radio. Sometimes I watch TV. I like to watch shows about animals. My favorite show is &quot;In Fauna&quot;. I also like to watch the news. What happens in the world while I am at work is interesting to me. When I have free time, I like to participate in sport. It helps me to keep my figure. I visit aerobics. It keeps me healthy. xxxxxxxxx, do you play any sports?I also like to cook. My mother taught me. She is a magnificent cook. I am proud of her. I can make soups and salads of all kinds. I think I can Prepare just about anything from pizza to chocolate ice cream. I also like to bake pies. Apple pie is my favorite. My favourite color is dark blue. It symbolizes calmness and silence As the sky in clear weather and power and stability as the sea. Especially I like to watch the dark blue sky with bright stars in the evening. I will close for now. Please write soon, I don't want to lose contact with you.Respectfully, Lena!

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[Bild: Russland_elenirfoo_01_elenirfoo.JPG.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_elenirfoo_02_elenirfoo.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Lena <> - admin - 09-26-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location NL NL, Netherlands
City -,
Organization LeaseWeb Netherlands B.V.
ISP LeaseWeb Netherlands B.V.
AS Number AS60781 LeaseWeb Netherlands B.V.

RE: Lena <> - admin - 09-26-2024

Zitat:Hello xxxxxxxxxxxxx! How are you? I am fine. I am happy to receive your letter.I want to tell you in this letter why I have not found a boyfriend hereIn Russia. I hope this story interests you. My story is the classic oneof love and deception. She loved him and he said He loved her but actuallyloved another woman. It seemed like things were going well with us, but Iwas wrong. He was meeting other girl behind my back. I used to think thisonly happened in stories in magazines, but I was wrong. I think I am wiser now.I have heard about Internet dating for a long time, but I have only recentlyDecided to look into it. I hope that our dialogue will be serious and weshall not leave each other Having told nothing. All I need is to love andto be loved. I want to hold, to meet, to kiss, To cook for and to love justone special for me person, I hope you will be this man for me. What madeyou decide to date through the Internet? I did not speak you about my Dad,he has left me and my Mum when I was the child, I do not know where he is now.At first he got home in one day and then has disappeared absolutely.I would like to see him, but I think that it is impossible now and he won'tBe glad to see me again. But I don't regret about it, it was many years ago.I will close for now and wait for your next letter. I want to continuewriting to you, so please write soon. Bye-bye! Lena

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Elena Yurjevna Leuchina 67 00 302070

[Bild: Russland_elenirfoo_Pass_elenirfoo.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Lena <> - admin - 09-26-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location NL NL, Netherlands
City -,
Organization LeaseWeb Netherlands B.V.
ISP LeaseWeb Netherlands B.V.
AS Number AS60781 LeaseWeb Netherlands B.V.

RE: Lena <> - admin - 09-26-2024

Elena Yurjevna Leuchina 67 00 302070

[Bild: Russland_elenirfoo_Pass_elenirfoo.jpg.thumb.jpg]

Zitat:Der Russische Inlands-Pass ist zu 100 % ein Fake-Dokument! Das Pass-Foto wurde mit einem Fotobearbeitungsprogramm in den Inlands-Passeingefügt! Der Sicherheitsstreifen wurde links vom Ursprungsfoto ausgefüllt, das eingefügte Pass-Foto spart den Sicherheitsstreifen an dieserStelle aus! Ein solches Pass-Foto wäre in einem Russischen Inlands-Pass nicht möglich, dort gelten die gleichen Vorschriften für Pass-Bilder wiebei uns! Der hier verwendete Schrift- und Zahlen-Typus entspricht keinem Originalen Typus eines Inlands-Passes! Das Ausstellungsdatum vom29.12.2003 passt nicht zur Inlands-Pass Serien-Nummer 67 00 ... ! Die Stempel-Nummer 120-882 gehört zur Republik Mari El in Russland! DieRepublik Mari El hat die 88'er Serien-Nummer für Inlands-Pässe! Die 67'er Serien-Nummer für Inlands-Pässe gibt es in Russland nicht! Die Unter-schrift der Inlands-Passinhaberin passt nicht zum Familiennamen! 

