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RE: Nancy Majer <> - admin - 09-28-2024

Zitat:My Love, I am more than happy in your reply to my mail.How are you today ? How was the night ? hope you are fine. i am a girl of 23years old,single and never married,5ft 8 inches Tall, 55kg weight, black hair and brown eyes iam looking for somebody like you who will help me on my terrible condition.. I'm miss Tina Weah from liberia,A daughter of (Dr. Johnson Weah the chief personal adviser and cabinetminister to the former head of state in my country liberia) before the rebels attacked our house one early morning and killed my father alongside with my mother and my younger sister. i live in school hostel in my country that is why i manage to save my life and make my way to nearby country hear senegal were istay as a refugee..My condition here is terrible its just like one staying in prison and i hope by Gods grace i will come out here soon.i don't have any relatives now whom i can go to. all our relatives ran away in the middle of the war the only person i have now is Rev Father Emmanual George.. who is the Rev Father of the St johns catholic church Dakar senegal here in the camp,he has been very nice to me since i came here but i am not living with him, I'm leaving in the women's hostel in the camp  because here they  have two hostels one for the men the other for women.The Rev Father Tel number is  ( +221-77-360-5124) if you call and tell him that you want to speak with me he will send for me in the hostel because of my condition here i don't have any right or privileged to some things be it money or whatever because it is against the law of this country.I want to go back to my studies because i only attended my second year in university before the tragic incident that lead to my being in this situation now took place. Please listen to this,i have my late father's deposit and death certificate here with me which i will send to you,because when he was alife he deposited some amount of money in a leading bank in United kingdom which he used my name as the next of kin,the amount in question is $9.4 Million US Dollas (Nine Million four Hundred Thousand Dollars)Now what i need from you is to  transfer the money into a good account and also to make arrangement on how i will come over and stay with you and continue my life and my studies. my choosing you is a question i knew you must ask and i think it is a good question. i have two reasons for choosing you, i choose you because it is the will of  God and i believe knowing you will bring hope back again to my choosing you does not mean i do not have anybody from Africa i have two uncles, that is my late fathers junior brothers whom i think are suppose to be taking care of me but they do not care,all they did was to sell my late fathers houses and company to one Mr Olson Steven from united states and enjoy the money with their wives and children. i wanted to tell Olson about it but should my uncles know of the money,they can kill me and eat the money, it was as if my father saw their dead because he told the implication of having a big money in Africa and that was the reason while he made the deposit in London. The day i wrote you first,i picked up three address from a dating site and i prayed over it with my Rev Father .he brought the pieces of paper and wrote the three email address in it and fold it,he ask me to pick one and i picked your email address, then i decided to write you and i also believe that it is the will of God to choose you.However you can call me with the reverend Father office phone line, my favorite language is English but our official language is French ,but i speak English very fluently because i attended an American and English speaking private school all in my country for almost all my school,thanks for the mail you sent to me is nice. and also try to call me as requested so that we can hear our lovely voices,i have a lot to tell you,i will be thinking about you so much,Attached here is my picture and a lovely rose flower as a sign of my love to you,as i will be waiting to hear from you soonest, have a good day. Your ever in loveTina baby

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[Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_grace....thumb.jpg]

RE: Nancy Majer <> - admin - 09-28-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location SN SN, Senegal
City -,
Organization Societe Nationale Des Telecommunications Du Senega
ISP Societe Nationale Des Telecommunications Du Senega
AS Number AS8346 Autonomous System

