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Ekaterina / Inna <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

<> <>

Zitat:Hello Y !You left me your contact, I'm glad pleasant acquaintance. My nameEkaterina, and I am 27 years old. Nice to know that I liked you, you,too cute me Y. You know, I was looking through profiles for thequestionnaires, and saw thee, I liked your picture and your profile.In my opinion we have common interests, and can better acquainted witheach other. I am sending you a photo, I hope that she will like you,and I am waiting for your photos. I finish this my letter and I hopethat we will continue our dialogue. Ekaterina

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RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Kursk, 41 305009
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS59713 JSC ER-Telecom Holding

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat:Is glad to receive your answer. Funny, but I little worry to ouracquaintance. Now I wish to tell little about myself. X herealready throughout 2 years I go in for sports, and I conduct a healthyway of life. I do not drink and I do not smoke, I consider that thisdestruction myself. I work as the doctor, and I need to watch not onlythe health but also behind health of children. I like my work, it ispleasant to communicate with children, children are afraid of doctors,they think that doctors to cause them a pain. And the most importantthing in my work this ability to communicate with children, they suchamusing and sincere. X , you find common language with children?Thanks for a photo, you here are much more beautiful. Do not forget tosend to me more than the photos.I live in Russia, in the city of [ch1057]ivilsk. My city Is based in 1589,our city is surrounded by woods, about our city there are threebeautiful small lakes with pure water. Number of our city makes about13 thousand persons. In itself our city not big and very beautiful inour city there are both ancient, and new houses. Sights of our city itis the Tikhvin monastery, and ancient merchant houses, they restoredand now are historical monuments of our city. You can look my city ingoogle map. I was born on October, 15th, 1982, at o'clock in theafternoon, and on a horoscope I scales. My growth of 174 centimetres,and my weight of 54 kgs. I very much like to share with you thoughtsand to tell to you about myself, now, it is time to me to go to cookfood, and I with impatience wait for your letter to write to youagain. Bye. Ekaterina

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[Bild: Russland_skorovarmiyzachem_01_skorovarmi....thumb.jpg]

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Sankt-peterburg, 66 190826
Organization CJSC ER-Telecom Holding Saint-Petersburg branch
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS51570 JSC ER-Telecom Holding

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat:Hello X,Today remarkable day and morning, I was woken by my cat, it licked tome the person, it was so pleasantly. Ah yes, I to you did not tellthat I have a cat, her name is Kisa. My cat very kind, clever, andsuch amusing. I like to care of it, to look after, wash, feed. I verystrongly love the Kisa.At everyone the outlook on life and own ideals. I even did not knowthat it will be so easily to communicate with you, X, you theperson interesting to me and me would be desirable to know about youmore. I hope that our dialogue also will be bright and rhythmical asthe first acquaintance. It so is interesting, when you learn about alife of the person unfamiliar to you, the person with which you neversaw, learn as it lives, its outlooks on life. At once you start tounderstand that in this world many paints, instead of ablack-and-white tape of a life. What do you think? It is interestingto you to talk to me?At me today cheerful day, I ran since morning. You know, I like to runand listen to music, at me is small mp3 player, there will interfere afew songs. I like to listen Nelly Furtado, Inna, Banderos (it'sRussian pop group) and Black Eyed Peas, well and many other things.What music is pleasant to you? Well, I will finish on it the letter toyou X. Ekaterina

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[Bild: Russland_skorovarmiyzachem_02_skorovarmi....thumb.jpg]

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Yoshkar-ola, 45 424000
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS41786 JSC ER-Telecom Holding

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat:Today at us in a city it is raining, a downpour. Some days stood therewas a usual quiet weather. And today the rain, probably it will go allthe day. Because of a rain I have passed the jog, and I had to squat=) I still had a lot of time to be tidied up, wash and gather forwork. I have decided to amuse a little, I have prepared fruit salad,and have made orange fresh. You know as it difficult when you do nothave special car, I had to squeeze out simply it, I have spent kg oforanges to make fresh =). It was ridiculous, but it was pleasant tome.I have absolutely forgotten to speak to you about the private life, Ilive one in two-room apartment. I have mum and the daddy, to it for 68years, they coevals. Not far from my city, my family has a summerresidence. Now my parents live there, they have solved for themselvesthat they need to get over from a city on the nature where the worldand calmness reigns. Now they on pension, at them are the smallkitchen garden and not the bad house. Sometimes I go to them by daysoff to see them and to help with work on a kitchen garden. And youlike to be in the country, to breathe fresh air, to walk on wood? Ivery much like to walk in wood, to collect mushrooms and berries,after all it is full harmony of rest.For today I finish the letter and I wait for your letter. Ekaterina

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[Bild: Russland_skorovarmiyzachem_03_skorovarmi....thumb.jpg]

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Kursk, 41 305009
Organization CJSC Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS59713 JSC ER-Telecom Holding

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat:Hello!Today the day off, I write to you only to tell. That you have spentgood him, we with my girlfriend Nadiya are going to go to cinema andto walk under the city plan so I should not miss today a little. Iwant that you as have spent the day off. Tomorrow I will write to youmore and we with you will continue dialogue. All I have left, while.Ekaterina

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[Bild: Russland_skorovarmiyzachem_04_skorovarmi....thumb.jpg]

RE: Ekaterina <> <> - admin - 10-05-2024

Zitat: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location RU RU, Russian Federation
City Tula, 76 300013
Organization MTS PJSC
AS Number AS40993 MTS PJSC

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