Anna <> - Druckversion +- Scamerslist ( +-- Forum: Scammers ( +--- Forum: Russland Scammers ( +--- Thema: Anna <> (/showthread.php?tid=1855) |
RE: Anna <> - admin - 12-12-2024 Zitat:Hello my dear friend Xxxxxx!!! Forgive, that so for a long time you should wait for my answer. Butthe Internet cafe, from which I write to you, did not work some days,because of malfunctions with the Internet. Unfortunately, in my citythere is only one Internet cafe. Therefore I could not write to youthese days. But now I am glad, that it works and we can continue tospeak! I see your sincerity before me. I appreciate it! With each yourletter, Xxxxxx, I begin understand that at us with you can that thatwill turn out. I already more reflect on ours with you the attitudesmore seriously. My opinion is those, I count that most importantbetween the man and woman this complete trust, I hate when the peopledeceive each other. As I consider in what that the moment we of lifeto accept the conciliatory proposals,you see it too is the importantpart of the relation between the man and woman. You probably thinkthat I the very serious man, but it not so, I simply do not want to bemistaken in a choice of the future husband and liking man. At thegiven moment my feelings to YOU already that that more than friendly.To your words I begin to understand that you the honor man. Your wordswhich you write me warm my soul and heart. It so is wonderful whenthere is in this world a man to which I is not indifferent. It ispleasant to me so to receive from you the letters and feelings whichI thus test to not pass by words. It is very pleasant to me to learnthat we by mutual understanding each other, you see it is the veryimportant fact in ours with you the relations. If we want to createstrong union, Xxxxxx, we should trust and understand each other in all.Usually i do not tell about the deep ideas and opinions, but I haswritten to you, because I has felt desire to open it to you. I moreindependent woman, but probably sometimes am necessary that there wasone man, which I can to open and trust - sometimes it happens hardlyto reflect all these things. I am glad,that has found yourunderstanding you see it happens not frequently. Yes I would like to have children. I always dreamed to have twochildren, the boy and the girl. But I would like that the boy wasmore senior than the sister that he looked after her and protectedthe sister. No, I have not finished my career, I work photo model.But I am ready to give up my work for the sake of creation of a familyand children. Today I send to you still my photos. In these picturesI together with my best friend! Her name Shushan. She also my partnerin work. We very often are photographed together for several magazines.We 3 years work together! And for this time we very much good havemade friends. I hope that it too to like you. Recently I has found east love treatise and would like it to you toread - Three sources have inclinations of the man: soul reason and body.An inclination of souls derive friendship. An inclination of mindderive respect. An inclination of a body derive desire. The connectionof three inclinations derives love. These words seem to me verycorrect and I think that it is necessary to reflect about it. On itI shall finish my letter. I shall wait for your letter. Kiss. Your Anna RE: Anna <> - admin - 12-12-2024 Zitat: - Geo Information RE: Anna <> - admin - 12-12-2024 Zitat:Hello my dear Xxxxxx!!! How are you? How your mood? Thank for your e-mail. Your message arevery pleasant to me. Reading your letters I start to think of us withyou more and more, I think at us something really can turn out. Xxxxxx,what you on it will tell? You very much like me, and even more thanlike. I want to tell I haves new emotions, in my quiet soul. For me itis unusual to begin relations with the e-mail. That there is adistance between us pulls my ideas to you. I already for a long timehave understood, that if there are some difficulties to achieve thepurpose - the desire to achieve this the purposes is increasing.Probably it is one of those things which forces me to reflectfrequently about you. I think I should grasp your heart, Xxxxxx, andyou cannot struggle with this female magic. I think that you veryreliable and fair person. It very much in you is pleasant to me. Xxxxxx, we communicate with you already enough time, that I could speakabout more personal things. I would like to learn about your dreams(I have in view of about what you you dream, that is about plans for thefuture). If you have dreams, and do not hide it I would like to learnit. What your most secret dreams? You had what dreams in thechildhood, whether your dreams have come true? Personally I alwayswanted to jump with a parachute. I would like, to jump in uncertaintyand to feel free. I represented, as I fly at huge height, and in mineeyes all my life is shown. This dream did not come true, as I havefear. In the childhood, I