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RE: Christen <> - admin - 09-28-2024

Zitat:Hello xxxxxxxxxx !I was very glad when I has found out your letter in my email.Every day we shall learn more about each other and it's an interesting.I had usual day but i have received your letter and now my mood became much better, itis really pleasant for me that you write to me.Me you very was pleasant to a photo. At you very magnificent photo!!! I hope that you will send to me the photos in following letters more!!! Thank you for yours some answers to my questions it helps me to learn moreabout you and to understand you. I send to you not how many pictures of my family.I hope, that you like I on photo. xxxxxxxxxx tell me more about your family.Do you have many relatives? How often do you visit each other how often do you gather?I have very good family. As i already wrote i live with my mom, daddy and sister.We live in a cosy small house! I have my own room. I have lovedmom and loved daddy! I have native sister Tatyana, it for 3 years ismore younger me!! We with it very much love each other and itthe loved one for me sister, with it I can always consult or tell all secrets!My parents are very good, careful and kind people, they always understand me.They love me very much, I love them too..... My mom's name is Lubov, she isvery sensual and kind woman. She is 47 years old, earlier she workedas the seller in shop but now she does not work. My daddy's name isAleksandr. He is strict, but fair man, he is always the exemplar for me..He is 52 years old. He works as driver. Besides, it seems to me thatmy dad the best father, I never heard the rude word or shout from him,and I always follow dad's advice and admonitions as the right daughter.Undoubtedly he is the head of family.  I love my family very much,we have very strong relations in our family, we take care of each otherand love each other very much. we frequently spend time together. In my private life i have emptiness. I have been never married, my last boyfriend was almost my age, we were with him together almost 2 years, but he appeared the rascal, he deceived me though pretended, that everything is all right, that alwayswith me is fair. I thought, he loves me, but he was a fool (sorry forexpression), he frequently deceived me he was the liar, for himfriends and were more important than a party. For him there was noimportant we relations, and I with him have said goodbye and not howmany I do not regret about it, therefore, now I search for moreserious and sincere really ; adult man for serious relations;. Thereare no anybody for serious relations. In the beginning you think youhave met the good suitable person, but then you understand that weremistaken in the person. Likely therefore I also use the web service ofdate. So it is possible to study an internal side of the person,Probably here I can find the person who will be to love me, appreciateand understand me. For me not important his financial situation andwork he makes. i hope to find who appreciate women and who can care ofwoman. I shall be ready to give all myself, well I shall be brief xxxxxxxxxx, write to me about your ideas of that and please tell me a littlemore about yourself.                 I hope to hear from you soon.                     
Yours Cristen.

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[Bild: Russland_christenkiss_14_christenkiss.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_christenkiss_15_christenkiss.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_christenkiss_16_christenkiss.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Christen <> - admin - 09-28-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location GB GB, United Kingdom
City Glasgow, V2 G81
Organization Virgin Media
ISP Virgin Media
AS Number AS5089 Virgin Media Limited

RE: Christen <> - admin - 09-28-2024

Zitat:Hi xxxxxxxxxx, it is pleasant, that you were interested in my some ideasin messages. xxxxxxxxxx, usually i do not tell about the deep ideas and opinions,but i has written to you, because i has felt desire to open it to you.I more independent woman, but probably sometimes am necessary that there was one man,which i can to open and trust - sometimes it happens hardly to reflect all these things.I am glad, that has found your understanding you see it happens not frequently.Thank xxxxxxxxxx , that you have written to me some details about yourlife and family, I closely studied it. It has helped me more well to understand youand your life and you become closer man . xxxxxxxxxx , today I have very intense day on my work.I found a little time to send you this message i want to say that i think of you i alwaysglad to your mails. I should go. Have good day!!! I wait your letters.               
Yours Christen.P.s Now I have no new photos, I will try to make tomorrow not how many with my girlfriend for you!!!

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[Bild: Russland_christenkiss_17_christenkiss.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_christenkiss_18_christenkiss.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_christenkiss_19_christenkiss.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Christen <> - admin - 09-28-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location IT IT, Italy
City Canicattini Bagni, 15 96010
Organization Telecom Italia
ISP Telecom Italia
AS Number AS3269 Telecom Italia

RE: Christen <> - admin - 09-28-2024

Zitat:Hi my dear xxxxxxxxxx!I now read yours e-mail, and it was interesting to melearn your opinion that I spoke you in my last message.I do not represent the day now without your letter.You became veryinteresting to me, and dialogue with you gives me sense in a life,in each day. I do not know precisely about that that you suspectthe account of it. I hope that you think precisely also. I want tolearn you it is better, and I will speak more about myself in the letter.Now I can make some opinion on what your character. If you Not againstsomehow we could chatter a little by phone .I would like to speak with you,to hear your voice. xxxxxxxxxx , I send you a new picture. That this picturewill like you. xxxxxxxxxx , I too would want to see more than yourpictures. Dear, I would like to learn, how you like to spend the freetime. I very cheerful person also think out Various entertainments foritself and the friends. To me to like to help them make a lifeinteresting. It can be different things: Dances, cinema, parties orentertainments on the nature. But if to speak frankly in the lastthese entertainments give time I have less than pleasure. I frequentlydream of romantic evening with the favorite person, it can be asupper or simply walk. I think, what in it there is a lot of charm.You the romantic person xxxxxxxxxx Whether you think, sometimes, of suchthings? You like cosy evenings with the family? I very much loveholidays when all family gathers, behind one table. It is very cosyand comfortable for me. And how you like to spend holidays dear? Whatfor you does makes a cosiness and rest? Tell to me please about itxxxxxxxxxx . xxxxxxxxxx , excuse me for a question: whether there is at you nowany woman? I think, that you are good, as the man and To like manywomen. Because at me good taste, and you to like me. What your privatelife now, Please tell about it. Probably you have to me any frankquestions? I shall answer them. Write to me more in detail about thefeelings and desires, to me to like to read, when you tell aboutyourself, I am ready To listen about it. I wait for your messages. Myembraces.                  
Yours Christen

