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RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat:My love X , I now the happiest woman because soon I meet with my beloved!I cannot transfer now my sensations and love overflows my heart!!! Ithank you that you help me (but I as I think, that you help not to me,you help us)... Both of us very much want this meeting!My love, I want to tell to you fairly, that I want to remain with youFOR EVER!!!!! Yes SO! I want to be with you, but not all in a life sois simple, as though we wanted... But I hope, that we shall solveeverything, during our meeting! And consequently our meeting nowfor us - this the first necessity...I dream of us every minute and I as though now I live in thedreams..... I dream that, your sight caressed me when you touched mewhen from your lips the song when under your gentle and tender voice Ifell asleep when we were dipped with you into hurricane of ourfeelings when you slept dream of the baby when I looked quietly at youflew, trying to not wake, and behind a window there was a strongblizzard, I wanted to tell, that I LOVE YOU, I like up to madness.Having heard it, you will embrace me and will kiss also tears ofhappiness will rush into your eyes. We shall sink at ocean of ourfeelings, and around there will be a winter, but it will not be coldto us. We will be heated with love. To us the new world, the world ofgoods and love, the world of miracles of transformations, the world ofour love will open. In which there is only you, I, our love and a newlife which arises in me. You will put an ear my stomach and again willfall asleep under palpitation of our child. Yes I was possible mad,but I dream of it always! I think you can understand my emotions!...Therefore I wish to see you soon.... I want to you!For ever yours Annap. S.: I cannot send you my photos because of problems with mycomputer! It is very a pity to me!

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Anna Iwanowna Karas 60N5283404

[Bild: Russland_annalavanda_Pass_annalavanda.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Fairfax, VA 22033
Organization HopOne Internet Corporation
ISP HopOne Internet Corporation
AS Number AS14361 HopOne Internet Corporation

RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat:What happened, my love???? Why you do not answer me? I all the dayyesterday waited from you for news, but and have not received from youthe letter! I wait from you for news with impatience!With love, yours Anna

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[Bild: Russland_annalavanda_29_annalavanda.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Fairfax, VA 22033
Organization HopOne Internet Corporation
ISP HopOne Internet Corporation
AS Number AS14361 HopOne Internet Corporation

RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat:My love what happened??? You sent me the letter??? I do notunderstand.... I already am completely ready to trip and only I waitfrom you for good news... Please write to me soon, I very muchwait!!!!! 

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[Bild: Russland_annalavanda_30_annalavanda.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Fairfax, VA 22033
Organization HopOne Internet Corporation
ISP HopOne Internet Corporation
AS Number AS14361 HopOne Internet Corporation

RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat:My love, I was possible have not understood your previous the letter alittle, but now I understand, that tomorrow the problem with theticket will be already solved!!!! And now I the happiest woman allover the world!!! I am glad, that absolutely soon we shall together!!!When I shall receive your money I shall reserve tickets on the nextflight and I shall inform to you all details of my arrival to you, mylove X !!!My love because of problems with the Internet I could not answer youearlier!!! And now I write from a house of my girlfriend, only to tellto you as I am strong you I like!! And I thank you for everything,that you do for our meeting! I cannot write you now the big letter,Knut!! But I shall write to you the letter tomorrow and I shallinform to you about all news!!!! Now I the happiest woman all over theworld!!!! And all are very glad for me because absolutely soon I meetwith my beloved! OOOOOOOOO I am happy!!!!!!!!!!! Emotions overflow myheart now!!!!!! I cannot write to you now much and consequently I amcompelled to finish my letter!!!!! Wait my letter tomorrow and I shallinform to you about all news!!! And absolutely soon we shalltogether!!!!!With huge love, yours Anna

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[Bild: Russland_annalavanda_31_annalavanda.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_annalavanda_32_annalavanda.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Fairfax, VA 22033
Organization HopOne Internet Corporation
ISP HopOne Internet Corporation
AS Number AS14361 HopOne Internet Corporation

RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat:Why you have left me???????What happened???I go at dark night one On sparkling asphalt, And the moon all looks at me, Smiling as though with passion. I go, all in dreams of you, I all think: As you there lovely? Whether you recollect about me, About me, about loved? Or you have at all forgotten me And another now you embrace? Or, maybe, I am not right, You now about me recollect?Your missing Anna

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[Bild: Russland_annalavanda_33_annalavanda.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Fairfax, VA 22033
Organization HopOne Internet Corporation
ISP HopOne Internet Corporation
AS Number AS14361 HopOne Internet Corporation

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