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RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat:Hello my dear Y. I am glad to see your new letter again because itis interesting to me to read your letters and to learn about yousomething new always (first), and, second, I miss man's attention verymuch. Believe, Y , that you like me too very much, and I like totell all about me and about my life in my letters to you. I believe,that my loneliness will end soon if we shall continue to go in ourrelations in a correct direction. Y , you are lonely and want, thatthe woman loved you the big and sincere love (not as the friend or thefather, as the man). When you would look at eyes your beloved, and youwould think these minutes only that these minutes love would not cometo an end never, and these in love eyes in which you look with lovenow, also would look at you with the big love and tenderness in 10,20, 50 years. You understand me, Y ? I thank you, that you give hopeand chance to find my true love your letters to me. And I promise you,that I shall catch this chance which you give me. I hope very much,that you will not forget me never, that you will write to me and willtry to develop our relations. And I know, that the love began betweentwo people, interest should exist between them necessarily (such sparkthat began a fire). Also know, my lovely Y, that I have suchinterest to you in my soul, and I believe, that this fire can flashbetween us once. I preserve our relations now very much because Ibelieve in our future together. What do you think of it? Many menwanted reciprocity from me, but I have excluded these men from my lifenow because these men searched only for sex in our relations. Thesemen did not understand, that I want to find the man which respected myopinion, understood and would love me really, and I did not see it atthese men never. Therefore I the lonely woman now which wants to findthe happiness. I hope, that you can understand it because it isimportant for me very much.I shall tell a little now, that I have made today. I want, that youknew me and my life it is better. I worked not for long today becausemy boss has given rest to me today. He sees, that I work much.Therefore my boss was kind today with me and has made it. I have metmy girlfriend Svetlana after my work. We visited a cinema today andlooked film &quot;Perfumer&quot; - very fascinating and interesting film, thisfilm has liked us very much. We have visited small cafe after thetermination of film and have drunk on one cup of coffee there and, bythe way, spoke for a long time (we spoke about men much). I have toldSvetlana about you and about our relations. She was glad sincerely,but she asked to not hurry up me. Therefore I think, that time isnecessary for us still that we could understand and study each otherbetter. Ok? We have come back home then and have made general cleaningin apartment Svetlana (I live in an apartment at Svetlana). We havetidied up our apartment now, and I write to you my new letter.I finish my letter on it and I ask to answer my new questions of you:you feel lonely yourself? You believe in love at first sight? Youthink of a marriage in the future? Forgive me for such personalquestions, but I want to know it. I send you my new photos whichshould like you, I hope. And I wait for your photos and your followingletter.Yours Anna

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RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Fairfax, VA 22033
Organization HopOne Internet Corporation
ISP HopOne Internet Corporation
AS Number AS14361 HopOne Internet Corporation

RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat:Hello my dear and lonely Y . I am glad to your letter always, andyou know it well, my lovely friend. Therefore I thank you for thispleasure which you give to me your letters. Your letters are necessaryfor me, I have understood it these last days. I know confidently if Ido not see your new letter, my day is boring and sad. Your letters arenecessary for me as water or food. Your letters is a balm for my souland heart! Therefore know, that you are very special for me, and Ihope, that this sympathy to you will grow once in something thegreater... I am sure, that we shall go forward in our relations tolearn each other better and to see, where these relations will resultus. And, probably, I shall be that woman for you once from which youwant to connect your life. And you will be that the man for me withwhich I shall want to divide family happiness. I understand your ideaswell, because I lonely too, as well as you, Y . I grieve very much,that I have no that the man in my life which will tell to me in themorning: &quot; Wake up my dear, I love you!!! &quot; When I think of my lonelylife sometimes, and I start to grieve very much, and I want to crywith this lonely feeling. I cannot understand now: why I cannot findgood the man? Why I meet the men thinking only about sex andwell-being? Probably, it is my destiny... I do not know... I havealready lived 29 year, and I have no that unique and important the manfor me now which will support and will embrace me a difficult minutealways. Therefore I am glad to each your letter always. I hope, thatyou will be that unique and important for me the man which will loveand respect me really. I think, that the destiny has acquainted ourlonely souls specially for this purpose, that we search already for along time... How you think, Y ? I am right? I finish my letter on itto you, my gentle Y . And I set to you my new questions again: Whatqualities of character like in women to you? You can make somethingcrazy for your beloved? You made such actions for your former beloved?And with what these actions were? Tell about your country, culture,about your city in your following letter. I wait for your followingletter and your new photos. And I send my new photos. You very muchinterest me!AnnaP.S.: I hope, that you will force to leave me my loneliness...I believe in it very much!!!

