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RE: Nadushka <> - admin - 12-14-2024

Zitat:Hi my dear! I am glad to your message and thank, that you understandme. You are, one of those few people xxxxxxxxx, in which I can findunderstanding. How has passed your day dear? I hope, that at you allOK! I have some news to you xxxxxxxxx. Today I had conversation withagency of travel. They have told, that to receive the visa of thetourist in your country difficultly, but they, probably can to help mein it. The agent did not begin to discuss a detail by phone and wehave appointment tomorrow. Tomorrow I shall meet them and to discuss aquestion with the visa. I hope, lovely, that all will be - OK. I havesome excitement concerning all it, but also I have firm intention tomeet you dear! Therefore any difficulties and charges of money, willnot stop me. Write to me, yours messages, dear, give me many forcesand energy. My gentle kisses.         
Yours Nadya

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[Bild: Russland_resistwolf222_62_resistwolf222.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_resistwolf222_63_resistwolf222.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_resistwolf222_64_resistwolf222.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Nadushka <> - admin - 12-14-2024

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Location US US, United States
City Secaucus, NJ 07094
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RE: Nadushka <> - admin - 12-14-2024

Zitat:Hi  my  lovely  xxxxxxxx! I am glad to speak again with you! dear, I havegood  news  to  you.  Today  I  have  met  the  agent  travel to learnconcerning  the  visa. he has explained me a situation about receptionof  the visa to you. Your government has made more strict control overentrance  to  the  country  because  of  terrorism  and  sanctions andconsequently  to  receive  to you the visa uneasy. But the agency willmake  it  for  me.  The  agent  has  told,  that they recently alreadyreceived some visas of tourists in your country. I am very glad xxxxxxxx,that  we  will not have with it big difficulties. I all over again hadfears, that the agency cannot it to make or for this purpose very longtime  will  be  required.  But  the agent has told, that the visa willdemand  from  them  approximately  two  weeks. Tomorrow I will need toreach  in  office  of  agency,  to sign there the contract and also weshall  decide  question on payment of them. I send you my address, youwill  find  it  in  the  end  of  the letter. Also I send a copy of mypassport.  I  am glad that you will help to pay tickets. I wished tellto  you that I cannot to pay all cost independently. Now it is time tome  to  go  lovely  to  make  photos  for  the  visa  and  to  fill inquestionnaires  for  embassy.  The  agent  has  told,  it should be isprepared  tomorrow when I shall come to them to office. I very pleasedxxxxxxxx,  that now our preparations have begun and through small time weshall be together! Write to me lovely ideas, I wait for your messages.Kiss you!!!                                 
Yours information:first name: Nadezhdalast name: Romashevacountry: Russiacity: Okulovkaaddress: Bazovaya street 8zip code: 174350

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Nadeshda Nikolaevna Romasheva 71 5017644

[Bild: Russland_resistwolf222_Pass_resistwolf222.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Nadushka <> - admin - 12-14-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
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Location US US, United States
City Secaucus, NJ 07094
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RE: Nadushka <> - admin - 12-14-2024

Zitat:Hi my dear! Merry Christmas! xxxxxxxx, my day was very intense and isvery tired. I reached in office of agency and signed with them thecontract. In conformity with the contract, the agency will prepare mefor all documents for travel, to buy for me the ticket and to deliverme to the plane. From my city there are no planes to you andconsequently I all over again will need to reach to Moscow, andtherefrom already to you. My agent needs some information for a routeof the plane, inform me dear, the address and the nearest airport toyou to which I shall arrive. This information is necessary tomorrowthat the agent could develop route and to establish all cost oftravel. Today I paid in him the first part of money, for the visa andother documents for travel. It was in some times more, than I thought.dear, it is possible, that to me you will be required the help forpayment of other part of cost of travel. I have some money still, andalso took some money at my mother, but it is possible them will notsuffice for payment of the second part of cost, for insurance andtickets. It will be known after the agent will develop a route. Thesecond part of cost I should pay under the contract, before to takeaway the visa. I shall inform you xxxxxxxx, if to be necessary for me thehelp. I hope, that it will not be a problem for you and I can notworry about it. I informed you all news about promotion of our meetingand now I go to have a rest, I am very tired today. I hope, what I cansoon embrace you xxxxxxxx. I wait for your messages my favourite . Mykisses and embraces!         
Yours Nadya.P.S. Do not forget to inform the address and the near airport.

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RE: Nadushka <> - admin - 12-14-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
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Location US US, United States
City Secaucus, NJ 07094
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