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RE: Oksanochka <> - admin - 12-14-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Greensboro, GA 30642
Organization Backlog Capital, LLC
ISP Backlog Capital, LLC
AS Number AS22646 Hargray Communications Group, Inc.

RE: Oksanochka <> - admin - 12-14-2024

Zitat:Hi  lovely xxx! I today waited the break at work to come in Internet- cafe and to read yours e-mail. tell me honourly, and you wait for myletters?  To  me  would  like to learn about your ideas concerning ouracquaintance. Whether you have any ideas on learning me better. I verymuch  would want to learn more close about that with what you the man.Probably you have to me any frank questions? You have now any woman oryou  the  lonely man? I consider you as the good man and I think, thatyou  to  like  many  women.  You  want  to  me  to tell about the lastexperience  with  the women? I had in the past some relations with themen, but they brought to me only one disappointments. I have lost hopeto  meet  the  good  man  in  the city for creation of family. Our menaccept  a  lot  of  alcohol  and  at  all do not respect the wives andchildren.  At  them  on mind only entertainments and they can not wellcare  of  family. xxxx, Write to me please, what you are good family?What  you  would  want  to  have  family  and  relation  in it? I withimpatience  shall wait yours e-mail. with each your letter I more wellunderstand  with  what  you  inside man, what at you ideals. I like toread,  when you tell about yourselves. Always I wait for your letters.Kiss you. Your Oksana

[Bild: Russland_bergeroksana_08_bergeroksana.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Oksanochka <> - admin - 12-14-2024

Zitat:Hi  my  lovely xxxxxxx. How you today? I hope, that you OK. are pleasantto read me your letters. Our exchange of opinions is interesting to meand  I think, that now I can make some opinion on what your character.Earlier  I  was sure, that is unreal to have attachment to the man andmark  to  it  the  large sympathy, if not met it and did not carry outwith  him  together  time.  But now I feel pleasure, when I have yourse-mail,  I think of you and sometimes I have sadly, when I think, thatwe  far. I very much would want, when I come back from work to come toyou  in  the  visitors,  to  bring with myself any tasty pie. We coulddrink  tea,  and  then together to go for a walk. Probably it would bewonderful. I feel sadly, because we have the relation only through theInternet. Sometimes there is a desire to embrace and to be near to theman.  I  frequently,  when  I be in cafe I see various pairs people, Ilook  as  they  embrace  each other, nice talk and then I am sharper Ifeel  the  loneliness.  I  do  not  know,  whether you have feeling ofloneliness.  If  you too feel it then you understand me and know, thatfrequently ,  that  a  line was the man, whPeter will supportalways and to understand you, will help at any time you and to consoleyou.  xxxxx, I would like to learn your opinion doing our acquaintanceby  more  serious.  Probably,  we  could  meet and carry out some timetogether. It would be very good. What you dear Peter, think concerningit? For me it is very important to know, whether you want to have moreserious  relations  with  me,  than  letter.  Inform  me  please ideasconcerning it. Kiss and embrace. Yours Oksana

[Bild: Russland_bergeroksana_09_bergeroksana.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Oksanochka <> - admin - 12-14-2024

Zitat:Hi my lovely xxxxx Have good day. I was very glad to read your letterand  to learn, that you understand me. Presently it is possible seldomto  meet  the  man,  xxxx could and wanted to understand you. It isreally  pleasant,  that  you too would like to see me and to carry outwith  me  time.  It  means  for me, that you want to have with me moreserious  relations,  than simply letters. xxxx, I am really very gladto understand, that there is such man, to xxxx I am necessary. I amgrateful to destiny, that she allowed me to get acquainted with you. Iconsider,  that  this  large progress forward in our relations. I havevery  many  imaginations  concerning that as we can together carry outtime.  dear,  today  I  would  like  to  learn your opinion concerningchildren.  I very much love children, some mine familiar have them andI  have  the  large  pleasure,  when  I  look,  as  they care of them.Sometimes,  when  my  friends  leave in the evening in cinema or cafe,they  leave  the child at me at home, that I looked after and cared ofit, while they are absent. Then I have the large pleasure to show careof  the  kid.  I would like to have children, my friends speak, that Iwould be the good mum. Lovely, tell to me please about the relation tochildren. By the way, my parents asked me about you, Peter. They askedconcerning  your enthusiasmes, work, parents. I by him told about you.They  speak you hi. My mum took from me you e-mail, probably she wantsto send to you something. Lovely, it is time to me to go. I shall waitfor yours The letters. Kiss you. always yours Oksana

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[Bild: Russland_bergeroksana_10_bergeroksana.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Oksanochka <> - admin - 12-14-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Yoshkar-ola, 45 424000
Organization ZAO Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola address space
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41786 JSC ER-Telecom Holding

RE: Oksanochka <> - admin - 12-14-2024

Zitat:Good day mr. xxxxx. Yours faithfully to you ms. Olga, Oksana's mum. mydaughter  told about very much you both I think also I think, that youare  very  interesting  to her. I hope, that you understand, that I asher  mum  wish  to  her  happiness  and I worry for her life. ProbablyOksana  to  you  did  not tell, but she had in the past failure in thepersonal  relations  and  long  time was injured because of it. I verymuch  would  like  to  save  her from similar mistakes. And I to you Ishall  be very grateful if you will inform me honourly your intentionsconcerning  my  daughter.  Oksana  spoke me, that you with her plan tomeet  and  consequently  I  would like to know, that you think of her.Excuse  me  for  this  letter.  I  do not think to interfere with yourrelations,  but  as  the  fond  mother I worry for the daughter. Yoursfaithfully to you. ms. Olga

