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RE: Nancy Majer <> - admin - 09-27-2024

Zitat:DearestI am more than happy in your reply to my mail this morning,How are you today hope all is well and fine? mine is a little bit hot over here in Dakar Senegal.just like i told you in my first mail that i'm from ivory-coast, but due to the war in my country, that cost the dead of my father and my mother which made me to stay here as a refegue. my condition here is terrible Its just like one staying in the prison and i hope by Gods grace i will come out from here soon.i don't have any relatives now whom i can go to all our relatives ran away in the middle of the war the only person i have now is (Rev Father Paul johnson). who is the pastor of the (Christ the king Churches) here in the camp,he has been very nice to me since i came here but i am not living with him rather i'm leaving in the women's hostel(in the camp) because here they have two hostels one for the men the other for women.The Pastor's Tel number is ( +221-771-779-351 OR +221-768-511-509 ) if you call please tell him that you want to speak with me he will send for me in the hostel, because of my conditon here i don't have any right or privilledge to any thing being it money or whatever because it is against the law of this country.I want to go back to my studies because i only attended my first year before the traggic incident that lead to my being in this situation now took place. Please listen to this,i have my late father's statement of account and death certificate (as his next of kin) here with me which i will send to you later,because when he was alive he deposited some amount of money in a leading bank in United kingdom which he used my name as the next of kin,the amount in question is $5.7M (Five Million Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars). So what i need from you is, for you to see that this money is transfered to a good account and also to make an arrangement on how i will come over and stay with you and continue my life and education.My choosing you is a question i knew you must ask and i think it is a good question.i have two reasons for choosing you, i choosed you because it is the will of God.and i believe knowing you will bring hope back again to my choosing you does not mean i do not have anybody from africa.i have two uncles,that is my late father's junior brothers whom i think are suppose to be taking care of me but they do not care,all they did was to sell my late father's houses and company to one mr olson steven from united states and enjoy the money with their wives. I wanted to tell olson about it but should my uncles know of the money,they can kill me ,so as to eat the money,it was as if my father saw their deed because he told the implication of having a big money in africa and that was the reason while he made the deposit in scothland.the day i wrote you first,i picked up three address from a dating site and i prayed over it with my Rev,father.he brought a pieces of papper and wrote the three email address in it and fold it,he ask me to pick one and i picked your email address,then i decided to write you and i also believe that it is the will of God.However you can call me with the reverend office phone line, my favorite language is English but our official language is French ,but i speak English very fluently because i attended an American and English speaking private school in my country for almost all my school, please try to call me as requested so that we can hear each other voices,i have a lot to tell you,i will be thinking about you so much,as i will be waiting to hear from you soonest,have a very wonderful day,Miss precious

[Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_grace....thumb.jpg]

RE: Nancy Majer <> - admin - 09-27-2024

Zitat:Hi xxxxxxxx  How is your day? Mine is fine over here in Dakar..Thanks for your mail. Like I said my name is Natasha Bolowe, Am 27yrs single tall and fair in complexion, Very good looking girl that is very sharing, giving, caring and loving girl, above all God fearing and trusted. I really want to have a good relationship with you. A relationship of deep feelings that will construct a mutual understanding , I'm from ivory coast in west Africa and very interested in knowing you better

RE: Nancy Majer <> - admin - 09-27-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location GB GB, United Kingdom
City -,
Organization Gilat Satcom
ISP Gilat Satcom
AS Number AS12491 Gilat Satcom

RE: Nancy Majer <> - admin - 09-27-2024

Zitat:Gruß an meine liebe,von veralveGruß an meine liebe,mein Name ist Vera ich bin eine jungeschöne Mädchen mit voller Liebe undFürsorge auch romantisch,Nun, ich sah Ihr Profil heute an( und ichliebe es, ich denke, wir können zusammenklicken Sie bitte i wird, wie Sie IhreE-Mail-Adresse ( zukontaktieren Sie mich direkt an meineE-Mail-Box Gleichzeitig zeige ich dir,mein Foto und Sie wissen auch, mehr übermich. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis,wenden Sie sich bitte an mich mit dieserE-Mail-Adresse unterVera.vera_koneh@yahoo.dkGreeting my dear,my name is vera i am a young beautifulgirl with full of love and caring alsoromantic,well i saw your profile todayat( and ilove it,i think we can click togetherplease i will like you to use your emailaddress ( to contactme directly to my email box at the sametime i will show you my photo and youalso know more about me. thanks for yourunderstanding please contact me withthis email address

[Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_grace....thumb.jpg]