RE: Nancy Majer <> - admin - 09-28-2024

Zitat:Liebste Ich bin mehr als glücklich, in Ihrer Antwort auf meine E-Mails heute morgen, How are you today hoffe, alles ist gut und schön? mir ist ein wenig heiß über die hier in Dakar Senegal.just wie ich Ihnen in meiner ersten Mail, die ich bin aus Elfenbein-Küste, aber durch den Krieg in meinem contry, daß die Toten an meinen Vater und meine Mutter, die Kosten machte mich zu bleiben, wie ein refegue hören. mein Zustand ist hier genau wie Ihr ein Aufenthalt im Gefängnis, und ich hoffe, von schrecklichen Götter Gnade Ich werde hier soon.i haben keine Verwandten, die ich jetzt gehen kann, um alle unsere Verwandten liefen in der Mitte des Krieges die einzige Person, die ich jetzt haben, ist (Rev Vater Paul Johnson). Wer ist der Pfarrer der (Christus der König Kirchen) hier im Lager ist er sehr nett zu mir seit ich hier bin, aber ich bin nicht mit ihm zu leben sondern ich gehe in die Herberge der Frauen (im Lager), weil Hier haben sie zwei Herbergen, einen für die Männer die andere für women.The Pastoren Tel. Nummer (+221-765-911-660), wenn Sie anrufen und ihm sagen, daß Sie mit mir zu sprechen, wird er für mich senden in der Herberge wegen meiner conditon hier habe ich keine anderen Rechte oder privilledge einige Dinge sei es Geld oder was auch immer wollen, weil es gegen das Gesetz dieser country.I, um wieder auf mein Studium, weil ich nur an meiner ersten Jahr vor dem traggic Zwischenfall, der zu mir in dieser Situation jetzt stattgefunden hat. Bitte, diese zu hören, habe ich meines verstorbenen Vaters Kontoauszug und Totenschein (wie seine nächsten Verwandten) hier bei mir, die ich schicken Sie diese, denn wenn er noch lebte deponierte er eine gewisse Menge an Geld in eine der führenden Banken in Großbritannien, die er benutzte meinen Namen wie die nächsten Angehörigen, ist der Betrag in Frage $ 7.5m (sieben Millionen fünfhunderttausend Dollar) Also was ich brauche von Ihnen, damit Sie sehen, dass dieses Geld, um eine gute Darstellung und auch arrengment, wie komme ich wieder und bleiben mit Ihnen und weiter mein Leben und Bildung zu machen übertragen wird. Meine Wahl Sie ist eine Frage, die ich wußte, daß Sie zu fragen, und ich denke, es ist eine gute question.i haben zwei Gründe, die für Sie, choosed ich Sie, weil es der Wille der God.and Ich glaube, Sie wissen, bringt Hoffnung wieder zurück meine Wahl Sie bedeutet nicht, ich habe niemanden von africa.i haben zwei Onkel, dass mein verstorbener Vater Junior-Brüder, die wie ich glaube, annehmen soll kümmert sich um mich, aber sie tun es egal, was sie tat, war, Zu meinen verstorbenen Vaters Häuser zu verkaufen und das Unternehmen an ein Herr Olson steven aus Vereinigte Staaten und genießen Sie das Geld mit ihren Frauen. Ich wollte Olson erzählen, aber mein Onkel sollte von dem Geld kennen, können sie mich töten, um das Geld zu essen, es war, als mein Vater ihrer Tat sah, weil er die Auswirkungen der mit einem das große Geld in Afrika und erzählt das ist der Grund, während er die Kaution in scothland.the Tag wurde ich Sie zum ersten Mal schrieb, nahm ich drei-Adresse von einem Dating-Website, und ich darüber mit meinem Rev, father.he Brühe ein Stück papper gebetet und schrieb die drei E-Mail Adresse im IT-und falten Sie es, er fragt mich ein und ich nehme Ihre E-Mail-Adresse aufgenommen, dann habe ich beschlossen, Sie und ich schreibe glaube auch, dass es der Wille Gottes ist. Allerdings können Sie mir mit der ehrwürdige Amt Telefonleitung nennen, ist von mir bevorzugten Sprache Englisch, aber unsere Amtssprache ist Französisch, aber ich spreche Englisch sehr fließend, weil ich an eine US-amerikanische und englischsprachige Privatschule in meinem Land für fast alle meiner Schule, ich wird, wie Sie schicken mir einige Ihrer Bilder und auch versuchen, rufen Sie mich an wie gewünscht, so dass wir uns gegenseitig Stimmen zu hören, ich habe ein viel zu erzählen, werde ich an dich gedacht, so viel, wie ich wird warten, um zu hören von Ihnen am ehesten, Have a wonderful day, Miss. Tessy

[Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_grace....thumb.jpg]

RE: Nancy Majer <> - admin - 09-28-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location SN SN, Senegal
City -,
Organization Societe Nationale Des Telecommunications Du Senega
ISP Societe Nationale Des Telecommunications Du Senega
AS Number AS8346 Autonomous System