[Bild: Russland_bergeroksana_11_bergeroksana.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Oksanochka <> - admin - 12-14-2024

Zitat:Hi  my favourite! I am very glad again to speak with you. I'm writtinga  letter  to  you  and  smiling. I'm constantly thinking of you and Ican't  concentrate  on something else. Today I have good mood, and howyou mine lovely? I missed for you and I have some news to you. I spokewith  the  mum, concerning our meeting, then we talked to her with theagent  of  travels.  My mum agreed, what it is necessary to me to meetyou  XXXXXX. She agrees, that it is necessary to me to travel to you onsome time. She has told, that if we shall like each other and we shalldecide,  that  we want to be close each other, she will get acquaintedwith  the  large  pleasure  with you and to invite you in the house asthough  son.  I  am very glad, that we have progress in our relations.Lovely  XXXXXX, inform, whether your businesses and circumstances allowyou  to  accept me a bit later? I hope, that I shall not create to youinconvenience  in  your businesses. At me the large desire to see you.The  agent  of  travel  has  told,  that  tomorrow  I  can receive theinformation,  how  I can be helped by a travel company in organizationof  travel  to you. Inform me XXXXXX About the opinions, what ideas youhave about it? Kiss you! Kiss you! Kiss you! Always yours Oksana

[Bild: Russland_bergeroksana_12_bergeroksana.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Oksanochka <> - admin - 12-14-2024

Zitat:Hi mine dear! I am very glad to receive your letter and to learn, thatyou too want to meet me and to hold in the hands. It is pleasant to meto  know,  that  there  is  a  man,  for whXXXXX I the desired man andwhXXXXX  expects,  to  see  me.  XXXXX, and as your native people willconcern  to to that I shall arrive to you?. XXXXX, I would not like tocreate  for  you  any inconveniences. XXXXX, today I visited the agenttravels.  He  has  told, that their firm can prepare for me travel. Itwill  require  approximately  about two weeks. They will be to preparefor  me  the passport and insurance, then they will be to order for methe  visa.  The agent has told, that behind the visa I owe to reach inMoscow  in  your  embassy. He has told, that now uneasy to receive thevisa of the tourist to you, but they can care of, that I could receivethe  visa  without  problems. The ambassador it, a little time will berequired  to  reserve for me the ticket and to develop more convenientroute  of  the plane. I have told them, that probably I shall concludewith  them  the  contract  for my travel, toon. Tomorrow I shall learnfrom  them  full  details rather cost and necessary documents. Today Ihad  small  free  time from my work also had not time in detail all tolearn. So i shall talk to my parents to ask them, to help to me to paythis  contract.  I very much hope, mine lovely, that at us all will begood  also  we  can  be  speed  beside  with  each  other. I very muchfrequently I think of it. I have various imaginations concerning us ofa  two.  and you, mine favourite? Dear, I wanted to learn from you, ifcost  travels will be large, whether you can help me with some by partit?  My parents cannot be named as the rXXXXX people, and I not wantedvery  strongly to worry their finance. I hope, that some money for ourmeeting will not be a problem for you. But if yours financial positionnow  heavy,  I  shall  try  itself  to  find any the decision for thispurpose.  Favourite,  write to me is speed. I love you. Kiss you. YourOksana

[Bild: Russland_bergeroksana_13_bergeroksana.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Oksanochka <> - admin - 12-14-2024

Zitat:Hi  mine  favourite!  A thank to you for your letter, it supported me.Today I was slightly Is injured. Mine has told the mums, that she willnot help me to pay for the passport, insurance and visa. She has told,that  a payment for these things we should think out together. She hastold,  that  when we shall pay it and I shall receive the passport andvisa,  she together with the daddy will care of my tickets to you. Shehas  told,  that the tickets very expensive and consequently they withthem  will help us. XXXXX, the agent of travel has told, that contractincludes  the  price  of the passport, insurance, visa and services ofagency. It is possible to pay for the tickets money after I shall haveall  documents  for  travel. The price of all documents and works of atravel  company, 700 american dollars. They want so much money becausenow  very  difficultly to receive the visa in your country and them itis necessary to do for this purpose many efforts. XXXXX, lovely I haveno  many  money and I have told them, that while I shall talk to you Ishall  do  this  contract. Favourite, I today was injured by all thesethings. I did attempts to borrow this money at some people, but nobodycould  to me help. I hope, that you can help me this money and that itis  not  for  you  a  problem.  I  very  much want to feel you beside.Favourite,  I  wait with impatience your answer and I hope, that at usthe  time together will be speed. If such money it is not so difficultfor you and it does not become a barrier to us, tomorrow I shall go ina  travel company and to conclude the contract. I shall wait very muchand to hope, that we shall be together. I love you. Your Oksana

[Bild: Russland_bergeroksana_14_bergeroksana.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Oksanochka <> - admin - 12-14-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Greensboro, GA 30642
Organization Backlog Capital, LLC
ISP Backlog Capital, LLC
AS Number AS22646 Hargray Communications Group, Inc.

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