Jason Pielak <sonpie@gmx.us> <j.pielak@aol.com> - admin - 12-30-2023
Zitat:Vielen Dank für unser Gespräch, wie geht es dir heute drüben machen, ich hoffe, dass alles in Ordnung mit Ihnen ist.Wie ich sagen vor, mein Name ist Jason Pielak aus New York (USA), bin ich 47 Jahre alt, aber mein Vater kommt ursprünglich aus USA, während meine Mutter von Fidschi Insel ist, ich bin geboren in Navua, dies ist eine kleine Stadt in Fidschi-Insel. Mein Vater war im Militär,<br />Zeit und ich bin das einzige Kind meiner Eltern, aber wir überlassen Fidschi im Alter von 10 Jahren Einheitsstaat.Nachdem ich meine Schule mit California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco fertig und zog später nach der University of California, San Francisco, wo ich meinen Abschluss in Engineering and Applied Science zu sichern.Nachdem ich fertig war von der Universität wollte, dass mein Vater einen Job für mich zu sichern, aber wegen des militärischen Blutes in mir habe ich beschlossen, das Militär als ein Ingenieur beitreten.Einige Jahre später ich habe zu meiner verstorbenen Frau Betty namentlich geheiratet und wir hatten wenig Verzögerung bei Kinder aber später gebar sie meine Tochter und ihr Name ist Mitchell PielakDarüber hinaus am 08.07.2001, ich verlor meine Eltern und meine Frau bei einem Autounfall, gingen sie zu einer Hochzeitszeremonie und auf ihrem Weg zurück fahren Heim, sie hatten einen Kopf auf Kollision mit einem großen LKW-Auto und sie starb in der spot.but dann ich war 33 Jahre altAllerdings habe ich in den aktiven Dienst seit 15 Jahren verbringe ich 2 Jahre im Irak bevor ich nach Afghanistan verlegte und wie ich schon sagte, ich habe einige Monate hier verbringen.Ich bin sehr respektvoll und habe null Toleranz für Untreue. Ich habe In Beziehungen, wo ich versuchen zu verzeihen und vergessen und weiter mit der Beziehung aber erkannte, dass, nicht darüber, wer SIE aber das richtige für Sie sein möchtenIch brauche eine Frau, die zu einer Beziehung begangen werden wird, und ich weiß, es nicht leicht ist, aber wenn wir ein Herz haben kann, wir unser Liebesleben erarbeiten wird, um der beste zu sein.Ich bin jemand, der ehrlich ist, romantische und Pflege, die diese Qualitäten im Gegenzug in jeder Beziehung noch bin ich zu beteiligen, ich Liebe, dass Sie Ihr Herz öffnen, damit wir wissen, wohin uns unser Liebesleben führen wird.Zum Spaß ich mag gehen ins Kino, Strand, Partys, Schwimmen, hängen mit Freunden, einkaufen gehen...Ich liebe live-Musik, Tanz und Karaoke und guten altenaltmodische Spaß. Ich liebe hip Hop und ein wenig der Country-Musik... muss ich hinzufügen, das ich Liebe, gute Hausmannskost.Ich bin jemand, der genießt, seine Gefühle zu zeigen. Ich möchte meine besondere Person zu wissen, was sie mir jeden Tag bedeuten kann ich Leben. Grund ist, weil das Leben so kurz ist und wir jede Tagesanzahl zu machen müssen.Bitte erzähl mir etwas über sich selbst und Fragen Sie mich Fragen, die Sie über mich wissen wollenLiebesgrüße von Jason
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SpoilerFrom Jason Pielak Sun Apr 14 19:10:51 2013<br />X-Apparently-To: XXX@yahoo.de via; Sun, 14 Apr 2013 18:10:55 +0000<br />Return-Path: <sonpie@gmx.us><br />Received-SPF: none (domain of gmx.us does not designate permitted sender hosts)<br /> ZXIgR2VzcHLDpGNoLCB3aWUgZ2VodCBlcyBkaXIgaGV1dGUgZHLDvGJlbiBt<br /> YWNoZW4sIGljaCBob2ZmZSwgZGFzcyBhbGxlcyBpbiBPcmRudW5nIG1pdCBJ<br /> aG5lbiBpc3QuwqAgV2llIGljaCBzYWdlbiB2b3IsIG1laW4gTmFtZSBpc3Qg<br /> SmFzb24gUGllbGFrIGF1cyBOZXcgWW9yayAoVVNBKSwgYmluIGljaCA0NyBK<br /> YWhyZSBhbHQsIGFiZXIgbWVpbiBWYXRlciBrb21tdCB1cnNwcgEwAQEBAQNt<br /> dWx0aXBhcnQvYWx0ZXJuYXRpdmUDAzgCA3RleHQvcGxhaW4DAzACA3RleHQv<br /> aHRtbAMDNQI0LmpwZwNpbWFnZS9qcGVnAwMxMDk-<br />X-YMailISG: 07CGqzAWLDvjfnRDqTmBtWtdZcyijKaiPYzj0DbgOL3pNuj.