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RE: Svetlana <> - admin - 10-03-2024

Zitat:Hello my sweet xxxxxxxxxxx!How you today? How has passed your week-end?I am glad to receive your letter. But if it is fair, I not absolutely have understood it.You would want that I have learnt the information for a trip to you?You the truth would want that I have arrived to you? I very much would want it!I love you and I wish to be near to you!!!! Here to me it is very sad one.I can go to agency of travel and learn all. I will try to go to it in the near future.I can probably go to it tomorrow after work.When I descend in this agency I all to you I will tell.You would would like that I have arrived to you for ever? Or only for what that time?I the truth am very glad xxxxxxxxxxx! I so wish to see you personally! I so wish to tell to you much!I love you! For me you it is constant in my thoughts and in my heart!You for me as the sun. When the sun shines and heats, I am very joyful also to me very pleasantly. And you my sweet!I am very happy that I have met you my prince that in our lifeThere was such acquaintance.My love you really want, that I have arrived to you? I so am glad! I very much want it!I ask you to inform me your exact co-ordinates only: a city and the airportTo which I should arrive.It is important as I will address in travel company.Tell you not against? You are ready to meet me in the house?Excuse me for such questions, but we already adult people and consequently weShould behave as adult people, instead of as children.I love you and I miss on you!!!!!!!!!!Yours Svetlana

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[Bild: Russland_svetlanka.beauty_12_svetlanka.b....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_svetlanka.beauty_13_svetlanka.b....thumb.jpg]

RE: Svetlana <> - admin - 10-03-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location SK SK, Slovakia
City Bratislava, 02 811 02
Organization Orange Slovensko a.s.
ISP Orange Slovensko a.s.
AS Number AS15962 Orange Slovensko a.s.

RE: Svetlana <> - admin - 10-03-2024

Zitat:Hello my love xxxxxxxxxx!I am glad to receive your new letter.I very strongly missed on you. To me it was lonely without you and your letters.Tell to me as you? How your work?I hope that at you all well and you in a full order.And it is pleasant to me to know that you want a meeting with me.I already was in agency of travel and learnt that is necessary for me for a trip to you. To begin with I should make documents for a trip: it is the visa, the passport for travel abroad and medical inquiries.At first I should make the visa and the passport for travel abroad, in agency we have picked up to me the tourist visa.This visa will allow me to be in your country in a current of 3 months.Manufacturing and registration of all documents occupies from 7 till 12 days and I should pay 15,320 roubles.The same sum includes medical inspection and medical insurance.After manufacturing of documents it is necessary for me to buy tickets aboard the plane.Cost of one ticket makes 11,450 roubles. It is necessary for me to buy at once two tickets (there and back).Return tickets are necessary for this purpose what have let in me your country.Without these two tickets me will not let in on territory of your country.Cost of both tickets is equal 11,450 + 11,450 = 22,900 roubles, plus still cost of documents (the visa, the passport for travel abroad and medical insurance) 15,320 roubles.For all my trip to you 38,220 roubles are required to me.Love washing, I did not think that the trip will be costs so much. I am simple in a shock.For me it is very big money. And now I have no such sum.Probably for what that time I can collect a part of this sum, but I cannot collect all sum in any way.I very much love you and I wish to arrive to you! I with the big impatience wait for a meeting with you!I so strongly wish to spend with you though small time. I would be happy to be near to you at least 1 put....And this day, would be in the happiest afternoon in the afternoon in my life!!! And I would make everything that it would become both in your finest and happy afternoon!!!I wish to build serious relations with you, I wish to have the general future with you xxxxxxxxxx, and I think that you too want it.Yesterday I long could not fall asleep, I thought of you.... I thought of ours with you relations.... About our possible happy future!Recently I cannot think of what except you! You always in my head... In my thoughts...And as I think of our meeting, I represent it to myself. This day, day of our meeting, the most significant event in my life. And I would want that it has come as soon as possible!I wish to see you, I wish to feel you and your body. I wish to feel a touch of your gentle lips on my body!I would want that you embraced and kissed me, I very much want it the favourite!!!You that man with which I wish to be all life..... You my unique....My dear xxxxxxxxxx, it is very awkward to me to speak to you, but I require your financial help for a trip to you.I cannot pay itself all my trip to you and consequently I ask you.Tell to me favourite, I can hope for your help? You can help me with a trip to you?And when it can take place? I am ready to meet you right now.... This my most secret desire!Our happiness is absolutely close, it is necessary for us to take small steps to it!Love washing, tell you really wish to help me? You will help me?I do not insist on it as I have already told to me inconveniently you to ask, I in despair.But only so we can connect our hearts together! Only so we can be together!If I could find other way out of this situation I would not ask you about the help.But I do not have any variants and ideas and consequently I ask you.But I would not want that you have thought that your money is necessary to me only, do not think of me badly.I sincerely love you, and sincerely I want a trip to you, in your embraces!I wish to arrive to you, I wish to make you the happiest man all over the world.I wish to live with you, I wish to establish a happy and fine family with you!And I will do all what to live together with you all life! I love you very strongly!You the most expensive person for me, and I do not wish to lose you. Without you to me it will be very heavy.I hope that thanks to you we soon will together. How you think, we will be together? We will meet you in the near future?I will look forward to hearing from you. And I hope that all will be good.I love you very strongly, and I know that you too love me!With love yours and only yours Svetlana              kisssssssssssss

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[Bild: Russland_svetlanka.beauty_14_svetlanka.b....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_svetlanka.beauty_02_svetlanka.b....thumb.jpg]

RE: Svetlana <> - admin - 10-03-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location SK SK, Slovakia
City Trnava, 07 917 01
Organization UPC Slovakia
ISP UPC Slovensko s.r.o
AS Number AS6830 Liberty Global Operations B.V.

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