Ekaterina / Inna <> <> - Druckversion

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RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat:Is glad to see your new letter filled with a part of your history. Itis interesting to learn about you all new. X , do not passanything from yours history, it is interesting to me to know aboutyou.I send you a photo of my mum and my girlfriend Nadya. You can see mymum with right to edge. As you can see it likes to watch yourself andalways looks faultlessly. With Nadya I am on friendly terms for a longtime since the childhood, she is my best girlfriend. I can trust itall and we always share secrets.What season you love, X. I do not do distinctions betweenseasons. I love a variety. Sometimes it would be desirable to lay downin a grass on a blossoming meadow. You lay and look, how on the skyclouds float. And around the sea of colours... Both a smell... Anddreams... Sometimes it would be desirable to pass on autumn wood, torustle with the fallen down leaves... A campaign in beautiful dreams.Sometimes, apparently, that here because of a tree there is a prince,will approach and will embrace you. And you will eternally go on thisavenue, never leaving... Serenely talking about something. Also therewill be no problems, wars, work and chiefs. And times it would bedesirable, as the child, to somersault in a snow deep snowdrift, to beleft by snow. But something I was lost in day-dreams. You can send mestill the photos? It would be kind from your party. Good bye

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[Bild: Russland_skorovarmiyzachem_05_skorovarmi....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_skorovarmiyzachem_06_skorovarmi....thumb.jpg]

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location PT PT, Portugal
City Oliveira De Azemeis, 02 3720-194
Organization Cabovisao, SA -
ISP Cabovisao, televisao por cabovisao, sa
AS Number AS13156 Nowo Communications, S.A.

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat:Hello Dear!I did not receive your letter. Why you did not write to me today? Ihope that all well with you and you will write to me shortly. I worrybecause of you, is possible at you a lot of work and now you cannotwrite to me, but anyway I wait for your answer. At me while all isgood, at me good mood and I am adjusted on a positive. I a littlesince the morning was ran, and have prepared to eat. It is necessaryto go for work to my favourite children. I wait for your letter. Yours Ekaterina

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[Bild: Russland_skorovarmiyzachem_07_skorovarmi....thumb.jpg]

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location ES ES, Spain
City Badalona, 56 08913
Organization Internet de Banda Ampla
ISP Vodafone Ono
AS Number AS12357 Vodafone Spain

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat:Hello X.At everyone the tastes and the interests, what that certain season, aswith everyone is really difficult to note the feelings, memory and theemotional rise. At me positive mood not looking at bad weather. How atyou weather, X ? Today on work to me the father with the childcame, the child very strongly cried, the throat was ill it, it hadquinsy. To me it was so it is a pity, I have stuck to it a prick thatthe temperature slept, to it it became easier, I have registeredantibiotics. Also has told that they came in three days that it had apastel mode. It so it is a pity to me, if to it it is not becomesbetter that I will put it in hospital. I hope that with it all will begood.X , you know, I studied English language at university. I knowthat it not ideally I talk in English, but I hope that you wellunderstand me. Today I had a thought why us with you not to try tospeak by phone? I never did it, and I worry a little. We communicatewith you, but never spoke on the phone. I have learnt as a smog tocall you, in our city there is mail where it is possible to call inother countries and is completely not expensive, to me have told thatI should know a code of your country and number of your phone that Icould call you and talk successfully. I so worry, and I would like tohear your voice. Bye X , I look forward when I can hear yourvoice. Ekaterina

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[Bild: Russland_skorovarmiyzachem_08_skorovarmi....thumb.jpg]

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location DE DE, Germany
City Potsdam, 11 14469
Organization Bulgaria On Line
ISP Lulin-Net
AS Number AS35205 RFTkabel Brandenburg GmbH

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat:Dear XY,Today there was an awful day, today have brought that boy which wassick of quinsy, at it the temperature was 39,4. I have defined it atonce in hospital that it have put on treatment. To me was so it is apity it, I was suppressed by one thought that I could not makeanything else. In me there was a feeling of fault, I after all havesworn Hippocrates. I needed to make more in the first time. Now to ithave made pricks and distances of tablets, and he has fallen asleep.So it is a pity to me it, I will look after it personally, and I willwatch over its health. I needed to put it in hospital when at itquinsy only began at once. Why I have not made it? I asked thisquestion to myself every minute, such sensation that my heart pierceset of small needles...X, to me so it is sad. I have told about it to the girlfriendNadiya, she has told that I was not upset and that all will be good. Ivery strongly hope for it, and I will make all that it went on theamendment. X, what you think in this occasion? To me it isimportant for knowing, because I consider that you the clever personwho can state a sober estimation to an event.X, I finish on it the letter, I go to hospital to watch thechild. I will be in hospital day and night to watch over its health. Iwill find a free time to write to you X. I wait for yourletters. Ekaterina

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[Bild: Russland_skorovarmiyzachem_09_skorovarmi....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_skorovarmiyzachem_10_skorovarmi....thumb.jpg]

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location MT MT, Malta
City Pembroke, 00 PBK
Organization Melita plc
ISP Melita plc
AS Number AS12709 Melita plc.

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat:Thanks you for your support, it were lovely from your party. I wish totell to you good news, the boy goes on the amendment. It so hasstrongly pleased me, know, we played with it played a ball, was sofunny. He rejoiced, I liked its sincere smile and laughter. It hasvery strongly cheered me up. Soon it will write out, it can walk withthe friends.Today I we with my girlfriend Nadiya, went on a sacred spring. We tooka few waters and have washed the consecrated water. Today we with itstill gather in a bath to my parents for a summer residence. Theypromised all to prepare on our arrival. It will be healthy when I canspend this day with the parents. Probably they I will ask again meabout my private life. Whether I to myself have found the man? Myparents always speak that want grandsons, and will get acquainted withthe future son-in-law. I do not know that to them to answer. But todayI wish to tell it about you X. I hope X that I canexplain to them that such the Internet and communications. My parentsof an old school and fair customs. I consider that you will like them.X , you like to go to a bath, probably sauna? You know, I sincethe childhood have got used to Russian bath. It does you more healthyand improves blood circulation. Each Russian knows that such a bathand never will refuse to visit them. You sometime happened in Russianbath? If is not present, you have lost much. I wait with the bigimpatience of your answer. Ekaterina

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[Bild: Russland_skorovarmiyzachem_11_skorovarmi....thumb.jpg]

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location KZ KZ, Kazakhstan
City -,
Organization JSC Kazakhtelecom
ISP JSC Kazakhtelecom
AS Number AS9198 JSC Kazakhtelecom

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