wanted to become a bird to fly above myhouse. I wanted to be even the cosmonaut!!!! Certainly, these dreams whendid not come true! But, most my main dream in a life, today to meet it thefavorite person and to create family. I want to love and be loved. I wantsimple female happiness. I want to come home and see my loved man, andenjoy each other with every evening. This happiness for me, and I want,that my dream will be executed! Almost all my friends are alreadymarried. One of my friends has married the citizen of Poland. Theyas well as we have started to correspond simply, and have then decidedto check up as they can live together. And now she has left to him,and they live happily 9 months. It till now seems to me unreal andwhat that a romantic history. She wrote to me the letter, she is veryhappy and now they plan to start the child. I am very glad for her andI want that at them all was good. I am not assured, that I could remain to live in other country. It isvalid very much a complicated question for me. And at me never was anoccasion to reflection over this question. I think, that if I willreally find love and happiness then I will remain in other country tolive there. I believe, that for the sake of love and happiness it isnecessary to make a sacrifice! I hope, that now you understand myopinion. However, I think, that while still very early to speak aboutsuch things. And actually your question shocked me a little and hasstumped. I again send to you my photo. And I hope that it will causein you many emotions and feelings. Well, now I shall finish theletter. Xxxxxx, I shall wait from you reply. Your good friend Anna RE: Anna <> - admin - 12-12-2024 Zitat: - Geo Information RE: Anna <> - admin - 12-12-2024 Zitat:Hello my dear Xxxxxx! I much give a heat your letter. I want to tell to you about something.Yesterday behind of a supper of family, my mum has asked me: WhyI every day I visit the Internet of cafe? I have told to her, thatI have found the person close to me on spirit. And I have told toparents about you. I have told that you very good person and verysimilar to me. My parents have been a little surprised. But they havesupported me and have told that are glad, as I could find good theman. By the way, my parents transfer you congratulations, Xxxxxx, andalso wish health! And did you inform the close people about me? Whatthey have opinion on it? Also yesterday, I have visited a hall of gym together with my friends.We frequently go in a hall of gym to support the form and simply to behealthy. First we do warm-up and expansion. Then we run on a circle,also we do exercises for muscles of hands and legs. Later, whenwarm-up is made, we start to do exercises of power. We are borrowedapproximately one hour. Then we play volleyball. I very much similarlyto this game, it develop force, dexterity and the main thing spirit ofa team. And in the summer we play volleyball of a beach on rivercoast! I very cheerful person also i think out various entertainments foritself and the friends. I like to help them to make life interesting.It can be different things: dances, movie, parties or entertainmentson the nature. But if to speak frankly in last time theseentertainments give less pleasure. I frequently dream about romanticevening with the favorite person, it can be a supper or simply walk.I think, that in it there is a lot of charm. Since then, when I havedecided to write to you, my life has exchanged. I see many thepositive moments in life, I am pleased by each day. I at all do notknow, how it can be named? I have been surrounded with parents,familiar and friends, but I all the same felt like similarly tolonely. But now I have the person who every day waits for mine letterswhich understands me and give any advice. In me there is a person whohas good mood and intelligence, him it is talented and fine. Xxxxxx,this person you. I think, and besides, I am sure, that you understandme! I very strongly want only thing to meet the man and to carry outwith him all life. I think, that I am available to this. I think, thatyou are good man, Xxxxxx, and many women see you as good man too. Youlike to me. Please tell to me that you think of me, about ourrelations. What your private life now, please tell me about it. Writeto me more about your feelings and desires, I like always to read,when you tell about yourself. I wait for your messages. Hugs andkisses. I with impatience shall wait your answer! Your Anna RE: Anna <> - admin - 12-12-2024 Zitat: - Geo Information RE: Anna <> - admin - 12-12-2024 Zitat:Hello my dear Xxxxxx! I am happy, to see your letter. With each letter, we learn each otherall better and better, we become more close to each other. PersonallyI any more I don't see the life, without your letters. And you? TodayI want to send you especial photos. Actually it is pictures me on mywork! I think, that you necessarily should see these pictures, thatknow about my work. Also