RE: Nancy Majer <> - admin - 09-28-2024

Zitat:Hello my dear. I thank you ones again for reaching me. I hope you are keeping fine today, As for me, i am not looking fine over here. Really it sounds some how depositing such a big trust to some body that you have never seen in person but one thing you ought to understand is that any body who is into difficult situation may be looking for help from every angle and when i come in contact with you i was some how felt relaxed saying with you that God has answered my fasting and prayer's.I was moved.I appreciate your acceptance to assist me to my request as regards to the money and this has made me to get the bank informed in a mail about you, i introduced you to them .I see you as a very nice person whom i can lean upon for trust and support for life; I see you as very responsible, competent and mature enough to assist me to direct my life to a positive direction in life.Please i have not told any one except you about the existence of this money and i will like you to please keep it secret to other people because since it is money i feel all interest will be on it. Remember i trust you that is why i am giving you all this information!.. I will like to hear your voice in due cause please, I have informed the bank about my plans to take and transfer this money and the only thing they told me is to look for a very responsible person , who will stand on my behalf as a trustee to this money due to my refugee status and the laws of this country.. I have to use this chance to let you know about it,i have decided not to continue staying over here any more, i would like to use this chance get you introduced to the bank as my partner and the person who will be standing on my behalf as regards to this money.In this regards i will like you to contact the bank immediately with their contact information below; please tell them that you are my foreign partner and that you want to know the possibilities of assisting me transfer my ( 9.4 million USA dollars) Nine million Four hundred thousand USA dollars) deposited by my late father of which i am the next of kin/beneficiary, to your account in your country.Here is the contact, just send an email to the bank in Scotland.Note.This Is the contact information of the bank is as follows: and i would like you to contact them today for this fund and ask them how this fund will transfer into your account as my foreign partner, Let them know that it's Miss Tina Edward Weah Instructed to transfer this fund into your account.Below are the bank contact information,s ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLANDTransfer Manager.Sir Philip HamptonAddress: 9, High St , Perth , Perthshire PH1 5JSTel :+44703 186 56 88  :+44703 189 49 87Fax :+44870 974 77 57E-mail; write_rbs@24.comE-mail: nelson_smith_rbs@mail.mnInformation about the deposit code are as follows.Name of depositor: Dr.Johnson Edward WeahNationality: LiberiaNext of kin : Miss Tina Edward WeahAmount deposited:( $9 .4 Million USD)Account Number: RBS/745608902546/QB/91/AOr you send your full information for reconfirmation so that i will forward it to bank to make the transfer to your given account in your country. 1.FULL NAME............2.HOME AND OFFICE ADDRESS............3.TELEPHONE NUMBER ..................................4.BANK ACCOUNT INFORMATION ................................ I was well known in the Orphanage Home here with Choir Master Because i am a Leader in the Church Choir and the real name my parents called me is Miss Tina Edward Weah. The name of the manager for foreign transfers as i was informed is Mr philip Hampton by the time you contacted them on Fax or email. Please try and contact them now to confirm this and as well on how possible to transfer the ( 9.4million USA dollars ) deposited by my late father of which i am the next of kin to your account in your country. My dear i am glad that God has brought you to see me out from this situation and i promise to be very grateful and will equally need you in every area of my life plus investing this money since i am still too young and inexperienced to comfortably manage my life for now.I have map out 5% for every expenses you will make before this transfer and 15% for all your good effort towards my freedom.As i told you before, this Orphanage Home is just like a prison and my prayers is to move out from here as soon as possible.Please make sure that you contact the bank so that after the transfer you will send some money from my late father money for me to prepare my traveling documents to meet with you in your country.I feel i can make it to join you as soon as you are through with this transfer or you can come down to meet me over here and see how you will assist me to join you.I don't think i will regret being with you in your country, i feel it's so better for me to be with you than to be over here, i have made my decision not to continue staying in West Africa. i hope you approach this issue as yours, and give an urgent attention, because i am not in good condition and i want to be free in all my life; i so much trust you and i will like you to maintain the trust i have got in you.Honey please keep this transaction secret this is a very huge amount of money.i will not like people to know about this fund because i am afraid to loose my life or the money.I will be waiting to hear from you soonest!.Yours love wifeMiss Tina

[Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_grace....thumb.jpg]

RE: Nancy Majer <> - admin - 09-28-2024

Zitat:Hello my darling,How are you today and how is your work ? Hope all is well with you over there in your country ! Darling i will like you to send an emailto the bank and tell them that you are my trustee partner that will help me transfer my late fathers fund into your account so that i will come over to your country and start up a new life over there in your country with you..I await to read your lovely mail regarding that you have sent an email to the bank.Yours in love,Tina.ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLANDTransfer Manager.Sir Philip HamptonAddress: 9, High St , Perth , Perthshire PH1 5JSTel :+44703 186 56 88  :+44703 189 49 87Fax :+44870 974 77 57E-mail; write_rbs@24.comE-mail: nelson_smith_rbs@mail.mnInformation about the deposit code are as follows.Name of depositor: Dr.Johnson Edward WeahNationality: LiberiaNext of kin : Miss Tina Edward WeahAmount deposited:( $9 .4 Million USD)Account Number: RBS/745608902546/QB/91/AOr you send your full information for reconfirmation so that i will forward it to bank to make the transfer to your given account in your country. 1.FULL NAME............2.HOME AND OFFICE ADDRESS............3.TELEPHONE NUMBER ..................................4.BANK ACCOUNT INFORMATION ................................

[Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_grace....thumb.jpg]

RE: Nancy Majer <> - admin - 09-28-2024

Zitat:Hello my darling,How are you today and how is your work ? Hope all iswell with you over there in your country ! Darling i will like you to send an email to the bank and tell them that you are my trustee partner that will help me transfer my late fathers fund into your account so that i will come over to your country and start up a new life over there in your country with you..I await to read your lovely mail regarding that you have sent an email to the bank.Yours in love,Tina

RE: Nancy Majer <> - admin - 09-28-2024

Zitat:Hello,I am very happy to inform you about my success in getting the fund transferred under the co-operation of a new partner from Malaysia. Presently I am in Malaysia for investment projects with my own share of the total sum. Meanwhile, I didn't forget your past efforts and attempts to assist me in transferring the funds despite that it failed us some how. Now you will need to contact former personal secretary to the Rev. Father whom used to be a Good-Father to me when i was in Dakar, by name Rev Father Simon Lamba or you call him and his contact number is 00221-768-789-267, and his email address is as follows ( Ask him to send you a certified bank draft of $250.000.00,(Two hundred and Fifty thousand us dollars) which I prepared and kept for your compensation for all the past efforts and attempts to assist me in this matter. I appreciated your efforts at that time very much. so feel free and get in contact with Rev.Simon Lamba and instruct him where to send you the draft cheque. Please do let me know immediately you receive it so that we can share our joy and happiness after all the sufferings at that time. In the moment, I am very busy here because of the investment projects which I and the new partner are having at hand, finally, remember that I had forwarded instruction to Rev .Simon Lamb on your behalf to receive that money.Therefore feel free to get in touch with him and he will send the cheque to you without delaying. Take care and bye for now. Yours trulyNancy

RE: Nancy Majer <> - admin - 09-28-2024

Zitat:HalloIch bin sehr glücklich, Malaysia informieren Sie über meinen Erfolg bei der Einführung von Fonds übertragen im Rahmen der Zusammenarbeit einen neuen Partner. Jetzt bin ich in Malaysia für Investitionsvorhaben mit eigenen Maßnahmen den vollen Betrag.In der Zwischenzeit habe ich nicht vergessen bisherigen Bemühungen und versuchen, uns zu helfen mir bei der Übertragung der Mittel trotz dass es gebracht hat, wie einige.Nun werden Sie 00221-768-789-267 haben Kontakt mit seinen ehemaligen Chefsekretärin Reverend Fetera Zahl derer, Vater zu sein, gut zu mir war, als ich in Dakar, im Namen der Reverend Feter Simon Lamb, oder Sie nennen Sie es, und seine Kontaktdaten, und seine E-Mail wie folgt ( )Bitten Sie ihn, Ihnen eine garantierte Bankkonto $ 250,000,00 (zweihundert und fünfzig Tausend Dollar), die ich vorbereitet und gehalten für Ihre Entschädigung für alle bisherigen Bemühungen und Versuche zur Angelegenheit zu unterstützen, mir in dieser. Ich schätze die Anstrengungen, die Sie dann sehr. Also zögern Sie nicht und kontaktieren Sie von Reverend Simon Lamb und beauftragen ihn, wo schicken wir Ihnen eine Überprüfung des Projekts.Bitte lassen Sie mich wissen, sofort erhalten Sie es so, dass wir teilen unsere Zeit, Glück und Freude, nachdem alle Leiden.In dem Augenblick, ich bin sehr beschäftigt, weil hier der Investitionsvorhaben, die ich und die neuen Partner haben wir bei der Hand, schließlich erinnere mich, dass ich Anweisungen geschickt Reverend Simon Lamb in Ihrem Namen an den Geld.Deshalb zögern Sie nicht, ihn in Kontakt mit, und er wird euch einen Scheck schicken, um ohne Verzögerung.Achten Sie darauf, und doch so fern.AufrichtigNancy

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[Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_grace....thumb.jpg]

RE: Nancy Majer <> - admin - 09-28-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location SN SN, Senegal
City -,
Organization SONATEL Societe Nationale Des Telecommunications D
ISP SONATEL Societe Nationale Des Telecommunications D
AS Number AS8346 Autonomous System

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