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RE: Anna <> <> - admin - 12-27-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Ob, 53 633102
Organization OOO Ob-Telecom
ISP OOO Ob-Telecom
AS Number AS41143 OOO Ob-Telecom

RE: Anna <> <> - admin - 12-27-2024

Zitat:Good evening XSX. I am very happy to see your letter, XSX. I spent a day thinking about you XSX. Dreaming of our first meeting. Think what we will do first.I was so happy when I dreamed about it. I felt so good in my soul. When I think of you XSX I get a big smile on my face. XSX I changed all my friends tell me that I'm happy every day.And everyone is asking what happened to you. And I start to talk about you and our correspondence XSX. Her friends are very happy for me.And they're happy that I finally found the man with whom I will always be warm and cozy and a lot of other nice things. I realized that I could not live without you. With my senses that something is XSX. And these feelings belong to you XSX.XSX I also want to see you as a man. I listen to your feelings XSX. My senses tell about you. My feelings never failed me XSX.And I want to be with you XSX. XSX you ready for us to connect? I have never traveled. And I'm ready for the sake of our relationship difficulties XSX.I am very tired of the work. I want to take a vacation. I'll try to take a vacation this week. So I'll call your mom this week. Tell my mom about the fact that I want to meet with you. My feelings want to go to you. I want to live in your country. I want to live where you XSX. It is very important to me. Because I want to learn a new life of others.I am very tired. Now I'll relax XSX. I will write more to you tomorrow. Your Princess Anna forever

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RE: Anna <> <> - admin - 12-27-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City -,
Organization Rostelecom
ISP Rostelecom
AS Number AS12389 Rostelecom

RE: Anna <> <> - admin - 12-27-2024

Zitat:Good evening XSX. glad to see your letter.I have very strong feelings for you XSX. I can not explain them to you in writing so much.I feeling that we have known each other for a long time. But we do not have long learned.And I have strong feelings for you. How can this be XSX? You're not that strange? I do not know what happened to meoccurs. But I want to say that I love you. I can not hold this word XSX.What I do tell me? Yes, I'm really happy that I met you XSX. I want to jumpof happiness that I have you. With each your letter I want to kiss your computer screenThis is really funny but I'm telling you this is serious. I think it's true love XSX.And I do not I can hide the word. I LOVE YOU XSX. And I do not find a place to kissand hug you tightly. XSX in my last letter I told you that I am ready for all the difficulties thatto be together. I have a lot said in the letter. And I want to write to you every minute. But my jobprevents me from that. You understand me please. I am very tired of the work. I need a vacation. And I want totake a vacation. And the rest with you. XSX I repeat to you that I am not afraid of difficulties that we maytogether. I love you. I trust you. And I can see that we want more than our correspondence throughemail. Tomorrow I will go to the authorities to request leave. I have never beenvacation. I have been working for a long time. it should not be. We love each other and we have to seeto give love. I actually went amount. You may seem it's weird. But thistrue. I trust you completely. I know that you will take care of me. and so I'll try to take a vacation. I kiss you!! hug!! Princess Anna

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[Bild: Russland_prelesnayadushachka_10_prelesna....thumb.jpg]

RE: Anna <> <> - admin - 12-27-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Chelny, 73 422189
Organization Ojsc oao Tattelecom
ISP Ojsc oao Tattelecom
AS Number AS28840 Ojsc oao Tattelecom

