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RE: Julia / Yuliya <> - admin - 12-17-2023

Zitat:Hello my lovely Xxxxxx I am very pleased to receive news from you.Xxxxxx yesterday I could not send you the letter, I had noopportunity to enter the Internet. Because i don't have telephone atmy flat. I write down the information on a disk, and then I go to theneighbour to enter the Internet, and to send you letters. But yesterdaythe girlfriend was absent at home. I hope that you Xxxxxx did notlose me. I miss your letters. Today on work I all time thought onlyabout you. I could not imagine such. But it occurs to me. I start tomiss your letters. It is pleasant for me to know that, there is aperson who thinks as I, reads my ideas and writes to me the. And howyou these days were without my mail? Today I with girlfriends we aregoing to got a good time. It can will be a cafe or disco. It is a pitythat we have no such opportunity to go together on this action.Because you are far from me. I think, that we with you could spendthis evening in common. I hope we can spend with you time together. Itcan will take place not so soon. But I all the same hope for it. Iknow, it will be good time for us with you. We shall drink easy wine,then to dance we shall not fall yet. Then easy aroma of flowers, willfill our easy and will carry away us with you in a hot kiss. Suchideas and ideas very much raise me. And I cannot present all detailsof our meetings. My dear, there has come time to finish the letter.You can disagree with my dreams, but I am very glad to acquaintance toyou!I wait your fast letter. Hugss and kisses!!!! Yours Julia!

RE: Julia / Yuliya <> - admin - 12-17-2023

Zitat:Hello my dear Xxxxxx I am glad to speak again with you!By yesterday i was good spend evening with my friends. We have decidedto  go  in  club.  We  spend there some hours. at first we had a smallsupper.  Then  a little sparkling. And then we have dance. I very muchlike to dance. I'm good dancing. At me good impressions. Only whenI  saw  as my girlfriends kiss men to me became very sad. And I enviedthis a little. I thought of you. I imagined that you as be beside. Youembraced me spoke, me in an ear sweet words.When  you  see  the  in love pairs, you think of me? You frequently gowith  friends  to a bar? When you see there girls, they frequently tryto get acquainted with you? With me very much frequently so ithappens.Men  approach  and  begin acquaintance. But I speak them, that with mesuch  things fail failure. I frequently think of your letters, andI understand, that you seriously concern to me. I as write to you somepersonal  words and histories, concerning the close person. And I wantto  tell  to  you that, I am pleased that I have such person as you! Iwait for your messages, and I think of you. Hugss and kisses!!!! YoursJulia!

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RE: Julia / Yuliya <> - admin - 12-17-2023

Zitat:IP Details For:



ISP:Charter Communications Inc

Services:None detected

Assignment:Likely Dynamic IP

Country:United States

State/Region:South Carolina


RE: Julia / Yuliya <> - admin - 12-17-2023

Zitat:Hello  mine lovely xxxxxxI hope you ok today. But I do not understand your message. I always respond to your questions. If I had not responded to your questions, do not be mad. I am a person. Can I not see the issues because I am very late to go back home. I very much hope that you zadash your questions and I will answer you on your questions. I send to you other picture.I hope  this  picture  will give you good mood. Today I have finishedwork  earlier.  And  now  I  prepare  for a family dinner. My mum is alittle  sick  I want to ask you what I peep you like? You love sweets?You  eat  meat?  Vegetables?  Tell  to  me about it ok? I can learn toprepare  for  you  a  meal. To learn me my mum. I know many recipes oftasty  meal.  My  mum  to  learn me it is a lot of years back. You canshortly  be convinced of it. I was easy make various salads, soupsand  fish  snack. I very much love fruit. Bananas, especially a melon.Today  I  should prepare for a duck with apples. We have such proverb:the Way to heart of the man passes through a stomach. I many times sawit.  When  observed  of  my  father.  Therefore I t win your heart theculinary  abilities.  It  -  a joke! now I need to go home. I hopethat I the daddy will be pleased! I wait for your messages. My kisses.Yours Julia.

