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RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat:today excellent day, good weather. As usually I was ran, andfor work. It seems that usual, week-day, but seems to me that todayabsolutely other day, to me it is cheerful and simply good on ashower. Probably it because of that that I have got up &quot;from thatfoot&quot; =). How there is your day? What weather at you?Yesterday I have told to the parents about you X. You haveliked them, I have told that I unpack your photos and I will show tothem. Under my stories, they have drawn a conclusion that you like me.As I spoke to you my parents of old customs, and they have wished goodluck in relations and that at us with you all was good. I havereddened from such words. Probably I such person that I should looknarrowly more close at the person to have with it relations. I spoketo the parents that you far, and not all so is simple at us with you.But my parents have told one true from the life. That the distance hasno anybody value. The distance is frameworks which were thought up bythe person. Actually all of us we live on the earth, instead of ondifferent planets. If we lived on different planets then there wouldbe a big problem =) After conversation with mum and the daddy, I havereflected on you. Actually I would be not against to communicate withyou in live, in any good cafe behind a coffee cup...That you me would not forget the main thing. I will read your letterand with joyful mood I will plunge into dreams. And me will be dreamsbeautiful dreams about me and about you... Interestingly, to youX it is acted in film such dreams? To me yet did not dream.Probably, it is bad? It is said that dreams it is experiences of thelast day. But I always think of you. With impatience I wait for theletter. Why to me it is not acted in film dreams where there areyou...? Ekaterina

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[Bild: Russland_skorovarmiyzachem_12_skorovarmi....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_skorovarmiyzachem_32_skorovarmi....thumb.jpg]

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location LV LV, Latvia
City Riga, 25
Organization SIA Baltcom TV
ISP SIA Baltcom TV
AS Number AS20910 SIA Baltcom

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat:We learn every day about a life each other. At times it seems to me,that I feel an invisible thread connected our destinies. Perhaps to beyou too it feel? As though I would not like to lose with you touch...Your letters each time excite my soul. If earlier I woke up andhastened for work now I hasten to read your letter somewhat quicker.You represent XY, yesterday my girlfriend Nadiya has invited meto itself home. Sometimes she likes to arrange small entertainment forthe friends. It has put acid jazz, it is very good music. We lovelytalked, have looked a film, and have parted on houses. Impressionsremained good. But only when I saw, how some my girlfriends danced andkissed the men - I had small envy to them. I thought of you andrepresented for myself, that you nearby XY. That you too embraceme and whisper me on an ear gentle words. And you XY when seearound enamoured steams of people recollect me? When you happen inclubs, bars girls often try to get acquainted with you? Men very oftenapproach to me and try to begin acquaintance, but after severalminutes of acquaintance they understand, that with me these things notto turn out.On it I will finish the letter to you XY, I hope to receive yournew photos. Ekaterina

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[Bild: Russland_skorovarmiyzachem_13_skorovarmi....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_skorovarmiyzachem_33_skorovarmi....thumb.jpg]

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat:IP Details For:



ISP:Voo S.A.

Services:None detected


State/Region:Brussels Hoofdstedelijk

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat:I everyone with the big excitement open mail to find yourletter and with greedy eyes I start to read your letter, you alwayscheer me up, what bad it would not be. What mood at you now? Howhealth of your relatives? Betray to all of them greetings from me. Howthey concern me? So it is interesting, there can be you during thismoment discuss my letter. Someone, maybe, laughs, and someone isserious.Today I learnt from myself on work that to a smog to take holiday for2 months, it so is healthy. You have any plans concerning ourrelations? I think, that for us it will be very good, if we can spendsome days together. It will strengthen our relations and will help usto learn better each other. I very much would wish to be with youalone, to see you the eyes and a touch to you! Dear so we can makefull opinion on us learn about many things. Let's discuss it X.I wait for your opinions. To me so to like to receive from youletters, they such gentle and tender, that at me on a shower to becomewarmly. I am confident that you are able with care and love to addresswith women and when I will arrive to you I I will be surrounded byyour attention. X, you told to the close people about me. Whatthey have opinion? Inform me please on it more in detail. Yours andonly Yours Ekaterina

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[Bild: Russland_skorovarmiyzachem_14_skorovarmi....thumb.jpg]

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location HU HU, Hungary
City Debrecen, 07
Organization DIGI Tavkozlesi es Szolgaltato Kft.
ISP DIGI Tavkozlesi es Szolgaltato Kft.
AS Number AS20845 DIGI Tavkozlesi es Szolgaltato Kft.

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat:Hi my darling YX! I to see glad to see your new letter. It ispleasant to me to learn, that you support idea to meet and also wishme to see and To spend with me time. I think, that in our followingmessages We can discuss in more details our meeting and establish timeAnd a place for this purpose. I wish to tell to you dear, that it isvery pleasant, For the woman to be convinced that exist the man whowaits It also wishes to hold in the hands. Such thought influencesopinions Women and its behaviour. Therefore thanks you, YX, thatyou have given to me To feel it. What you have thoughts andimaginations about that bottom, when You will meet me? Inform meplease on it. Dear, at me There is a considerable quantity of ideas,how we can To spend together our time.Loved, I think to arrive at first to you because I would like to visitat first at you to look as you live to get acquainted with your nativeand friends. We know each other only under letters and it would bedesirable it is more, I hope that you understand me. But you shouldknow, that when you will be in my hands not soon you can get out of myembraces =) Now I finish the letter. I will wait for your messages.Yours Ekaterina

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[Bild: Russland_skorovarmiyzachem_15_skorovarmi....thumb.jpg]

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Tomsk, 75 634051
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS56981 JSC ER-Telecom Holding

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat:Hello my dear friend!!! How are you? Today I checked mail and have notfound out there your letter. What happens? Why you do not write to me? I am very strong for you I worry and I miss under your letters. I hopethat with you everything is all right and now you to more time willgive to me. How you have spent your week-end? In Russia week-end comesto an end. I have spent the week-end of the house and was engaged ingeneral cleaning, my week-end has passed in general a little boringly.I with impatience will wait for your letter. Your Ekaterina

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[Bild: Russland_skorovarmiyzachem_16_skorovarmi....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_skorovarmiyzachem_17_skorovarmi....thumb.jpg]

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Moscow, 48 101752
Organization Comstar-Direct CJSC
AS Number AS8359 MTS PJSC

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