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RE: Alena <> - admin - 12-17-2023

Elena Mihailovna Sharnina 51N8801505

[Bild: Russland_allkery_Pass_allkery_6.jpg.thumb.jpg]

Vera Aleksandrovna Timofejeva 83 03 232161

[Bild: Russland_allkery_Pass_allkery_8.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Alena <> - admin - 12-17-2023

Natalya Vladimirovna Sagajnova 88 06 884432

[Bild: Russland_allkery_Pass_allkery_7.jpg.thumb.jpg]

Vera Aleksandrovna Timofejeva 83 03 232161

[Bild: Russland_allkery_Pass_allkery_3.jpg.thumb.jpg]

Irina Sergeevna Komelin 83 03 232161

[Bild: Russland_allkery_Pass_allkery_8.jpg.thumb.jpg]


[Bild: Russland_allkery_Pass_allkery_9.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Alena <> - admin - 12-17-2023

Anna Andreewna Vshiwkova 20043258764972

[Bild: Russland_allkery_Visa_allkery.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Alena <> - admin - 12-17-2023

RE: Alena <> - admin - 04-21-2024

Zitat:Hi  XXXX!  I am glad, that you were interested by me and have writtento  me  e-mail. I’m not sure that you XXXX will like my letters, thatthey  will be interesting to you, but if it won’t be so you will writeme  about it. OK? I wish to inform you that I live in Russia. Possiblyyou  have  a  question why I in the questionnaire on a site have othercountry.  Now  I  shall  explain  all  of  you. My uncle lived in thiscountry.  He  has  informed  me  that  in this country there live goodpeople  who  understand  and  appreciate women. He has suggested me tocreate  a  structure  on this country and has helped me with it. But Inot  against acquaintance to you and I have an interest to you. I hopeit  don't  shock  you.  I’m  the  same like many other ladies in othercountries  in  the  world.  I think that my heart is very sensitive. Ihope  you’ll understand it from my letters. I’ll be immensely happy ifthe  distance  between  us doesn’t afraid you, and you’ll answer me. Ishall  be  very glad if you will write to me also other letters. As itwill  be  interesting to me to learn about your life, family, work andentertainments.  Write  to me, I shall wait your letter. Sincerely andyours faithfully Juliya.

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[Bild: Russland_allkery_181_allkery.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_allkery_182_allkery.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_allkery_183_allkery.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Alena <> - admin - 04-21-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Yoshkar-ola, 45 424000
Organization ZAO Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola address space
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41786 JSC ER-Telecom Holding

RE: Alena <> - admin - 04-21-2024

Zitat:Hi XXXX. Have good day. I waited your letter and was very much Ispleased, when you have written to me. Your structure and I wasinteresting to me Is pleased, that we begin to learn each other morewell and to develop Our acquaintance. I think, that it is aninteresting thing, to learn someone Far through the Internet. It isunusual to me, because I a little Is familiar with the Internet.XXX, I want to inform you, that I have no the computer At home alsoI go in Internet - cafe, Smiley in free from work time. That To translate myletters to you I use the electronic program. The interpreter, becausefor me is faster and it is convenient to write for you In Russian, andthen to translate the letter on English. I hope, That you canunderstand well my letters. I studied the English language Earlier atschool, and after that in college and I understand your letters verywell. Only please do not use Reductions of words. While I did notestablish the computer in the house, therefore That I have no theretelephone. XXXX, I want To tell to you it is a little about itself. Ihave very good family, I have daddy - Aleksandr and mum - Maria, theyvery good people. But I do not have not what brothers and sisters, infamily I was one child. And you have brothers or sisters and how manythem? We frequently with parents are chosen together on a camping andWe have other entertainments. I live in city Cheboksary. My the citynot of the large size, and in it is a little The people. Basically atus in city various factory and factories. Is present Some restaurantand bar. The city is constructed not by high houses till 3-12 floors.Tell to me about the job. She is pleasant to you? To me My job ispleasant. I very much like to laugh and I respect the people with goodBy humour. I like to travel. I yet was not far from mine At home, butI dream in the future to visit in different places. I 2-3 times inWeek go to be engaged in sports hall, to hold my body in The order. Ias to like to play very much volleyball and in tennis when I have freetime from work. And you XXX, have any sports in the life? You loveEntertainment on a nature? A hunt? fishing? A camping? Some inform meThings about the entertainment. It will be very interesting to me tolearn about it. I wait for your letters. Sincerely yours Juliya

