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RE: Alena <> - admin - 04-22-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Tyumen, 78 625001
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Tyumen'
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41682 JSC ER-Telecom Holding

RE: Alena <> - admin - 04-22-2024

Zitat:Hello xxxxxxxxxx!Thanks for your letter and photos. I've been happy to hear from you again. Not sure from where to start... Ok, I willtell you little more about myself. As you already know I live in Yoshkar-Ola town - capital of Mari El state. I found afew photos in Internet and I also marked a house where I rent my flat. xxxxxxxxxx Please tell me a little about place whereyou live, it's very interesting for me because I never been there. Last year I've travelled to Czech. I liked there verymuch. I've also attached one photo from there. I should say I am very active person and I am trying to visit interestingplaces as often as I can. I have a vacation soon but still not sure where to go/ I think I will just spend this timewith my parents in their village Zvenigovo. There is many beautiful lakes, forest and other nice nature. What to sayelse... A little about my hobbies^ I am not big fan of movies or music but sometimes when I am at home after work I liketo watch a good movie or listen some nice music. At must it is classical music: Mozart, Chaikovsky, Rachmaninov. Also Ilike some foreign rock brands. For example Rammstein. In 2004 they came to Moscow and I specially go there to theirconcert. I liked it a lot. From movies I prefer comedies because I think that laugh is continues our life. xxxxxxxxxx, whatis your preferences in movies and music? Sometimes me and my friend Olga going to night clubs, but it's very seldommaybe 1 or 2 times in a month. And I don't drink much. It can be 1 glass of red wine. Also I don't smoke and never useddrugs. I think that it's very important for woman to be always in a good shape that's why I am going fitness 2 times ina week. Also I like beaches very much. At summer I am spending a lot of time on the Kokshaga river beach that is veryclose to my home. Sometimes at weekends we are going camping with friends to make BBQ. xxxxxxxxxx, as you see here is nothingspecial, I am just trying to live full life but unfortunately have not found good one for me yet. I have so much to tellyou about myself but unfortunately I should go home, because I am writing you from Internet-cafe because my homecomputer still don't work. I hope you hear more about you in your next letter. ByeYour friend MarinaP.S. Girl on a photo with me is Olga - my best friend.

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RE: Alena <> - admin - 04-22-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Tyumen, 78 625000
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Tyumen'
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41682 JSC ER-Telecom Holding

RE: Alena <> - admin - 04-22-2024

Zitat:Hello xxxxxxxx!how are you? How is your day going? Hope, everything is OK. Here is nothingspecial and interesting. Work, house... Yesterday I spent an evening with myfriend Olga. We've been at her home and talked a lot. I told her about you,xxxxxxxx and described you. Olga was very happy of me that I met such interestingman as you and she has wished me good luck in our future friendship. She thinkthat if I had no success to find good one here it was good idea to try Internet.And I absolutely agree with her because I found you and I am very happy of this.It's all very unusual for me, because I never tried this way before, but now Isee it's really works! xxxxxxxx here is one thing that afflicts me - it's adistance between us.But anyway I hope that it will not be with an obstacle fordevelopment of our friendship. What you think of this? Have you ever thought ofour meeting? I should admit that I thought about it because I think that onepersonal meeting can tell us more that thousands letters. Do you agree with mexxxxxxxx? But unfortunately I am not sure that if we both want it we can make itreal... But I also believe if that if we want something hardly, it willnecessary happen. Ok, enough about it I just wanted to know what you think aboutour future relations, xxxxxxxx. I just finished work and now writing you fromInternet-cafe that is no so far from my home. It's little cold on the street andat my flat too. You cannot imagine how I want to come home and have someone herewho can give me his warm and love, someone to whom I can return it doubly.... Butit's all only dreams and reality is that now I will go home to to feed my dogNike and cook dinner for myself. Then I will sit before TV and watch it till Ifall to sleep. And tomorrow the same: work, then home. . Only thing that makesme happy is that I have long vacation in 2 weeks so I will have an opportunityto have a rest. xxxxxxxx, I hope to get more photos of you in next letter and maybeto hear something about your dreams. Ok, I should finish here becauseInternet-cafe closing soon. I hope you are not tired of my letter and you willlike photos I sent. Bye for now! Have a great day!Marina.

[Bild: Russland_allkery_207_allkery.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_allkery_208_allkery.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_allkery_209_allkery.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Alena <> - admin - 04-22-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Dallas, TX 75244
Organization Internet Services
ISP Internet Services
AS Number AS36351 SoftLayer Technologies Inc.