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[Bild: Russland_annalavanda_11_annalavanda.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_annalavanda_12_annalavanda.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Fairfax, VA 22033
Organization HopOne Internet Corporation
ISP HopOne Internet Corporation
AS Number AS14361 HopOne Internet Corporation

RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat:Hello my dear X. I am very glad to receive your warm and gentleletter always. I do not know as to thank you for attention to me. Butyour letters really help me to feel my importance for you. I shallreally envy that woman whom you will love because you can make yourbeloved happy (I confident it). I (if am fair) I do not believesometimes, that you live in this world, but I receive your new letteragain and I understand, that you live in this world and are interestedin me. I have very much become attached to our correspondence, and Icannot think about such any more, that if I shall open mine e-mail andI shall not see there your letter. I have very much got used to you,therefore I already am afraid to lose you. X, excuse me forsuch request (probably, I the impudent woman a little), but I shouldask you about it because I really want to continue to develop ourrelations. X, promise me please in your following letter, thatyou will not deceive me never, that you to not disappear suddenly andif something will start to not like you in me and in my character youwill tell to me about it necessarily, and you will not be silent aboutit, trying simply to not offend me it. Understand, I want the fairrelations constructed on trust to each other, I am tired from falsemen. And I do not want to lose you also because my female intuitionand my heart speak me, that I could fall in love you and constructwith you good relations. Also I want to give you one advice if youreally are interested in me: not be persuasive in your requests, Ishould solve the first in what foreshortening to continue ourrelations (though I want that you have solved much for me and havemade as you want it)! OK?I shall tell to you now about with what I have been very muchsurprised today at night in my dream. I dreamt today at night in whichI saw you, X. This dream was such: I go in the bus in Russiaand I feel, that the man costs behind and looks at me, and the busgoes to a bus stop, and I hear a pleasant man's voice behind whichasks me: you will leave at this bus stop? And I turn around back and Isee you, X. After I have seen you in my dream I have woken upat once. I have been very much surprised with that I have dreamed ofthe man for the first time which I did not see in a reality never.Therefore know that you already take a place in my subconsciousnessnow, and it speaks about much. I finish my new letter to you and Ihope, that you estimate my honesty and will understand me. Answerplease my new questions in your following letter: you loved the womanearlier (tell about it more in detail)? What can you forgive yourbeloved, what offence? And you cannot forgive what offence yourbeloved? And I think that we should speak by phone for the first time,at last. I very much want to hear you a voice, I want to learn muchfrom you personally. Therefore I ask you to write your phone numberson which I can catch you, in your following letter: mobile, domestic,working, anyone. And please, write the best time in which it ispossible to talk to you. I very much wait! You are very special forme!!!Yours AnnaP.S.: read please well my letter and answer all my requests andquestions! And I think, what I shall answer your questions by phone,OK?

