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RE: Svetlana <> - admin - 10-03-2024

Zitat:Hello my the friend xxxxxxxxx!!!How you today??I am very glad to receive yours sincere and the gentle message.To me that you write was very pleasant. Tell to you my letters are pleasant??In the letters I try to tell to you about me everything that you knew about me all.Today I had a good mood as today I very well slept, the fine dream has dreamt me.My childhood as we walk with parents has dreamt me.Very bright and warm sun shines, the easy breeze blows. This was the day off. We walked on park.When we left on the main and long avenue suddenly my parents have disappearedAnd already I went one.Suddenly time as though was carried by with such speed that I already became adult that I already am in the present.I still for a long time went one and sang my favourite song and I have noticed that on other end there is any young man and also sings a song.He did not notice me. It was very beautiful person, but his faces I did not see.I began to approach more close and he has suddenly noticed that someone looks at it.He has sharply turned back and I have woken up from it.When I have woken up, to me became so interestingly, I wished to fall asleep once again to look at this person.Understand at me there was such interest only because recently I have got acquainted with you.Probably on it I had such feeling and such pleasant dream has dreamt.Then I have woken up and have made to myself a small breakfast.Since morning I very much am lazy to prepare. After a breakfast my usual day begins.But now days became more interesting to me. I often recollect you, I wait for your letters.It is very interesting to me to receive your letters, to learn about you a lot of the new.You know probably ask yourself such question: Why this girl from Russia writes to me?I give you the answer. I write to you as you were pleasant to me also your profile has very much interested me.I do not have young man. And I am lonely.You understand that to me 27 years and I have such desires how to find the favourite person, to establish the family.Then probably you have other question: Why I cannot find the guy at myself in the country?First you were pleasant to me. And secondly I had a bad case.Before 4 years ago I had a young man. We have got acquainted with it at university.At first it very much was pleasant and has seemed to me such kind and lovely person.He has started to invite me at cinema, to walk on park. So has passed one month.Except me it had new friends who abused alcohol, drugs and smoking.I constantly spoke to it, that it did not contact them. But they have involved it in all in it.After a while we have left, as it became absolutely other person, it became malicious, reticent, and once it even has stolen at me money to buy drugs.To me was so hard to see as the person whom I so loved also it to me it was pleasant, became absolutely to another.I it did not interest any more, it has broken my heart.I still for a long time thought that it will be corrected and then we will have a new life, but soon it has got with the friends to prison.After that I still for a long time suffered and cried at night, it so was pleasant to me, it was such clever and beautiful.Since then I any more do not trust and I do not trust. All young men at us are easily tempted to drugs and alcohol.I do not wish to suffer and trust in such people more.When I have got acquainted with you you have appeared at once before me absolutely other person.Cleverer, more serious person who never will force the girl to suffer.Tell and what interests at you? Whether there was at you a love earlier?I will look forward to hearing from you very much. For me it is very important.I always look forward to hearing from you, therefore write!!I send warm and gentle KISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!Your Svetlana!

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[Bild: Russland_svetlanka.beauty_06_svetlanka.b....thumb.jpg]

RE: Svetlana <> - admin - 10-03-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Kirov, 33 610000
Organization ZAO Company ER-Telecom Kirov address space
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41727 JSC ER-Telecom Holding

RE: Svetlana <> - admin - 10-03-2024

Zitat:Hello my xxxxxxxxxxx!!!I am glad that you have again written to me.It is healthy and very pleasant for me, I like to read your letters.From the moment of our acquaintance my life very much has changed. Also it is all only thanks to you!How you have spent today day? At you today good weather?With each letter we can learn about each other more and more. It is very pleasant to me to learn about you more and more.Tell as you represent the woman in the future? Tell what there should be you the wife?I think that for many first of all the wife should be able to cook food, to erase and watch cleanliness in the house.And I do not differ from many women. I am able to cook food and who tried it always told only pleasant words.Tell what dishes you love most of all?I have started to prepare still when went to school. I and itself very much liked to eat earlier.First of all very much to be pleasant to me the Russian cuisine, also I had to visit some times Italian and once in Chinese restaurants.From a Russian cuisine I most of all like pelmeni.This dish is very extended in Russia, especially in the winter when here it is a lot of holidays.For New Year, Christmas and the Christening pelmeni the most important dish. Without them the holiday not seems a holiday.Also I very much love pancakes. Since the childhood I loved cutlets prepared with mashed potatoes.I very much love &quot;Winter salad&quot; which is very popular in Russia and is present on each holiday.I love a chicken - a grill and a potato. I in general love meat and many meat dishes.Also I love fruit, various delicacies and certainly sweet. From drinks I prefer natural juice more.Only you do not think that I such glutton, simply I eat always norm and I very vigorous person.By the way, we in Russia have a proverb: &quot;the way to heart of the person - passes through its Stomach!&quot;Tell to me about your flavouring preferences? About your favourite dishes?I will look forward to hearing from you very much! Write to me!!!!!!!KisssssssssssssssssssssssssYour Svetlana