RE: Anna <> <> - admin - 12-27-2024

Zitat:Hello my love XSX. I am very happy to see your letter. How are you? XSX I have very good news to you. I took a vacation. Now I know all about the trip for you.XSX I need your airport name. also the name of the city. This information is useful to me to get ready to go. XSX was very difficult to take a vacation.Because we have to work very few workers. But I explained the situation to the owner. I said I'm in love with you. And let me go. Now I have a half-year leave. And I can fly to you. Just need to know everything about the trip. And I've been doing this. and I will keep you posted deal. Yesterday I bought a jacket in the store. Today went very heavy snow. and it was very cold. -5 Degrees Celsius. XSX I love you so much. I'm really mad. I also called my mom.I talked a long time with my mother and my grandmother's sister. I told them that I'll fly to you. They know you. They are very happy that I met you. and wish me luck. But they are a bit worried that I'll fly to you alone. But I'm ready to fly alone. Because I love you XSX. And is ready to do everything in order to meet up with are my life. you're my man. I'd rather see you XSX soon we'll be together. and it will not sleep. even now XSX is not a dream. This is real.XSX every day I look at your picture. almost every day. I look at it then when I have a computer at hand. XSX you are very beautiful. I really like you.Tomorrow I will know more about the trip. I'll tell you all that I have learned. XSX I love you. XSX kiss you! I kiss you! I look forward to wait for your letter.Your Princess Anna forever

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[Bild: Russland_prelesnayadushachka_19_prelesna....thumb.jpg]

RE: Anna <> <> - admin - 12-27-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Orel, 56 302004
Organization Beeline Home
ISP Beeline Home
AS Number AS3216 PVimpelCom

RE: Anna <> <> - admin - 12-27-2024

Zitat:Hello my dear XSX.I am very pleased to receive your letter. during this short time of our chat I am very attached to you.I was very impressed with our meet and communicate,and I have no doubt that we could want to meet in life and had a chance to build a happy relationship.I'm honest with you, no one else in the world does not interest me as much as you interested in me.I want us to have some memorable months together, that we were able to stay only two.I want to know in your life, find your country and culture.I want you to be honest with me and I believe in you and so that you also want our meeting.I believe that we have a chance to build relationships and unforgettable stay together forever.Sorry that I'm writing to you just now XSX. I was almost a full day on the street.I learned how things can be done for my trip.and most of the day reading and watching all the possible options for the meeting.I think the best and most profitable option for us is to apply fordocuments that will give me the opportunity to come to you from 30 to 90 enough time for us to take a closer look and is for the future together.After all the calculations they told me the exact amount.The entire trip will cost 890 Euros. 35.650 Russian rubles.documents and tickets. Now I came to the home and share my thoughts with you.I have no doubt some of what savings at home, but I realize that I have not enough to organize everything.I do not have 410 Evro XSX. 16.400 Russian rubles. About way we want to be together.I do not know what to do XSX. I do not want to talk to you about it.I wanted to do everything herself. That kind of money I do not if I did not try. I do not know whether you have the money, so we can collect the necessary sum for our meeting.I hope you can help to lay down our budgets and collect the full amount for the trip.I do not want to back down now, I wish that we were able to meet,because we both know that the only way to create real and loving relationship.I was told that you can start collecting and processing of documents at any convenient time.but of course after paying the required amount. so I need to know your answer. as you say, so be it.I hope you are now in a wonderful mood. I believe, I feel that we are very sure to come together and be together.XSX I love you very much. XSX + Anna = love forever. A million kisses.Tell me more. I'm waiting for your answer. Your Anna forever

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RE: Anna <> <> - admin - 12-27-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Voronezh, 86 394003
Organization LLC Real-net
ISP LLC Real-net
AS Number AS198520 LLC Real-net

RE: Anna <> <> - admin - 12-27-2024

Zitat:Hello my dear XSX. I am very glad to see your quick response. XSXsorry that I did not send you a photo. I send you this letter to yourphoto again. XSX, I'm glad that you can send me the money so I canarrange a trip for you. I too would love to be with you at will be really cool. together we will celebrate Christmas. As Idream about it soon. XSX I do not have an account number. I do nothave a bank account. XSX I can go to the bank tomorrow morning totry to open a bank account so you can send me the money. Tomorrowmorning I'll give you more information. My address is zip 400117,Volgograd, ul. Zemlyachki, 27a. My full name is Anna Rudneva. Every day I dream of you! As you went to the doctor? all right? I likeapricot. I love you XSX! Tomorrow morning I'll write to you. Nowit's too late in Russia. I'll sleep. There is already 23:47 Evenings.Good night XSX! Your Anna forever

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