[Bild: Russland_allkery_184_allkery.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_allkery_185_allkery.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_allkery_186_allkery.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Alena <> - admin - 04-22-2024

Zitat:Hello  how  are  you? My name is Marina, I am writing you from be2.comWhat is the weather like at your place now? Here is autumn and gettingcolder  only  about +10C at day time. I have attached my photo hope ifyou  like  it we can continue correspondence, exchange with a few picsand  to  know  each  other better. What you think of this?Waiting for your answer with impatience.MarinaFur  mich ist kompliziert, auf deutsch zu schreiben, aber ich wei? dieenglische Sprache sehr gut. Wenn du die englische Sprache nicht wei?t,habe ich versucht, meinen Brief im Ubersetzer zu ubersetzen:Hallo.  Meinen Namen Marina. Ich schreibe dir von der Webseite be2.comWelches  Wetter  an  deiner Stelle? Hier hat der Herbst angefangen undaller  wird  kalter sein. Am Tag ungefahr +10[ch1057]. Ich habe mein das Fotobefestigt  eben  ich  hoffe  wenn dir wir gefallen wird wir konnen dieKorrespondenz  fortsetzen. Und einander zu erkennen es ist besser. Wasdu  daran denkst?Ich werde auf deine Antwort mit der Ungeduld warten.Marina.

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[Bild: Russland_allkery_198_allkery.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_allkery_199_allkery.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_allkery_200_allkery.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Alena <> - admin - 04-22-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Dallas, TX 75244
Organization Internet Services
ISP Internet Services
AS Number AS36351 SoftLayer Technologies Inc.

RE: Alena <> - admin - 04-22-2024

Zitat:Hello xxxxxxxxxx!It's Marina from Russia. Thanks for your message and photo. I've been very happy to get it. How are you? Hope you arereading this in a good mood. It is very unusual for me to correspond through the Internet especially on my not nativelanguage, but I will do my best to tell you something about me. At first as you already know I live in Russia, my cityis Yoshkar-Ola that is about 800 km from Moscow. It's not very big city, about 300000 people living here. I will tellyou little more about my home in one of my next letters ok xxxxxxxxxx? I am 28 and I was born 14 of October. At this moment Ilive alone at my own flat with my dog Nike, because I broke with my ex boyfriend about 4 month ago. My family live in avillage that is about 80 km from here. My mother's name is Valentina and my father is Oleg, they are living in theirhouse and have a garden where I like to work at my free time. I am trying to visit them as often as I can and to helpthem as much as I can. If you want to know more about my family just let me know and I will tell you about it in my nextletter. Ok something more about me... As I already said I am single now and I have no kids. My height is 169 cm and myweigh is 56 kg. What is your height xxxxxxxxxx? 5 years ago I finished university as a manager and at this moment I work asaccountant at shop which sells different staff for gardening. Of cause this is not my dream job but this is not suchhard and it pays quite enough to be self employed woman. What you do for living xxxxxxxxxx and do you like your job? As youunderstand my native language is Russian but I also know English and I can write and read it without translator andspeak a little. I studied it in school and then in University so it's great we can understand and get to know each otherbetter. xxxxxxxxxx, I want to tell you little more about my goals in life. As you understand at this moment I want to find agood partner. The most important thing he must be a man who will understand me and with whom we would be absolutelyspiritually compatible. The man who can always care about his woman and trying best to be happy together. That's all Iwant. Another things not very important for me: age, appearance... xxxxxxxxxx as you see we have age difference. I want totell you this is not a trouble for me, more to say I like man of your age. Can you tell me what are you looking for andwhat is most important for you in partner? I am writing to you from my work e-mail now and it will be better if youanswer here in future. I don't always have an opportunity to do it because sometimes sometimes I have much work and myhome computer not work at this moment, that's why I want to excuse me in advance if I answer to your letter with delay.xxxxxxxxxx I want to wish you good day again and hope to get answer from you soon with some info about you and a few pics ok?By the way, I have attached a few photos of me. Hope you will like it. Bye for now!Marina.

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