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Tatyana / Anastasya <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat:Greetings,  washing  the  lovely  prince xxxxxxxxxx! At last I was pulledout,  though  and is temporary, from huge whirlpool of daily problems.In a room it is dark and silent, only beautiful and slightly sad musicargues  with  the  night  rain, slightly tapping on a window sill... Iforget  about  all  and  I  write you the letter... During this momentanything  and  nobody can distract me from thoughts on you. It is morein all Universe there is nobody - only a star, you and I. I know, thatwe  are  divided by thousand kilometres but when I write to you, feel,that  I  whisper these words to you on an ear... Also I know, that youhear  me...  You at all do not represent, as roads to me your feelingsand  your  soul...  As it would be desirable to enclose in your palm amysterious  envelope with light of a miracle, with smells of colours ,lake mint... I will blink, representing, with what impatience you openan  envelope, and from it butterflies, nacreous, lemon take off... Youcan understand nothing, and behind the back the cape from butterflies,and  over  a  head  -  a  nimbus  from  a  rustle  and  pollen alreadydevelops...  And  you  to  regain  consciousness  were not in time, asserene beings have carried away your grief on the transparent wings...I  so  wish you to see! But it will be how much fast - nobody knows...Important  only  that  we had enough patience to wait that moment whenheart  will jump out of a breast, lips will repeat a favourite name, abrain as hours will be made by return readout, as at spaceship launch.The  ship  which  will  lift  us  on  a  white,  soft, fluffy cloud ofhappiness  where  we  will  stir,  having lowered feet downwards. Lastnight  I  long  stood on quay. I so would like, that you were a numberthat  you  saw that I that I could embrace you see, tell, that missed,to  meet with you a dawn... I have closed eyes, and for an instant youseemed,  that  nearby,  that  I  embrace  you,  whole your hair, I seereflexion of red waves, a thin path of last sunlight in your eyes... Ilooked afar, after the leaving sun. Also knew, that through pair hourson  the  bank of Neva you can see the same. The same decline, the samesun to which and would like to tell: ;you Will see my favourite - sendit  from  me  regards!  Its  kiss  from  me  the red, gentle rays of adecline;...  My  Darling!  Wait  and  hope! When you rise early in themorning  when  you  go  to the underground when you miss when you comeback  home  when you lay down in cold bed, know, that I nearby. I withyou! I always with you!. I wait for your fast reply, yours Tatyana!

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RE: Tatyana / Anastasya <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Lyubertsy, 47 140013
Organization Beeline Home
ISP Beeline Home
AS Number AS8402 VimpelCom

RE: Tatyana / Anastasya <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat:Hello my angel xxxxxxxxxx. How your affairs, how your mood?? What new atyou?? How is the weather at you?? At us the Temperature reads offscale. To me it is bad and bad not from that that I am ill, and fromthat that nearby there is no you madly favourite and person expensiveto me. I understand all, all I know. But so it would be desirable tobe a number. I would put a head to you on a shoulder, would embraceand I would know that you have embraced and have caressed me. Wouldpat on the back as the little girl and would put to bed. Forgivedreams. I know that likely not so would be desirable you it is thenobility. But I can not be silent. When I am silent to me morepainfully. Do not think it not dependence. I the adult girl also knowwhen to tell stop. I can. I strong. Easier sometimes to be mad itwould be desirable weak. Should not I know. Therefore forgivesometimes my weaknesses. You are now very necessary to me. And I amgrateful to you for that that you understand it and remain with me.Likely much it is necessary for you to tell, but I cannot, I do notwant. I know that you will not understand, even can you will notforgive. Terribly. It is madly terrible to lose you. I do not want, Ican not. Well here again became weak. It is impossible. And in athroat a lump and tears rise. No. I strong. It is very a pity that youknow my weaknesses but I will not be assured that you to do to mepainfully. You not such person. You kind, at times persevering, I butall the same with me. Thanks you. I hope you does not weigh ourdialogue. If that that not so tell. Be not afraid. I will understandall. I want that you were happy. I will sustain all I ask only aboutone never to me say lies. Let to me it will be sick from the truth,but only not lie. I strong with all will consult. It would bedesirable will start howling. Night and again loneliness. Excuse. Forall all all. Many thoughts are a lot of words which it would bedesirable you to tell. But I will not be. I wait for your fast reply,yours forever Tatyana

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[Bild: Russland_tatyano4kas_02_tatyano4kas.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_tatyano4kas_03_tatyano4kas.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_tatyano4kas_04_tatyano4kas.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Tatyana / Anastasya <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Saratov, 67 410000
Organization Rostelecom
ISP Rostelecom
AS Number AS12389 Rostelecom