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[Bild: Russland_svetlanka.beauty_07_svetlanka.b....thumb.jpg]

RE: Svetlana <> - admin - 10-03-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Kirov, 33 249440
Organization ZAO Company ER-Telecom Kirov address space
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41727 JSC ER-Telecom Holding

RE: Svetlana <> - admin - 10-03-2024

Zitat:Hello my xxxxxxxxxxx!!!How are you???I hope that my letters are pleasant to you and you answer with pleasure and with the big desire instead of so it is simple.I constantly re-read your letters. To me so it is pleasant.When you read all letters it is already possible to present definitely your life and character.My dear, me it is pleasant that you are interested our future. My dear I very much even want that our future was joint.And how you consider? What do you want in the future? Now I wish to tell to you about the dreams.You became for me such person to whom I can open the soul in which I can trust.I cannot sometimes trust in the girlfriends at all as understand,That for a female such quality is characteristic how quickly to carry all news, that is to gossip.But I only despise it, I do not like to discuss people.Sometimes I so would like to retire and talk alone to the good, kind person to whom it is possible to talk easy to which you can trust even the secrets.In you I see such person, kind and the most important reliable.Now I wish to tell a little to you about the dreams, and already then in your following letter to learn about your dreams, of your future.Unlike many people at whom it is a lot of desires, I have only one, but very expensive desire.I wish to be happy!!For many the happiness consists only in having many money, to have the beautiful partner in life,To have expensive and beautiful car, to have higher education and to work on the most highly paid work.For me it only temptations. Much from this only spoils people.I wish to be happy, and the happiness for me consists in a simple life.My dear for me already a great happiness it only that I live on this fine light,I can breathe this fresh and pure air, drink simple water, to see this warm and a shining sun which lights up all fine world around.It is very pleasant to me to listen to songs of birds, to see in the early spring as the first flower as on trees there are first leaflets blossoms.I often think of such question: Why all people aspire to money, to riches?Personally for me riches it about what I have written above. Also I wish to add very important aspect for myself.One more mine idle time but the main desire is to have the good and understanding husband.Whether for me the person on appearance is important beautiful or not.My dear for me the beauty of the person consists in its character, in its sincere beauty.Often people think that if the person is not beautiful in appearance it does not receive anything.They lower at once its rights. But often this person is very clever, kind also the most important thing at it there is a fine heart,In which contains so a lot of love which to it do not allow to give, it reject only because of its external beauty.I simply despise such people who humiliate poor and defenceless for which the world should be only ideal, that is in it all is beautiful, beautiful people, beautiful houses and other.My love but it is all not for me.Unique my dream is to find the fine person who can surround me with the love and care and to which I can present the heart full of love.I wish to form a fine and happy family with such person, I wish to have children.My dear the only thing that we can leave in the future so it is the descendants, the children and grandsons.My dreams and representations concerning the future certainly can to you and not be pleasant.But this my personal opinion, and at each person always is the opinion.I very much hope that we will have the general opinion.I will look forward to hearing from you with very great pleasure!!!!!KisssssssssssYour Svetlana!

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[Bild: Russland_svetlanka.beauty_08_svetlanka.b....thumb.jpg]

RE: Svetlana <> - admin - 10-03-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Kirov, 33 610017
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Kirov
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41727 JSC ER-Telecom Holding