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[Bild: Russland_christenkiss_20_christenkiss.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_christenkiss_21_christenkiss.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_christenkiss_22_christenkiss.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Christen <> - admin - 09-28-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location NO NO, Norway
City Oslo, 12 0001
Organization Broadnet AS
ISP Broadnet AS
AS Number AS2116 Broadnet AS

RE: Christen <> - admin - 09-28-2024

Zitat:Hi my lovely xxxxxxxx ! I am very glad to news from you. xxxxxxxx , yesterday I could not send you the letter because I had no opportunityto access to Internet. We haven't phone in our apartment is andconsequently my computer has no input in a network.Usually i write down the message to you on a diskette, and thenI go with it to the girl familiar to me, she live almost near me,Her computer have input to the Internet and I send to you my letters from there.But yesterday she was absent at home. I hope, what you xxxxxxxx did not lose me.I missed without yours e-mail. Today on work I thought of you and, itwas pleasant for me to know, that there is a person, which thinks ofme too, reads my ideas and writes something for me. And how you?xxxxxxxx did you miss me these days? Today i with friends plan to havesome entertainment. It will be possible some club or a disco, or some concert.It is a pity, that you is far now. I think, we could spendperfectly together evening. I hope, we'll do it in the future andwe'll can well have fun. I am sure, that it will be good time for usxxxxxxxx ! We shall drink easy wine, then to dance, while our legs canmaintain it. And after that we probably shall reach somewhereelse....., and where we'll make some things. Ideas about it mebeforehand raise. My imagination very much advanced and I canrepresent many details of ours appointment. I think it is time to meto finish this letter, otherwise I shall write a lot of superfluousand I shall have then confusion before you. I wait yours e-mail, mylovely.      Hugs and kisses!!!     
Yours Cristen

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[Bild: Russland_christenkiss_23_christenkiss.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_christenkiss_24_christenkiss.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_christenkiss_25_christenkiss.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Christen <> - admin - 09-28-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location BE BE, Belgium
City Koersel, 05 3582
Organization Telenet N.V.
ISP Telenet N.V.
AS Number AS6848 Telenet BVBA

RE: Christen <> - admin - 09-28-2024

Zitat:Hi my lovely xxxxxxxxxx !I hope you have good day! i wish it to you. I send you another my picture,probably to those pictures which you already saw, you got used. I hope,that this picture will give again to you good emotions. At me all stillbut my mom is sick a little....Today I cook food. By the way, dear,what you usually prefers more in food? What you prefe : sweets, meat, a fish?Inform me it xxxxxxxxxx . My parents and friends very much like a meal whichI prepare on kitchen. Who knows, can once you will try my meal :^)I love many dishes and to select something particularly at once difficultly (but it ispossible). Since the childhood I love mother's cutlets with a mashedpotatoes, the stuffed pepper. I love salads such as ; Winter salad ;is very popular salad in Russia, there are always on any celebrating. Also Ivery much love salad ;Relish;: tomatoes and cucumbers it isfinely - finely equal to cut. The onions, are better dark blue, too.In very deep salad dish to spread all over again cucumbers a layer, then tomatoes,then an onions. Then a brynza to cut fine squares and from above. To submitseparately sauce ;Elefaim; is a mayonnaise mixed with orange juice andsomething else. Salad can be salted a little from above, but it is unessential.I very much love salads with fresh vegetables, I love a chicken - grilland a potato fried, muesli and every possible nuts, yoghurt a pie and chocolate,ice-cream, bananas and ... Meat - fried, baked, as shashlick (barbecue) andas different meat delicacies, chops. I love a fish red, white, everyone. In anykind, but not crude. The society of protection of animals would chainme to a pillory. (the Joke! I love a pizza, all from the puff testvery much I love - both sweet, and unsweet. Still I love awater-melon, any apples sweet or sour-sweet apples, a strawberry, andothers fruit. And still I adore sweets every possible. But, I alwayscontrol myself because from sweet it is possible to collect excessweight. I love natural juices, and Coca-cola, Pepsi. In general I liketo try new dishes, for example national dishes. Only do not think,that I the glutton, simply very much was lost in day-dreams (a joke!),I always hold myself in norm and I do not allow to prevail to the foodinstincts over me. Mmmm well i think i must to stop, now I shall givean opportunity to you  By the way, we in russia have proverb: ; theway to heart of the man - passes through his stomach! ; I was manytimes convinced of it when observed of my father.                  
My sweet kisses!!                
Yours dear Cristen

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RE: Christen <> - admin - 09-28-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location ZA ZA, South Africa
City Durban, 02 4001
Organization Telkom Internet
ISP Telkom Internet
AS Number AS5713 SAIX-NET

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