The Russian Domestic-Passport is 100% a Fake-Document! The passport-photo was inserted with a photo-editing-program into the domestic-passport! The security-strip was filled from the original-photo on the left, the pasted passport-photo extinguishes the security-strip on that place!Such a passport-photo wouldn't be possible in any Russian Domestic-Passport, there are the same rules for passport-images as here! The hereused font- and number-type doesn't match any original-type of a domestic-passport! The date of issue 12.29.2003 doesn't fit with the domestic-passports serial-number 67 00 ... ! The stamp-number 120-882 is part to the Republic Mari El in Russia! The Republic Mari El has the 88'er serial-number for domestic-passports! There aren't any 67'er serial-number for a domestic-passports in Russia! The signature of the domestic passport-holder doesn't match with her family-name!

RE: Lena <> - admin - 09-26-2024

Zitat:Hello my honey xxxxxxxxxxxxx!!! May I name you so? Today I am very happy, I find your letter.How are you? I am fine. I hope you are in good mood too. I have a difficult day today.And I am very tired but when I have seen your letter I became happy. Today I shall readslightly at home. And then I shall watch TV. Today very interesting film &quot;The Jewelof the Nile&quot;. It is adventure film. And I very much love it. I want to get to knowmore about your city. My dear, I think it will be interesting if I shall tell you aboutmy city. My city of Volzhsk is very small. The population here is about 63 thousand people,it is very small town. There are no mountains here. There is a very small river. It isthe small information on my city. I hope now you have some representation about my city.I want to ask you. xxxxxxxxxxxxx, what feelings do you have to me? Something has changedIn your daily life from dialogue with me? It is important for me and it is very interestingfor me. I have very much warm feeling to you. I think our relation will have goodcontinuation. How do you think? I will close for now and wait for your next letter.Your faithfully Lena!

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[Bild: Russland_elenirfoo_03_elenirfoo.JPG.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_elenirfoo_04_elenirfoo.JPG.thumb.jpg]

RE: Lena <> - admin - 09-26-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location NL NL, Netherlands
City -,
Organization LeaseWeb Netherlands B.V.
ISP LeaseWeb Netherlands B.V.
AS Number AS60781 LeaseWeb Netherlands B.V.

RE: Lena <> - admin - 09-26-2024

Zitat:Hello xxxxxxxxxx! How are you? I am very happy to receive your answer. Ilike to read your letters. They bring to me a lot of pleasure. I verymuch would like to have with you our love together. I am glad thathave found such person as you. xxxxxxxxxx, I want to tell you about mychildhood. I shall begin with my youth. I tried many differenthobbies. When I went to school I was engaged in addition much. Ivisited lessons of dances, I sang in school chorus. And also I alwaysdrew the wall newspaper at our school. Also I go to swimming poolsince childhood. As one of my favorite hobbies is to cook various newdishes. All like my meal. I hope, that you will estimate it soon. Inleisure when in street bad weather I take the big interest In the TVSET and reading of books. As I have already told I love the variousliterature. But basically it is love novels. I can speak about myhobby very long. Tell me pleae about your childhood and a hobby. It isvery interesting to me. I spoke you about my work, but just a little.I always have various days and I work during various time, Sometimes Iwork till a midday, sometimes after a midday and Sometimes all the daylong. I teach philosophy for pupils of 5-9 grades. I have theuniversity Degree, the economist speciality, but jobs that need thisspeciality Are already occupied and I has gone to work at school. Whatcan you tell interesting about your work? Bye-bye. I wait your letterwith impatience. Your Lena!

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[Bild: Russland_elenirfoo_05_elenirfoo.JPG.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_elenirfoo_06_elenirfoo.JPG.thumb.jpg]

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