RE: Svetlana <> - admin - 10-03-2024

Zitat:Hello my dear xxxxxxxxxx!!!How are you???I so am glad to receive your new letter.You write such fine and gentle words. I re-read your letters onMany times also I understand that you very good person.I can discuss serious things with you, I can trust in you.Tell you really write me all seriously, you write to meSincerely?I ask you such question only because we already speak about the suchSerious things, as feelings.My dear such things it is impossible to joke. My feelings to you grow constantly.With each your letter I understand that in you there is something such thatInvolves me that my prince pulls me to you.When I receive your letters to me becomes so pleasantly, on meFinds such feeling when I so would like to write to you,I cannot calm myself any more as on other doomsday there is a suchThe person who writes to me and waits for my letters.You after all wait for my letters? I do not deliver you troubles if I writeTo you?Today I had one very strange and even a ridiculous case a case.Today when I went along the street I thought of you.I represented the future and dreamt. I was lost in day-dreams to such degree thatAll my subconsciousness as though has left in other world.I went and represented as though I am in your city. I go asAlong the street.All around for me is familiar, around the same buildings as well as in my city,But I precisely understand that I am in your city.I went also I rejoiced lives. Weather was very fine and solar. ILong went directly and at last has curtailed on the right.And suddenly on turn the person has faced me. I even have droppedBag.When it has bent to help me I have understood that it you!!!I was simply in a shock from such unexpectedness, I was so is happy thatHas met you.Then I have asked you a question: &quot;you Have learnt me or not?&quot;You still for a long time faced me and then have sharply reddened also your personBecame such happy and joyful.You have exclaimed: &quot;My God! SVETLANA! It you?&quot;Still some time we stood and looked against each other at our persons.Then we have started to talk and lovely to talk. We have gone along the street.When you wished to take me for a hand and I have given a hand to you, my handIt has appeared in absolutely other hand.Here I have regained consciousness from the imagination. My hand has appeared in my handGirlfriends. There is I went near to the girlfriend.We went and were silent and consequently my imagination so was strongly played.My girlfriend to me then has told that all road while we went ITalked to itself. I constantly repeated your name!!!I yet did not say to the girlfriend that I have got acquainted with you. But afterThis case I have told to it about you.It was very glad for me.She at first has not believed to me, she as well as I never believed that throughThe Internet can be found such fine person as you!!!But I have found you and is very glad and happy to it.Excuse me if I write you such nonsenses which occur withMe.But I very much wished to share with you it, I wish to tell about all,That occurs to me.I also want, that you told to me about your life.Now I will finish the letter and very much I hope to receive yoursEarly reply!!!I send a lot of very gentle and sweet KISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSYours Svetlana

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[Bild: Russland_svetlanka.beauty_09_svetlanka.b....thumb.jpg]

RE: Svetlana <> - admin - 10-03-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Kirov, 33 249440
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Kirov
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41727 JSC ER-Telecom Holding

RE: Svetlana <> - admin - 10-03-2024

Zitat:Hello my dear xxxxxxxxx!!!How you my sweet???I'm fine. I was so is glad and happy to receive your nextThe letter.You bring to me so much pleasure and pleasures,After acquaintance to you for me it is very important to receive and read yoursLetters to answer your letters.My darling your letters so are fine, you speak about such fineThings, your words so are gentle and lovely.When I have got acquainted with you I first of all thought that we will beSimply friends, partners in correspondence.But with each your new letter all of you it is more and more meInterested,I found with you more and more the general themes, the general interests.I at all did not assume earlier that my feelings will come so far.I do not know you will understand me or not but it seems that I have fallen in love with you!I love you xxxxxxxxx!Some days ago after the next your letter at me has arisenAny strange feeling, my heart as though has pricked something.When I have checked up mail, and there there was no your letter I was very muchIt is afflicted, I grieved for you. But your letter has then come.You cannot present how many pleasure at all and happiness was for me inThat moment, how many positive emotions you have brought to me.After my acquaintance to you, you have made my life paradise. You bringTo me pleasure, I constantly wait for your letters,As though they became an integral part of my life.You and your letters for me are very important also I so is happy that I couldTo get acquainted with you.My darling tell, and what feelings are tested by you?Sometimes I so would like to communicate more and more, I would like to learnAbout each other all.I tell about myself everything, you tell all about yourselves, between us are not presentAny secrets and it is correct, it is healthy.Certainly you can tell that that I write that to you is onlyExaggeration,This short-term feeling when you yet do not understand that the suchLove.My love but if it was not love I would not suffer, IConcerned without special attention you and your letters.I do not know as you now from react after my letter.I do not know what emotions will cause in you my letter. But I have taken this step,I have told about the feeling to you.My love understand now I completely I have opened before you all soul,Has given in your hands the heart which is full of love to you.My dear I will wait for your letter with very great pleasure andDesire.I so would like to learn your opinion and your relation to me and to mineTo words!Please do not hesitate to write to me all that you think, for me allIt is very important!!I love you!!!! You my prince xxxxxxxxx!!!KissssssssssssssYours Svetlana

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[Bild: Russland_svetlanka.beauty_10_svetlanka.b....thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_svetlanka.beauty_11_svetlanka.b....thumb.jpg]

RE: Svetlana <> - admin - 10-03-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
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Location DE DE, Germany
City Düsseldorf, 07 40479
Organization Vodafone DSL
ISP Vodafone DSL
AS Number AS3209 Vodafone GmbH

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