Ekaterina / Inna <> <> - Druckversion

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RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat:Hi dear YX ! I am glad to receive Your letter! How are You? I amvery glad that that You can help me my angel! Very soon we will bewith you together and the world for us with you will turn over, for meit will change completely! Because I will be near to you, I will benear to loved the man. I about it dreamt a lot of time. I looked atthe girlfriends when they were together with the loved, is final to meas it would be desirable it. And now my dream, my most treasureddesires are executed! And all it thanks to You my love YX .Money to pay it is necessary these days dear. I learnt in travelagency, and from the girlfriend as you can transfer me money. Thereare such banks as the Western Union or MoneyGramm. That you couldtransfer me money, you need to know my Ekaterinasurname: Shtykovacountry: Russiacity: CivilskThis information there will be my enough angel YX. Please as donot forget to write me control number for reception of money and theexact sum of transfer. I very much hope for You my love. YX, tryto make it tomorrow. My love, my heart belongs to you and anybodymore! I never will leave You, always I will be near to You in pleasureand in a trouble. Remember always that that I love you and my lifewithout You is empty. Yours on eyelids, with love   :-X Ekaterina.

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Ekaterina Vatersname? Shtykova 51N0473912

[Bild: Russland_skorovarmiyzachem_Pass_skorovar....thumb.jpg]

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Yoshkar-ola, 45 424038
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41786 JSC ER-Telecom Holding

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Ekaterina Vatersname? Shtykova 51N0473912

[Bild: Russland_skorovarmiyzachem_Pass_skorovar....thumb.jpg]

Zitat:Der Russische Reise-Pass ist zu 100 % ein Fake-Dokument! Der Sicherheitsstreifen fehlt über dem Pass-Bild! Das Pass-Foto wurde mit einem Foto-bearbeitungsprogramm in den Reise-Pass eingefügt! Solche Pass-Fotos sind in Russland nicht möglich, dort gelten die gleichen Vorschriften fürPass-Bilder wie hier! Der hier verwendete Schrift- und Zahlen-Typus entspricht keinem Originalen Typus eines Reise-Passes! Das Geburtsdatumvom 15.10.1982 im Schriftteil wird im Maschinenlesbaren Teil zum 21.10.1975! Das Gültigkeitsdatum vom 17.07.2015 wird im MaschinenlesbarenTeil zum 26.04.2009! Der Reise-Pass war am 26.04.2009, also vor dem Ausstellungsdatum vom 17.07.2010, schon ungültig! Im MaschinenlesbarenTeil wird die Reise-Pass Serien-Nummer 510473912 zur 0473912<< ! Der Nationalitätskürzel RUS fehlt in der oberen Zeile des MaschinenlesbarenTeils komplett! In der unteren Zeile des Maschinenlesbaren Teils sind Platzhalter willkürlich dazwischen gesetzt! Die letzte Prüfziffer fehlt komplett!Die Angabe des Vatersnamens fehlt komplett im Schriftteil! Die Angabe des Geschlechtes mit [ch1046]/W ist falsch, dort müsste /F stehen, denn diezweite Amtssprache ist Englisch (female) und nicht Deutsch (weiblich)! Die Angabe des Geburtsortes also Civilsk wird im echtenReise-Pass nicht übersetzt! Die Angabe USSR fehlt dagegen komplett! Die Unterschrift der Passinhaberin passt nicht zum Familien-Namen! 

The Russian Travel-Passport is 100% a Fake-Document! The Security-Model on the passport-photo is missing completely! The passport-picture wasinserted with a photo-editing-program into the Travel-Passport! Such passport-photos aren't possible in Russian Travel-Passports, there apply thesame rules for Passport-Pictures like here! The here used font- and number-type doesn't correspond to any original type of a Travel-Passport! Thedate of birth from 15.10.1982 in the writing-part becomes in the machine-readable-part to 21.10.1975! The effective-date of 17.07.2015 becomesin the machinereadable-part to 26.04.2009! The Travel-Passport was on the 26.04.2009, before the date of 17.07.2010 issue, already invalid! Themachine-readable-part of the Travel-Passports Serial-Number 510473912 becomes to a 0473912<< ! The Nationality-Code RUS is missing com-pletely in the top-line of the machine-readable-part! In the bottom-line of the machinereadable-part some wildcards were randomly placed in be-tween! The last check-digit is completely missing! The indication of the father's-name is completely missing in the written-part! The type of sex with[ch1046] / W is wrong, there have to be a  / F , witch stand for the second official language in English (female) and not in German (weiblich)! The placeof birth here (Civilsk)  isn't translated in a real Travel-Passport! However here the statement USSR is missing completely! The signatureof the passport holder doesn't match the her family-name!