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[Bild: Russland_annalavanda_13_annalavanda.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_annalavanda_14_annalavanda.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Fairfax, VA 22033
Organization HopOne Internet Corporation
ISP HopOne Internet Corporation
AS Number AS14361 HopOne Internet Corporation

RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat:Hello my dear X. I have dared to write to you my new letter, atlast. I apologize for my silence during these 7 days, but I could notwrite to you to these days because I thought of us and our relations(I should make it). I required time to consider my feelings to you.Understand, that I should understand it because our sympathies grow toeach other every day, and it comes to some result once. These 7 daysof my silence were difficult for me because I wanted to write to youthe letter or to call you on phone every day, but I refused myself init because I should consider all this without emotions (I hope, thatyou understand me). You, X, can understand the reasons of mysilence when you will read my letter up to the end (I promise you it)if you cannot understand these reasons now. Dear X, I shall tell toyou something new about me now, therefore I ask to understand me andto read my all subsequent explanations well (it really veryimportant).My feelings have changed to you for these days thoroughly, and I haveunderstood much about my feelings to you for these days. I haveunderstood, that I fall in love with you. You read my letter now and,likely, are very much surprised to my recognition. It not dream, pinchitself for a hand, and you can see, that it is a reality. I haveunderstood it, simply having listened to my heart. For example, Icannot be for a long time without dialogue with you. I start to missat once and I start to think, that I can lose you, and my soul startsI love you and many your features: your kind and sensitive character,your beautiful and courageous person, and many other things in you. Idid not speak it hurt from this idea (as though thousand cats tearapart claws my soul). You know such feeling, X? You about itearlier because I was not sure in these feelings and was afraid tofrighten off you it. It it is ridiculous (likely) because I speak nowas the girl - teenager which has fallen in love for the first time.And something happened with me recently, that has forced to understandbetter my feelings to you. Some case has happened to me on my workwhen I worked 7 days ago. I worked since morning, I am already tired alittle to the middle of my labour shift, and I went on a corridor ofour clinic. Two beautiful and succeeding women have met me in acorridor and have taken an interest at me about service of our medicalclinic. I have answered all their questions, but they have becomeinterested in me and have started to ask to me personal questions,having heard my accent. I have told to these women, that I am theRussian girl, and have told also a little about Russia. But they haveasked me then about my beloved, and I have told about you, my gentleX, and about our acquaintance through Internet. I have told also,that I did not see you in a reality still never, but I already(likely) love you, my lovely X. They have joked very badly of me(they have told one very insulting joke), having heard my recognition.X, please, let me to not speak you about this joke because I verymuch am ashamed to speak you this insulting joke. I could not continuemy working day after that incident, therefore I left home after thathave cried during all evening until while my girlfriend Svetlana hasnot calmed me, and I spoke with it. When Svetlana has calmed me I havetold Svetlana about the reason of my tears and about you, X. I havetold to my girlfriend, that I love you, but I very much am afraid totell to you about my feelings because I think, that you will notbelieve this recognition, and I to frighten off you, and I shallsimply lose you, having told about my feelings. But my girlfriend hasexplained to me, that I should not hesitate of my feelings, because myfeelings sincere. Svetlana asked to speak you about my feelings that Idid not regret in my life then, that I have fallen in love in worthythe man once, and I have not told to this to the man about myfeelings, simply having been frightened of this feeling. But mygirlfriend has advised me to refrain from dialogue with you some timethat I could check up once again my feelings and consider all. And Ihave made how my girlfriend asked me to make, and I speak you now, mygentle X: I love you! I hope, that you will understand me becausemy heart speaks it. And I ask you to tell to me sincerely about yourfeelings to me because it is very important and it is very necessaryfor me and for our relations. I have opened to you my soul, thereforeyou - next, my beloved X. And I shall not demand this recognitionfrom you if you do not want to speak me about your feelings. But I askto understand me and my feelings to you, and to be polite to myrecognition. I shall be glad to hear any your answer. The main thingthat this answer was sincere because I am very tired from lie. Iunderstand also, that it sounds a little unnaturally and fondlybecause we did not see in a reality each other never. Therefore I wantto see you in real time very soon that we could understand finally ourfeelings to each other. Therefore I ask you, my dear Knut, to think ofdate of our possible meeting and to write to me about it in yourfollowing letter. Please, well think of it!!! Understand, X, that Idid not think never, that I can fall in love with the man throughInternet. But it happened, therefore I think, that we shouldunderstand a reality in our feelings to each other. I finish my letteron it, and I ask you to understand feelings of the lonely and pensivegirl which has found love and does not want to lose it. I am sure,that I could not be mistaken in you, my gentle X. And I ask you toanswer one my question: your friends and relatives know about me andour relations? I already wait for your new letter and your new photoswhich you will send in your new letter, I hope!!! And I send you mynew photo. I am sure, that it is a photo it is pleasant to you.Yours for ever AnnaP.S.: Remember, that you live in my heart now, and I am grateful todestiny for it because the love is perfectly!!!