I hope, that it is pleasant to you. Yesterday when I went to bed, I for a long time reflected on meaningof the life. In general ancient Armenian foundations say, that presentarmenian the woman should give birth to the child and bring up him.The man should make three things: to construct the house, to planttree and to bring up from the son of the present the man. But it seemsto me, that it in any measure is silly. In fact everyone is capable toconstruct the house, and happiness all are worthy! Certainly, I agree,that the woman should give birth to the child, but I as think, thatshe should make the man happy! Xxxxxx, and what ancient foundations inyour country? I am confident, that happiness, as well as love, come tothe person once in a life. And if the person will not take advantageof it, that he will be simply lonely. I understand that you really very good person. I think that at usstill all ahead, Xxxxxx. I very much would want to walk with you onbeautiful park, keeping for hands. I present myself our evening walkunder the moon about water where there is only you and I. It so isromantic! I very much love romanticism. Today I thought of youand, it was pleasant for me to know, that there is a person, whichthinks of me too, reads my ideas and writes something for me. I wanthope that at us with you all can to develop very well. I have veryseriously thought of our relations, and I can tell you fairly, Xxxxxx,that earlier to me was not so well. I see that you want the same as I.I think it is time to me to finish this letter, otherwise I shallwrite a lot of superfluous and I shall have then confusion before you.I wait yours e-mail, my lovely. Hugs and kisses!!! Your Anna RE: Anna <> - admin - 12-12-2024 Zitat: - Geo Information RE: Anna <> - admin - 12-12-2024 Zitat:Hello my dear Xxxxxx! I am glad again to speak with you! How are you? How your mood? Youknow, yesterday I for a long time could not fall asleep. Me tormenteddifferent questions. And one of them, this relation to you. You know,it seems to me, that you very good person, and I can be with youcompletely fair. You fine, sensitive, kind, you deserve the most goodwords, and your relation to me the finest in my life. I shall not beafraid, and I shall tell to you. I feel to you strong feelings. Thosefeelings, about which I so long wrote. I cannot name you simplyfriend, you are more than simply friend for me. You understand, thatI want to tell to you? I feel to you, as to the close person. In anordinary life, I would name it love. But we have dialogue only throughe-mail, and I cannot tell, that I love you, but I feel close to these!You understand me? For me important your understanding! Earlier, youwere for me simply the friend - foreigner, and now you for mesomething the greater, you are very expensive to me. You became theintegral particle of me, and it is easy and good me with you! It iseasy for me to communicate with you, you understand everyone my word,each idea. I as for a long time thought of love! I want to ask you,what means for you love??? I think, that the love is, probably, thefinest feeling, which is given to test to the person in this life,but the main thing to find the unique love, and it seems to me, thatI have found it! To tell the truth, love it not only when you meet theperson, with which always it would be desirable to be together withwhich you share all events of a life, ideas and experiences, it alsoinevitable disagreements, still it is necessary will learn tounderstand each other, to find a way to heart of the favorite person,in fact all of us essences unique and unique, it also measured dailyoccurrence with the ordinary, which can be brightened up onlyromanticism and skill to find compromises, to endow for the sake oflove own egoism, but the love is a feeling costs that and even themuch greater. The love can be kept only mutual respect and readinessto endow the habits and principles for the sake of loved! When you seethe person, you feel, that your knees start to be bent, you cannotstand, you overflown with feelings is also there is a present love.The love is when you see the person, you communicate with him, youwrite, and you feel, as the teenager which goes on the firstappointment. The love is for the sake of what it is necessary to live.The love it also is a life! My mum, always spoke me: Present, that youare the lock, and that you to open there is only a unique key, andwhile you will not find this key, you cannot grow fond really. In mycase, I feel, that this key it you Xxxxxx!!! I want to thank you for the big attention to me! Today I send youmy photos which have been made by the professional photographer,specially for one of fashion magazines. In total I had muchphotosessions in my career and these are pictures of one of them.I think, that it should like you. I wait for your messages and I thinkof you. My gentle kisses! Your Anna RE: Anna <> - admin - 12-12-2024 Zitat: - Geo Information |