RE: Alena <> - admin - 04-22-2024

Zitat:Hello my dear xxxxxxxxxx!Thank you for your nice letter I am glad to hear from you as always. I am alsovery happy to know that you also want our meeting. I think that my soon vacationis a best chance for it, because all other time in year I will be very busy withwork and if we'll miss this opportunity, we'll have to wait till next year. Thiswould be very upset for me. What you think of this, xxxxxxxxxx? I am inviting you tomy home with pleasure, but I am not sure you will like it here, because at thistime here is no interesting things to do because of cold weather... I want tovisit you by myself. As I already told I have abroad passport and I think thiswould be not difficult for me to get visa to come and meet you for a short time.If you really want this? I can go to the tourist agency to find out everythingin details. Will you have a time for our meeting, because my vacation begin 24of October and will continue for one month? And if you are working this time howmuch time we would be able to spend together? Also dear please tell me yournearest airport. xxxxxxxxxx I understand that it can seem that our friendship isgrowing very fast but and I think the same, but I just don't see a reason towrite letters to each other and to wait for an answer if we have an opportunityto meet and to get to know each other much better. What about me, I see in you agood person and at first true gentlemen and I am not afraid to come and meetwith you. Anyway I think if we will not like each other? we can spend much funtime together and to be a good and close friends. I am absolutely sure in it,because I like how you look and we'll not have any trouble with it. What youthink about it xxxxxxxxxx? I should admit that I have very strange feeling now. ..corresponding to you and without seeing you in real I feel that somethingconnect us... Something invisible... It's very hard to explain, because I neverhad it before. And I hope that this is true feeling and we'll both see it whenwe meet. Dear xxxxxxxxxx? I want to hear what you think of me very much, whatfeelings you have to me and how you see our future friendship. Dear, it's veryimportant for me. I will be waiting for your answer with impatience and willimagine what you'll write me back. I should finish here. I wish you a great dayand I hope that my photos will make it better :)Million of kisses. Marina

[Bild: Russland_allkery_210_allkery.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_allkery_211_allkery.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_allkery_212_allkery.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Alena <> - admin - 04-22-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Dallas, TX 75244
Organization Internet Services
ISP Internet Services
AS Number AS36351 SoftLayer Technologies Inc.

RE: Alena <> - admin - 04-26-2024

Zitat:Hallo Xxxxxx!Ich bin glucklich und danke Ihnen fur eine so schnelle Antwort auf mich.Ich hoffe, dass Sie Zeit haben, senden Sie mir eine Nachricht haben, und wir konnten einander sehen mehr.Nun ... Nun zu mir wenn Sie bereits wissen, ein bisschen von meinem Profil.Ich bin 27 Jahre alt, ist mein Spitzname Blond Wahrheit ist das nur mir so genannten &quot;Freunde&quot;.Ich war nie verheiratet Ich lebe in seiner Wohnung.Ich habe einen guten Job. Jetzt bin ich ziemlich ausgereift und hielt eine Frau.Ich arbeite als Administrator in den Schonheitssalon. I like that.Hier bei der Arbeit ein gutes Team und ich arbeiten mit sehr guten Leuten.Die meisten von ihnen sind meine Freunde.Erzahlen Sie mir von Ihrer Arbeit. Mochten Sie Ihre Arbeit?Ich liebe es zu reisen, wie an einen neuen Speicherort zu offnen, aber meine Arbeit erlaubt mir nicht zu haufig zu reisen.Ich habe viele Freunde, wir verbringen Zeit miteinander. in der Regel gehen wir in ein Cafe, Filme in den Kinos.Wir haben viele andere Attraktionen.Auch ich bevorzuge gesunden Lebensstil.2-3 mal pro Woche besuche ich ein Fitness-Studio (und manchmal auch weniger:)) Ich halte Ihren Korper in einem gesunden und schonen Form.Und was Sie tun - oder Sport im Leben jetzt? Erzahl mir.Ich schicke Ihnen meine Fotos. Daruber hinaus mochte ich Sie, mir einige Fotos von Ihnen.Und von dir erzahlen, uber Ihre Interessen im Leben, was tun Sie fur Ihr Hobby?Was ist Ihr Charakter?Ich hoffe, dass wir weiterhin interessante Briefe, einander zu schreiben.Wir schauen, was wird ...Schreiben Sie mir, ich werde warten, Ihren Brief. Blonde

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[Bild: Russland_allkery_232_allkery.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_allkery_233_allkery.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Alena <> - admin - 04-26-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Tyumen, 78 625051
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Tyumen'
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41682 JSC ER-Telecom Holding

RE: Alena <> - admin - 04-26-2024


Mitglied seit: 06.09.2009Land: DeutschlandPLZ-Bereich: 14...Ich suche: einen Mannfür: Flirt, PartnerschaftAlter: 27Größe: bis 1.80Statur: normalHaarfarbe: blondBeruf: BeamterDas sollte man unbedingt über mich wissen:Natürlich, sanfte Frau, in jedem Fall. I love reading,Filme, Ausgehen mit Freunden oder der Aufenthalt in. Ichliebe gutes Essen und guten Wein, das muß ich zugeben,schließlich unter toll auf meine Taille, also trat ich imFitnessstudio. Ich habe ein gutes, wenn auch manchmalschmerzhaft, Sinn für Humor, und als ein Scherz und eingutes Gespräch. Ich hoffe, bald von jemandem zu hören.So sehe ich mich selbst:jaIch wünsche mir von einem Partneroder Freund:Ich freue mich für eine Art von einem Mann, der das Lebenliebt und Licht in den Raum mit seinem Lächeln. Ich liebedie einfachen Dinge im Leben, aber auch den Mut haben unddie Liebe auf dieser Seite interessante Versuche, das Lebenfür den Austausch,aber ich habe niemanden, der gerne mal zu teilen. Ich liebees zu lesen, Musik hören, Filme wie Action-Komödie, LiebeLeute treffenweit und breit, ich liebe war mit einem Freund und denCampingplatz verlassen und vor allem wurden in der Nähe zurNatur .. Ich suche einen Mann, der mich glücklich machenkann, und es gibt für mich durch dick undThin, und dass mir helfen, den Schatz, den ich verlorengehen können, und alle meine Höhen und Tiefen, eine Person,die Pflege liebt, zu verstehen, dass er meiner Meinung nachrespektieren und vor allem, dass das Spiel der Liebespielen.Das mag ich überhaupt nicht:ja

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