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[Bild: Russland_annalavanda_15_annalavanda.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_annalavanda_16_annalavanda.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Fairfax, VA 22033
Organization HopOne Internet Corporation
ISP HopOne Internet Corporation
AS Number AS14361 HopOne Internet Corporation

RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat:Hello my dear X . I am glad to receive your letters always becauseletters beloved is big happiness for the loving woman always. Alsoknow, my gentle X , that I shall not allow to come to an end to ourrelations at this stage of development because I feel the big sympathyto you in my heart. Therefore I think, that we should meet in areality that we could understand finally feelings each other and tosolve the future of our relations. Therefore think seriously onceagain of date of the first meeting. And please, remember always, thatI very much love you and very much I miss you. I really already dreamevery day, that this day will come soon when I can tell to you duringour first meeting: &quot; Hello X ! &quot; And I know confidently, that thisfirst meeting will be for me the big happiness because I shall meetthe man which could receive my heart even through virtual dialogue. Ithank you also, that you have understood my feelings to you and haveaccepted my love to you. Understand, X , that I am very muchsurprised with this love to the man which I did not see in a realitynever. I really could not believe long time, that I love you, but thisfeeling really exists, and this feeling - sincere, therefore we shouldsolve necessarily the future of our relations. Also know also, whatthis love gives me only happiness now because our love to each othermutual, and the mutual love is perfectly, whether not so X ? I seenow, that Internet have really helped to find to us love, and adviceof my girlfriend was correct. And I want to tell to you, that I havefinished my search of love today, and I shall not be interested inother men more because I am interested only in you now, and I believe,that my love - true, and the good future will be at our love.I want to tell to you about Birthday of my girlfriend now. Icelebrated Birthday of my new girlfriend Sara (we work in one medicalclinic) for the first time together with my fellow workers. Wecelebrated her Birthday in a bar in northwest Toronto, the holiday wasgood. I have presented Sara a vase (I have seen this vase in anantique shop in center Toronto and has decided to buy this originalChinese flower vase because Sara collects different vases). We havedrunk a little spirits on a holiday (I drink alcoholic drinks veryseldom). I have drunk one glass of champagne. We danced much and sang.I sang karaoke for the first time on this holiday (I very much likedit). I have told to my girlfriends about you and about ouracquaintance, my beloved X , and they are very glad for me (theywish us of good luck). My girlfriends asked to tell to you, my lovelyKnut that you preserved and protected me. You will make it for mygirlfriends? And I want to warn you, my love, that this holiday ofBirthday of my girlfriend has been made only for women, therefore guyswere not present on this holiday (only you are necessary for me). Ihave told to you about this Birthday that you have understood, thatyou are very important for me and I do not want to lose you, thereforeyou as mine boyfriend should know much about me. I am right, X ? Ifinish on it my letter to you (my best the man all over the world).And I ask to answer you my new questions: you really think, what weshall be happy together? You really want to meet me in a reality?Answer these questions soon in your following letter because it isvery important questions. I wait for your letter and your new photossoon. Remember, that I remember you always and I miss very much.For ever yours Anna

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RE: Anna <> - admin - 10-01-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location US US, United States
City Fairfax, VA 22033
Organization HopOne Internet Corporation
ISP HopOne Internet Corporation
AS Number AS14361 HopOne Internet Corporation

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