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat:Hello my YX!Thanks for your sincere letter. I, certainly, expected to see a littleother answer, but what to do. I understand, that you do not want tohelp me with money. But I any more do not know where to me stillcollected the money! I asked all friends, relatives... Than they couldthat to me have helped. But it is more... I do not present... You Areafraid or want to help me after visiting is has no value. Our meetingin general can and to be. If we now shall not help each other weshould wait very for a long time for our meeting. Whether youunderstand, that if now to not pay the stayed sum to me the contractis necessary to break off and to pay the penalty! It will reject ourtime of a meeting for uncertain term or can happen, that we nevershall not meet! It is terrible even to think. I love you! You love meso let's not complicate each other a life. I actually do not knowwhere to me still to get money. Ask the friends familiar - there canbe they can help us. I love you and very much I wait for our meeting,my angel

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[Bild: Russland_skorovarmiyzachem_26_skorovarmi....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_skorovarmiyzachem_27_skorovarmi....thumb.jpg]

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Kursk, 41 305009
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS59713 JSC ER-Telecom Holding

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat:Hello my dear!!! How are you? I hope that at you everything is allright and that you are live and healthy. How you have spent thisweek-end? I have spent this week-end of the house as in the street nownot the best weather for walks. I looked Russian serial &quot;the Saboteur.The war end.&quot; It is very interesting serial about the Great PatrioticWar. In it it is told as three Russian saboteurs battle to fascists inback of the enemy. You heard something about this film? If you it didnot look I to you I advise it to look it very interesting andfascinating film. I hope that you will look it. In my city also I nowam very dirty I leave on street only when I go to shop to buy afoodstuff. What new in your city? In your city what weather? I withimpatience will wait from you for the letter and your news. Your Ekaterina

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[Bild: Russland_skorovarmiyzachem_28_skorovarmi....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_skorovarmiyzachem_29_skorovarmi....thumb.jpg]

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Moscow, 48 101752
Organization Beeline Home
ISP Beeline Home
AS Number AS8402 VimpelCom

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat:Hello my dear!!! Why you do not write me the letter??? I very stronglywish to continue to communicate with you. How your health? I'm fine,in this week-end I plan to visit circus. And you than plan to beengaged in this week-end? How are your near relations? What weather inyour city? In my city remarkable weather. Here it is cold, but alreadysnow everywhere lays. I hope that you will answer my letter. I withimpatience will wait for your letter. Ekaterina

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[Bild: Russland_skorovarmiyzachem_30_skorovarmi....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_skorovarmiyzachem_31_skorovarmi....thumb.jpg]

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Moscow, 48 101752
Organization Beeline Home
ISP Beeline Home
AS Number AS8402 VimpelCom

RE: Ekaterina / Inna <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024


Über mich
Status: Premium-Mitglied
Alter: 28
Wohnland: Rußland
Sternzeichen: Stier
Augenfarbe: blau
Haarfarbe: braun
Größe: 174 cm
Gewicht: 53 kg
Figur: normal
Erscheinungsbild: modisch klassisch individuell
Fitnesslevel: gut in Form
Rauchstatus: Nichtraucher
Ernährungstyp: Gesunde Küche
Lieblingsküche: Italienisch Französisch
Familienstand: ledig
Kinder: keine
Kinderwunsch: ja
Eigener Haushalt: ja
Beruf: Angestellter
Berufsgruppe: Angestellter
Religion: griechisch-orthodox
Muttersprache: Russisch
Fremdsprachen: Englisch Deutsch
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