RE: Nancy Majer <> - admin - 09-27-2024

Zitat:vera_koneh@yahoo.dkveralveMitglied seit: 19.07.2009Land: DeutschlandPLZ-Bereich: 38...Ich suche: einen Mannfür: Freundschaft, Flirt, PartnerschaftAlter: 23Größe: bis 1.60Statur: normalHaarfarbe: brünettBeruf: ZivildienstSternzeichen: WassermannRaucher: jaDas sollte man unbedingt über mich wissen:i will tell you latter i will tell you latter i will tellyou latter i will tell you latter i will tell you latter iwill tell you latter i will tell you latter i will tell youlatter i will tell you latterSo sehe ich mich selbst:i will tell you latter i will tell you latter i will tellyou latter i will tell you latter i will tell you latter iwill tell you latter i will tell you latter i will tell youlatter i will tell you latter i will tell you latterIch wünsche mir von einem Partneroder Freund:i will tell you latter i will tell you latter i will tellyou latter i will tell you latter i will tell you latter iwill tell you latter i will tell you latter i will tell youlatter i will tell you latter i will tell you latterDas mag ich überhaupt nicht:i will tell you latter i will tell you latter i will tellyou latter i will tell you latter i will tell you latter iwill tell you latter i will tell you latter i will tell youlatter i will tell you latter i will tell you latterHobbies:Fußball, Tennis...Das Leben genießenDiscoAusgedehnte SpaziergängeGemütliche VideoabendeAktiv und fitFußballVolleyballGolfDie freien StundenFotografieAngelnReligionSport zwischen Mattscheibe und StadionFußballBoxenTennisSportzeitschriftenDie Welt der KlängePopHip HopJazzBluesZwischen High-Tech und HeimwerkenMotorradTechnik und ElektronikEigene Homepage / BlogsEinmal um die ganze WeltLast-Minute-ReisenKreuzfahrtenGruppenreisenBeruf und KarriereWeiterbildungenAltersvorsorge

RE: Nancy Majer <> - admin - 09-27-2024

Zitat:BITTE Ich möchte wissen, mehr über Sie erfahren ..  Hallo Liebste,    Ergänzung der Tag für Sie. Wie geht es Ihnen heute? Ich glaube, Sie sind gut. Ich bin mehr als glücklich zu lesen, Ihre E-Mail heute nach dem Schreiben Sie eine E-Mail. Meine liebe ich bin sehr froh, von Ihnen zu hören heute, und ich möchte Sie wissen lassen, dass Ihre E-Mail-gingered hat wirklich mein Herz, da es nach dem Lesen. Wenn zwei Seelen, die versucht haben, miteinander, aber lange in der Schar, haben endlich zueinander gefunden ... eine Gewerkschaft, feurig und rein, wie sie selbst sind ... beginnt auf der Erde und im Himmel für immer fort. Nun, wie ich Ihnen in meiner ersten Mail, Mein Name ist Frau Vera Koneh von der Elfenbeinküste in Westafrika. Ich bin 22 Jahre alt, ein Mädchen und 5'8 hoch. Ich fand, dass Ihr Profil ist es, was mich interessiert, um Sie zu meiner zukünftigen Partner. Zur Zeit bin ich mit Wohnsitz in dem Flüchtlingslager hier in Dakar Senegal.    Als Folge des Bürgerkriegs, die in meinem Land. Mein verstorbener Vater Dr. Oliver Koneh war der persönliche Berater des ehemaligen Staatschefs (Late Dr Robert Guéï) vor den Rebellen angegriffen unser Haus am frühen Morgen ein und tötete ihn zusammen mit meiner Mutter. Es ist mir nur, dass noch immer sehr lebendig ist und ich es geschafft, mein Weg zu einem in der Nähe von Land Senegal, wo ich lebe jetzt   Ich werde nie vergessen, wie es war, bevor Sie oder, wie ich das Gefühl, ohne dass Sie. Ich werde nicht immer lassen pro Tag gehen, ohne Ihnen zu sagen, wie sehr Sie mir, sehr tief, wie ich dich liebe und wie sehr ich brauche dich. Sie müssen nie Zweifel an der Art, wie ich bin Gefühl, über Sie, wie viel glücklicher werde ich mich mit Ihnen in meinem Leben. Ich liebe dich jetzt und immer. Bitte werde ich gerne wissen, mehr über Sie erfahren. Ihre Vorlieben und Abneigungen und was Sie tun derzeit Ich werde Ihnen sagen, mehr über mich in meinem nächsten Mail. Meine Hobbys sind Liebe, Vertrauen und Ehrlichkeit. Attached hier ist mein Bild.      Ich werde immer zu Recht an Ihrer Seite, und ich fühle mich ganz, wenn Sie sich in der Nähe von meiner Seite, da sie alle der Ansicht, so gut und so kann true.How Ich danke Ihnen? Für die vielen Träume für diese wunderbare Zeit. Auch wenn ich wach alleine zu sein und Angst, Sie werden es in meiner schönsten Hoffnungen und Erinnerungen.         Ich habe keinen Zweifel daran, dass sie mit meiner Seite und Ihre Hilfe durch die Gnade Gottes werde ich aus dieser Flüchtlingslager in kürzester Zeit. Ich glaube nicht, dass ich gewesen wäre, wie glücklich ich heute bin, wenn ich nicht mit Ihnen in Kontakt. Ich hätte finden dieses Leben sehr schwer mit so vielen Emotionen tumbling mir durch den Kopf.   Warten auf Ihre Antwort. Ich wünsche Ihnen das Beste aus Ihrem Tag und eine glückliche Zeit dort. Ich bin Bitte warten, von Ihnen zu hören bald Mit freundlichen Grüßen, VERA

[Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_grace....thumb.jpg]

RE: Nancy Majer <> - admin - 09-27-2024

Zitat:Hello Dearest,     Complement of the the day to you. How are you today? I believe that you are doing well. I am more than happy to read your mail today after writing you a mail. My dear I am very happy to hear from you today and i want to let you know that your mail has really gingered my heart since after reading it.When two souls, which have sought each other for,however long in the throng, have finally found each other ...a union, fiery and pure as they themselves are... begins on earth and continues forever in heaven.Well, like i told you in my first mail, My name is Miss Vera Koneh from Ivory Coast in West Africa. I am 22 years old girl 5'8 tall. I liked your profile that is what interested me to pick you to be my future partner. Presently i am residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar Senegal.  As a result of the civil war going on in my country. My late father Dr Oliver Koneh was the  personal adviser to the former head of state (Late Dr Robert Guei) before the rebels attacked our house one early morning and killed him alongside with my mother. It is only me that is alive now and i managed to make my way to a near by country Senegal where i am living now I won't ever forget what it was like before you or how I would feel without you. I won't ever let a day go by without telling you how very much you mean to me, how very deeply I love you, and how very much I need you. You need never doubt the way I am feeling about you, how much happier I will be with you in my life. I love you now and always.Please I will like to know more about you. Your likes and dislikes and what you are doing presently I will tell you more about myself in my next mail. My hobbies are love, trust and honesty. Attached here is my picture.    I will forever be right by your side and I'll feel so whole when you are near by my side as it will all feels so good and so true.How can I thank you? For the many dreams for such wonderful times. Even if I should awake to be alone and scared you will be there in my fondest hopes and memories.       I have no doubt that with you by my side and your help by the grace of God I will come out  of this refugee camp in a shortest moment. I don't think that i would have been how happy i am today if i have not come in contact with you. I would have  find this life very difficult with just so many emotions tumbling through my mind. Waiting for your reply. I wish you the best of your day and a happy moment over there. Please i am waiting to hear from you soonestYours sincerely,VERA

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RE: Nancy Majer <> - admin - 09-27-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location SN SN, Senegal
City -,
Organization Societe Nationale Des Telecommunications Du Senega
ISP Societe Nationale Des Telecommunications Du Senega
AS Number AS8346 Autonomous System

RE: Nancy Majer <> - admin - 09-27-2024

Zitat:My dear,How is your day? Mine is fine over here in  Dakar..Thanks for your mail. Like I said my name is loveth Jude,Am 24yrs single tall and fair in complexion, Very good looking girl that is very sharing, giving, caring and loving girl, above all God fearing and trusted.I really want to have a good relationship with you.A relationship of deep feeling that will construct a mutual understanding ,I'm from ivory coast in west Africa and presently I am residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar as a result of the civil war going on in my country.My late father Dr Jude Ebue was the personal adviser to the former head of state of Ivory coast before the rebels attacked my house one early morning killing my mother and my father.It was only me that is alive now and we managed to make our way to near by country Senegal where we are living now in a refugee camp.I send and receive e-mails in the office of our Reverend,He has been so kind to me since i became close to him during one of his visitations to the clinic in the camp when i was sick. I would like to know more about you. Your likend dislikes,your hobbies and what you are doing presently.I will tell you more about myself in my next mail.Attached here is my picture .Hoping to hear from you soonest.Miss loveth.

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[Bild: Weibliche%2BScammer%2Baus%2BAfrika_grace....thumb.jpg]

RE: Nancy Majer <> - admin - 09-27-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location SN SN, Senegal
City Dakar, 01
Organization Societe Nationale Des Telecommunications Du Senega
ISP Societe Nationale Des Telecommunications Du Senega
AS Number AS8346 Autonomous System

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