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RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat:Hello my dear X . I write to you my promised letter now in whichI shall tell to you more in detail about my departure to Russia andabout the reasons of this departure. I hope, that you are not sooffended on me because of it. But understand, my gentle X , thatI should fly urgently to Russia because I should help my family, it isvery important (I hope, you can understand it). Also do not worry, mylove, I shall come back in Canada in 10 days (I have already thereturn ticket). You are a king of my heart  :D   , and I want, that you haveseen it, my love. Only patience still, and we necessarily shall meetsoon. OK? I need in your understanding and your support now...I shall explain to you now, at last, about my departure and thereasons of this departure. I depart today at 20:40 from airportToronto, and my flight Toronto - Moscow. My love, understand, that Ireally should leave urgently because my family has more problems withour apartment, and only I can solve this problem for them now.Understand, my love, that my family can be moved of this apartmentwithin the next few days, and I shall not allow it (I hope, that youcan understand it). My mum has called me yesterday at night very muchexcited and has told all this, and I could not sit here, simply nothelping my family and consequently I have decided to fly and help myfamily. I promise you, my love when I shall come to Russia and I learnfull details I shall write my letter to you and I shall explaineverything and what exactly happened there (I want that my belovedknew about me all). And please, do not worry about me and ourrelations, my love, you will not lose me! My family has a computerwith access to Internet in our apartment in Russia, therefore we shallbe capable to write each other letters also, as here in Canada. Andplease, do not worry about my returning in Canada because I havealready bought the return ticket for October, 1. I shall come back inCanada in 10 days because my boss has given me short holiday. And Ihave one request for you, my love, please, think of our meeting in areality. I shall have 5 days free after my returning in Toronto (Ishould begin work on October, 6). Probably, we could lead togetherthese some days? Probably, I should change a direction of my returnticket with Toronto to your city? Please, well think of my offer thesesome days while I shall fly to Russia. OK? I think, that we havedeserved our meeting in a reality, and we should explain each other ina reality our feelings, at last. I hope, that you understand it too.... I confident, that you will agree with me because we very much wantit... I very much love you, my gentle X ! I finish on it myletter and remember always, that I think of you always and I store mylove to you in my heart always. I very much miss! Wait for my letterin 2 days.Yours AnnaP.S.: I ask you to write the name of the airport in which it will beconvenient for you to meet me, OK?

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[Bild: Russland_annalavanda_19_annalavanda.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_annalavanda_20_annalavanda.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Fairfax, VA 22033
Organization HopOne Internet Corporation
ISP HopOne Internet Corporation
AS Number AS14361 HopOne Internet Corporation

RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat:Hello my dear X. Your beloved Anna writes to you now promisedletter. You missed me, my love? I am now at home in Saratov and Iwrite to you my long-awaited letter. I want to tell to you, X, thatI am happy now, that my relatives near to me, but only I very muchmiss you here and I wait for our fast meeting. I really hope, that youwill wait this small time up to our meeting in a reality and will notbe interested in other women... You promise me it, my love? I havetaken a walk together with my mum and my sister today on streets ofSaratov and saw, how the in love pairs people walked on these streets.And consequently I very much am afraid now, having seen it, that youcan find there other woman, and you will forget me. My love, wait forme,  please this short time. I really do not want to lose you and ourlove because I believe, that we can be happy together. OK? Youunderstand me, my love? :-XI shall tell to you now about my meeting with my family today. Ourmeeting was very joyful and warm for all of us. They have met me atstation today and did not release me anywhere. We have arrived homeand sat about 3 hours and talked about all. It really is very fine tobe with the relatives! I very much love my family, and I am sure, thatmy family is pleasant to you, X. I have told about you to myfamily. My mum asked to tell to you hello. But the most remembered inthis meeting with my family are tears of pleasure of my mum. Tears ofpleasure flew on the person of my mum when she has seen me today atstation. I start to understand during such moments of a life as yourrelatives are necessary and important for you. I am sure, that youunderstand me and my feelings, Knut. I finish on it my letter to you,my love. And I send you my photos, (these photos of my family).Remember always, that one woman lives in this world for which you arevery important and necessary!!! I love you and I wait for our fastmeeting.Your beloved Anna

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[Bild: Russland_annalavanda_21_annalavanda.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_annalavanda_22_annalavanda.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Fairfax, VA 22033
Organization HopOne Internet Corporation
ISP HopOne Internet Corporation
AS Number AS14361 HopOne Internet Corporation

RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat:Hello my dear X. I thank you that you remember me always and sendme your romantic letters. Understand, my love, that we are far apartnow, and we can take a great interest in any other men or women whomwe know in a reality now. And I understand it, therefore I ask you tonot search for relations with other women in your city, and I promiseyou (in turn), that I shall not look and search for relations withother men. And I could not become interested now in other men becauseyou are unique a man which interests me now, my beloved X. I hope,what we have understood each other, whether not so X ?I want to tell to you, my love, that I feel well here, but I very muchmiss here you and I dream, that this day our first meeting will comesoon. I very much wait, when I can tell to you during our firstmeeting at the airport (Hello X ) and I shall embrace you. And Iwant to explain to you now my problem with purchase of this apartmentand my hasty departure to Russia. If you remember, my love, that thedecision of a problem with purchase of an apartment to my family inRussia was the main reason of my urgent returning to Russia. And Ishall explain you now this situation with an apartment of my family.Namely: my family (I together with them once) lives in this apartmentalready during 11 years (we rented this apartment after divorce of myparents during 11 years), and we have very well grown roots in thisapartment: did repair, paid for this apartment during 11 years alwayson a regular basis and so forth. And we have very well made friendswith the owner of this apartment (the owner of this apartment iselderly the man of 67 years) for these 11 years. And the owner of thisapartment has suggested us to buy this apartment from him under verycheap price for $34000 usd (it on 1/3 more cheaply real cost of thisapartment) one year ago by installments for 2 years, but this elderlythe man has died 2 weeks ago, and this apartment was inherited by hisdaughter. And his daughter has decided to sell this apartment urgentlybut as she knew about our arrangement, she has warned us, that for anapartment we should give the rest of the debt to her during thefollowing of 2 weeks, or she will sell this apartment to other peopleunder the real price, and money which we have already paid to herfather, she will return to us after sale of this apartment. ThereforeI, when have learned about it, have decided to fly to Russia at onceand to solve this problem. But essence of a problem now such, that weshould give this woman up to the end of this week of $18000 usd, andwe have now only $15500 usd, therefore we should find still $2500 usd,that I do now all my free time here. Therefore I have been obliged tofly urgently to Russia to solve this problem. I hope, what youunderstand it now, my love? I think, that I can solve this problemtomorrow. I shall write today on email to my cousin, he lives inItaly, and has the business there. I think, he will help menecessarily. Same simply wants to move us, and an apartment to sellanother, is more higher in the price because she thinks, that for suchshort term we shall not give her money. But I do not worry now becauseI know, we shall solve this problem!Today I have received the letter from my girlfriend Svetlana, fromCanada. She has told, that to her called my boss and to me haveprolonged the day off till November, 1. I was glad to hear it.Tomorrow I shall go, to hand over my return ticket to Canada. It is apity to me, but I cannot simply change tickets for your city because Ineed in the tourist visa! But if you wish, I can start to do thetourist visa from the money received from returning of the ticket toCanada to not waste our precious time! I think, that we shallwonderfully lead these days together and we shall solve our furtherdestiny …. How you look at it? Forgive me for impudence, but I wish toask to you one question: you can help me with purchase of the ticket,as I have no money now to buy tickets. I think you can understand me!If you are not ready to this we can postpone our meeting. You canvisit me then in Canada, but I think, that to us will meet now while Ihave the days off better! I think, that it is destiny have disposedso, and we should use this chance!!!!I very much miss always and I wait with impatience of your newletters, and also your new photos. And at heart I am sure, that weshall together soon! I LOVE YOU!!!! :-XYour beloved Anna P.S.: and please, forgive me for these conversations on money, but Iwant, that you knew all about me and my life because I really thinkyou my beloved and my b/f, therefore you should know all about me.

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[Bild: Russland_annalavanda_23_annalavanda.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_annalavanda_24_annalavanda.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Fairfax, VA 22033
Organization HopOne Internet Corporation
ISP HopOne Internet Corporation
AS Number AS14361 HopOne Internet Corporation

RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat:Hello my gentle X . I write to you this letter now because I verymuch miss you here in Russia, and I very much wait for our meeting insome days (I hope). I sit and I understand at a computer now, lookingon your photo, that you are unique a man now in which I found thoseman's qualities which I very much appreciate and I like to see in theman. Therefore I understand now, my love, that I &quot; has got the happyticket &quot; when I have learned you. I cannot believe till now, that Ilove the man which I have learned through virtual dialogue. The loveis very powerful miracle which is capable to create the mostimpossible. I very much love you, X , and I do not want to lose you!I go to sleep and I wake up only with a unique idea, that my beloveddoes not heat together with me my bed... You know such feeling ofloneliness, my love? My love, I ask you to execute unique my smallwhim. X , promise me, that you will organize small picnic in asilent beautiful place on the nature (if good weather will stand atthis time) when I shall come to you. Please, promise me it because Ivery much want it. It is my small female whim! I think, that you canunderstand a whim of the romantic girl...My dear X , I have good news to us! I was sure, that my cousin willhelp us, with this difficult situation! And today in the morning Ihave received the letter from my cousin in whom he has written, thattomorrow he will give me this money! Now I can sigh freely! Tomorrowhe will send money to me and I shall solve a problem with anapartment! I was glad to this news and today I have gone to travelagency to learn cost of trip to you, my love X ! And I could notconstrain myself and have concluded the contract in this travelagency! My love, my visa will be ready already soon, I have alreadymade necessary payment as I have a part of money! Probably I havehastened, but I want to see you soon! I ask to not postpone ourmeeting, and I think, that back way is not present! I have alreadymade first steps and now I shall be typed impudence and I shall askyou about the help! I have a part of money, but I do not have notenough now $430 usd to buy tickets! It is a shame to me very much, butI have taken the first step for ours I meet in hope you willunderstand me and will support me! And it is very important for me!In Russia, (in fairy tales) princess comes to prince on the goldcarriage. It is similar to that that I to arrive to you by the plane,is more exact on wings of love. My heart is knocked more strongly andI feel very pleasant feeling, and in my head there is a dream and shecomes true. Time and a life starts to go at full speed. This feelingof love which appears with very big and pleasant sensation. The loveof the woman differs from love of the man a little. I to feel verypleasant feeling and it is interesting to me that my favourite princefeels to me. I what that time was lonely back, and that that in a lifedid not suffice me. I thought that all suffices me, but has soonunderstood that it not so. For me the feeling known earlier and a lifeopens new not to become more perfectly! My heart to aspire to thegreater and it shows that this happiness will be given me only by oneperson is YOU!!!!!!! I yesterday saw the man and the woman, they stoodon road and kissed. I have looked at them and my ideas of steel aboutthat as the love and if she very passionate when people cannotconstrain the fine feelings and their hearts approach is fine. Theyare ready even to kiss in a dark and wet empire of evil and it theywill win all malicious creatures. Love this finest feeling on lightbecause from this love small people which every day are born bringhappiness in the house and during a life of all inhabitants of aplanet. This finest, that the nature has created and has presentedpeople.I think of you and I wait for our meeting soon. I wait for your answerto my letter with huge impatience and hope.Your beloved AnnaP.S.: I want to send you a photo from my childhood!And if you are ready me to help, I ask you to hasten! YOU can transferme this money through system of remittances Western Union! I alwaysused it system when sent money to my family to Russia from Canada! Itis very convenient and fast! After that I shall reserve tickets on thenearest flight and with impatience to wait for our meeting …..My data:The country - RussiaCity - SaratovFull name - Anna KarasThe address - Lenin's street, the house 5I hope, that all will be good also we soon we shall meet!

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[Bild: Russland_annalavanda_25_annalavanda.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_annalavanda_26_annalavanda.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Fairfax, VA 22033
Organization HopOne Internet Corporation
ISP HopOne Internet Corporation
AS Number AS14361 HopOne Internet Corporation

RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat:Hello my gentle Mr-X . I write my next letter to you, my love. I liketo write my letters to you because these letters help to forget to meabout our separation and about distance which divides us. I very muchmiss you here in Russia and I wait with the big impatience of ourmeeting which becomes for us the beginning something fine andgrandiose (I hope for it). I began to appreciate better LOVE now,having seen beauty of those fine emotions and feelings which the TRUELOVE has brought during my life after long absence of LOVE in mylife!!! I love you, my dear X , and remember it always. I confident,that only TRUE LOVE can give such fine feelings and emotions.Therefore I am sure, that the happiness will wait for us after ourmeeting.My love, I is happy, that soon we shall together! I really understand,that you responsible the man! But I admit to you, that I am a littleconfused with your mistrust because I thought, that you completelytrust me! But you demand from me the proof!? Well, I have already madea copy of my passport and I send to you it with my letter! But I want,that you have understood, that I always was sincere with you and havetold to you about me much! I have opened to you my soul and I onlywish to love and be loved! I wish, that you trusted me and Iundoubtedly believe you and for one minute I do not doubt of you! Imadly love you, my love X ! And I hope, that already soon we shalltogether! I every minute think of you and about our meeting!I really every day see our meeting and I start to want this meetingmore and more. I hope, that you can understand my feelings because youlove me too and want this meeting. I am right? I finish on it my newletter to you, my beloved X . And I ask you to remember me and tostore in your heart our love. Please, wait for our future meeting, weshall together soon!!!Your beloved Anna P.S.: my mum asked to learn from you: what your size of a shirt? Mymum wants to give a small gift for you

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[Bild: Russland_annalavanda_27_annalavanda.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_annalavanda_28_annalavanda.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Fairfax, VA 22033
Organization HopOne Internet Corporation
ISP HopOne Internet Corporation
AS Number AS14361 HopOne Internet Corporation

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