RE: Tatyana / Anastasya <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat:My darling, soon comes one of the most beautiful seasons. Autumn. Youagree with me, what the autumn can be very romantic?Poets of all world wrote a prose large quantity about this season.Now I sit on the balcony and I observe, how slowly our nature comesnearer to this time. The autumn, and still is not present younearby... Excuse this my small deviation. To like you the mellowautumn? So, at least, name in Russia early autumn. When there comestime of a gold leaf fall. I very much love this time. For me this timeof thoughts when the head thinks only of one... About light and purelove when heart fades in expectation of its occurrence. Now I wouldlike to wink at you an eye, but you understand, why I cannot make it.The darling you love poetry? You know Russian writers? To me it willbe pleasant, if you tell to me about the writers. I practically didnot meet their creativity, but it is very interesting to me, as I thebig admirer of poetry. Certainly, with development of the Internet itseems little bit old-fashioned, but it so. My angel, that that I startto Fall asleep. I will be glad to receive your answer. Tatyana

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[Bild: Russland_tatyano4kas_05_tatyano4kas.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_tatyano4kas_06_tatyano4kas.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_tatyano4kas_07_tatyano4kas.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Tatyana / Anastasya <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Moscow, 48 101752
Organization Comstar-Direct CJSC
AS Number AS8359 MTS PJSC

RE: Tatyana / Anastasya <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat:Greetings, I Anastasya.As you have already understood, I very much am interested in you andDialogue with you.I will be very grateful to you if you answer me with full reciprocity.I hope, you have not forgotten me?Now I want, that you simply would smile together with me and would haveWritten me a prompt reply!Expectation of your reciprocity Anastasya!

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[Bild: Russland_tatyano4kas_08_tatyano4kas.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_tatyano4kas_09_tatyano4kas.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Tatyana / Anastasya <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Voronezh, 86 394003
Organization VimpelCom
ISP VimpelCom
AS Number AS3216 PVimpelCom

RE: Tatyana / Anastasya <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat:How are you? I hope, that all is good. I'm fine as. I am very glad,that you have written to me, as you are very interesting to me... Tome has liked your questionnaire and I answer to you. I would like,that we have continued our dialogue.Allow me to tell to you about me directly, Ron.My name Anastasya. I live in Russia, in the city of NizhniNovgorod. To me of 29 years. I have finished university, in the same place have started to studyEnglish language in detail, I like English language and I understand,that he is important in the modern world. Now I as try to study English language as at me the grammar ;limps;.I well understand English language, therefore for me not the problemto read your letters, I hope, that you understand me... I really hadno experience to communicate with the man from other country andconsequently I hope, that with you we will manage to find commonlanguage.I wish to tell at once to you, that I search for the man for seriousrelations! I am seriously adjusted in search of the man from othercountry. As I cannot find REAL MEN in the country! I do not know why,but, probably, I simply do not notice men in Russia. About it it ispossible to write long, but nevertheless I would like to tell to youmore about myself.At university I studied as the historian, now I work practically bythe trade... I work in library, in the Central city library of ourcity.I Will write therefore to you letters if you answer them, from ourlibrary... Here there is a computer, therefore I can write to you as soon as Iwill have a free time.I never was married, I have no children... I am really interested infamily creation... I search for warm relations, I search for trust...I search for love!dear Ron, please, write about itself, what you searchin relations?I harmonous as you see on my photos. My height of 168 sm, my weight -51 kg. I do not wish to brag, but I have a good figure . I hope,that you like my photos. I try to support the figure. I do not havediet, I to eat practically everything, but at the same time I do notget fat. I even can tell, that I like to eat. My hobby is a playing sports, that is I cannot tell, that I thesportswoman, but that I do not refuse to myself in meal I shouldsupport the figure. Namely, I sometimes run in the mornings, in thewinter - I ski, and some times in a month I go to the fitness centre,But all every day I make for myself small gymnastics by that I makesome exercises. I really think, that playing sports it is veryimportant. I as like to play volleyball.Ron Necessarily send me your photo! Also tell pleaseabout itself...I will look forward your letter!Yours faithfully, Anastasya

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[Bild: Russland_tatyano4kas_10_tatyano4kas.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_tatyano4kas_11_tatyano4kas.jpg.thumb.jpg] [Bild: Russland_tatyano4kas_12_tatyano4kas.jpg.thumb.jpg]

RE: Tatyana / Anastasya <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Moscow, 48 117042
Organization Beeline Home
ISP Beeline Home
AS Number AS8402 VimpelCom

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