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RE: Julia / Yuliya <> - admin - 12-17-2023

Zitat:IP Details For:



ISP:Virgin Media Limited

Services:None detected

Assignment:Likely Dynamic IP

Country:United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland



RE: Julia / Yuliya <> - admin - 12-17-2023

Zitat:Hello mine lovely Xxxxxx. I am glad to see your letter. Thanks foryour letter. We with you became closer. I spoke about you to myparents and friends. They hope to get acquainted with you. My parentsinsist that I have acquainted you with them. I have told that veryseriously I concern to you Xxxxxx. As that you the good person. Youknow, all parents wish that their children were happy. Mine the daddylikes to fish. And when he has come the daddy has told that now to himwill catch not alone to fish. he spoke it about you. I for a long timelaughed at it. The daddy has told that is going to go and buy in thesummer for you fishing tackles. That you could go on fishing. As Hehas told that will teach you to prepare for soup from a fish.You spoke native and to friends about me? What their opinion. Informme please it. You have any plans concerning ours relations? I think itwill be good spend some time together. It will strengthen oursrelations and will help to study each other better. Probably the nextmonth we can meet. For example in Europe or in the other place.Understand me correctly Xxxxxx. I cannot invite you to myself. Andyet I know you very enough. Between us there were only messages andphotos. And I think that it will be better if we shall meet in theother place. I very much want to be with you one. To see your eyes. Totalk to you. We should learn personally about everyone. We shoulddiscuss it. I wait your opinion. I miss you! i kiss you!                            Yours Julia.

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RE: Julia / Yuliya <> - admin - 12-17-2023

Zitat:IP Details For:



ISP:Virgin Media Limited

Services:None detected

Assignment:Likely Dynamic IP

Country:United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland



RE: Julia / Yuliya <> - admin - 12-17-2023

Zitat:Hello mine lovely Xxxxxx. To me you are pleasant to hear that as wantto meet. Also you want spend time with me. I think, that we candiscuss it in more detail in the fast messenger. And to establish timeand a place for our meeting. I want to tell to you, that it will bepleasant for me to know, that there is a person which waits for me,and wants to take my hand in the hand. Therefore thanks for thisfeeling. You imagine this day when we shall meet? Tell to me about itplease. I have set of ideas as we can spend ours with you precioustime together. As at me is a little surprises for you.I shall speak you about some ideas in the following letter. ButXxxxxx you should know. As soon as you will be in my embraces I for along time I shall not let off you. Now I shall not write about thoseideas with which I shall do with you. But you will remember duringlong time. Now I finish the letter. I wait the answer! my kiss to you!yours Juliamiss you!

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RE: Julia / Yuliya <> - admin - 12-17-2023

Zitat:IP Details For:




ISP:AT&T Corp.

Services:None detected

Assignment:Likely Static IP

Country:United States



RE: Julia / Yuliya <> - admin - 12-17-2023

Zitat:Hi my dear Xxxxxx. Have a nice day! I am glad that you have receivedmy messages. how are you feeling today, my dear? I was not so good tofeel like. I am very much excited. I could not sleep yesterday. Manyideas were in my head. I thought of our meeting. I represented manyvariants. These ideas so quickly flied. I had not time to choose it.Excitement, the big impatience and expectation of this day. You havepresented me the sea of pleasant emotions during my life.Xxxxxx it is difficult for me to speak about it, but you have given mea new push by a joyful life. It will be good if all to happen withoutdifficulties. I can tell on work, that I shall have some holiday. Yourwork as should allow you rest some time. Us that should not that todistract. Then we can meet little bit closer from you. Or even I canarrive to you. For me is not present what problem to do the bigtravel. If such way is more convenient for you, and my arrival willnot create inconveniences for you. For me this variant approachesbetter. Let's choose this plan. So I can see as you live, yourfriends. You can show me city. You can show me your favourite places.My work not such important. On work can consult and without me.Therefore I do not worry about affairs. Inform me the opinion! If itis a good way I shall prepare.My kisses. yours Julia!

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