<br /> XKZUTlfL9rNYb7EeJ9qzHqvEvLe2dooMsF2d3moGBNQ7CN_cAJ4oCjwKwc_E<br /> ogtdvEQUxzzS6RrsRkdmzig6Ffblmq6YWeer1HIhImIa2Mx4J.oIgrhKeJNc<br /> EGY.l6bQ_olH6sRWIyNUY9pndNt5YniNNYTqfhTtTQd_5u4IPHqfAzTyqeWk<br /> .sfbLS2Apn2.f4zPI4A0GhULTpqnD1IGAyug1i2swiN8LJMTdjAeOE_mxGJq<br /> 06xX11GSTdvfIwKrbkvy9ZXgpLNHNi6.V6eAHKiZJeljQjRGLlQjKDyJEEDL<br /> XjG2mV_HU7gljVEfDypnTvP1prGXzQQbGz88_g.NpbSJ74GhLUBSv12H0vHm<br /> aHhNs2yv9PQf.6DGTdCRIpNBmRo1bk_n2BNPg9r0618NMnMEv7Yc6p2MpJ7j<br /> 8oSLMdA7MkFGtWa8velvWVDMwCjxWXuJHDe2HS3ME9fW9zW7tMlzudBUB7Cr<br /> I85bnHxuIhSUp7fbBVcDBwcXn8FMgBLQcpdOJ8dMNdako2sg_gDpiuHO4co4<br /> 4DkIoj_TtmoavlxzZ_ds48ZeILJm.A_S6D1Ew7Xicg3hef61RNfHJFv2y8NT<br /> NehhfsGJy1wGRok_8hzj6sP_OE0j3lOJCceTTQtiVRtebWRWy_Us7zcE1iV.<br /> kgIb6AT0NuDjDCOgJbKPnoCQdDsg4Yki6AVMA5vCbHtfJbJof6PYb0SmE0zX<br /> kJw0i0nHBjtJsRXJpYr1Gc5ABXoSALbqZX6tZSI2TMB15JPSebd85bMM.2lz<br /> cTvss0z4HJfqokG3qvVbwmCdKbx7hoF2VXjsz7Gli_2mfH0kJbKJht1uWdTu<br /> 9TACq55sJ_pORNdj2uKkk7XUKaafa8dSh4n713wqLTLgus6JejabOo1YrpNm<br /> Zo8Rfm66HTkxwkeWzUTYZzB0mXw3axi3vBaIxCNgv2hAPTubvBEsPCD1vQrd<br /> Y.Xwp3JRGMS03sBfPnIGazl_PmRdjTx6mq8ACidNjkGpMkim5YzoR0qleA9Z<br /> KqViuVHdgMRMEw1ossjZPH2xhNYo4dx_0hc4ivDMQ7qcIIro2EU7gidB32eF<br /> j6wh1xx.oAUMjdT6Q3yxl8T8TEhcckA4Vor2E493u6C7pRMO6CH9rdHJNOOo<br /> 4ZgQ.gA-<br />X-Originating-IP: []<br />Authentication-Results: mta1095.mail.ird.yahoo.com from=gmx.us; domainkeys=neutral (no sig); from=gmx.us; dkim=neutral (no sig)<br />Received: from (EHLO mout.gmx.net) (<br /> by mta1095.mail.ird.yahoo.com with SMTP; Sun, 14 Apr 2013 18:10:55 +0000<br />Received: from mailout-eu.gmx.com ([]) by mrigmx.server.lan<br /> (mrigmx001) with ESMTP (Nemesis) id 0Mb5Wf-1U7JAb09fv-00KeqH for<br /> <XXX@yahoo.de>; Sun, 14 Apr 2013 20:10:54 +0200<br />Received: (qmail 3069 invoked by uid 0); 14 Apr 2013 18:10:53 -0000<br />Received: from by rms-eu006 with HTTP<br />Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="========GMX280351365963052987339"<br />Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2013 20:10:51 +0200<br />From: "Jason Pielak" <sonpie@gmx.us><br />Message-ID: <20130414181052.280350@gmx.com><br />MIME-Version: 1.0<br />Subject: Re: XXX aus Friendscout<br />To: "XXX@yahoo.de><br />X-Flags: 0001<br />X-Mailer: GMX.com Web Mailer<br />x-registered: 0<br />X-GMX-UID: e5QYcecMeSEqJ1V9Nn0htMx+IGRvb4Bp<br />Content-Length: 119122
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RE: Jason Pielak <sonpie@gmx.us> <j.pielak@aol.com> - admin - 12-30-2023
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RE: Jason Pielak <sonpie@gmx.us> <j.pielak@aol.com> - admin - 12-30-2023
Zitat:Hello Honey,Thank you for your last email. How you are you doing? i hope fine ?Ok, It took me so long to find true love, You're really an angel sent from above. You came when I needed u the most, I want to celebrate, let's raise a toast.To our love & our future together, May we never have to spend a day without the other! Cheers! Wish to see you when I open my eyes, Wish to dream you in every sleep, Wish to call you every day, Wish to live with you in my every birth, Wish to stay in your heart for ever. I will be flying direct to Germany to give you a surprise visit, which i have to stay like two weeks before going back to the state to see Mitchell.I'm also looking forward to reside in Germany or would you like to live in the state?I know things will definitely work out fine. I was born 14:04:66 I’m an Arise. 172 centre meterTime will tell what i really means to you , it will also tell if your love for me is true and i know you makes my life worthwhile, shines light unto my day; Often times you're on my mind. Still, thoughts don't make wishes come true but if they did, all I'd think of is this, A gentle kiss from you.If you are a chocolate you are the sweetest, if you are a Teddy Bear you are the most huggable, If u are a Star you are the Brightest, and since you are my LOVE you are the BESTKisses and much LOVE from Jason
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SpoilerFrom Jason Pielak Thu Apr 25 14:24:58 2013<br />X-Apparently-To: XXX@yahoo.de via; Thu, 25 Apr 2013 13:25:01 +0000<br />Return-Path: <sonpie@gmx.us><br />Received-SPF: none (domain of gmx.us does not designate permitted sender hosts)<br /> YWlsLiBIb3cgeW91IGFyZSB5b3UgZG9pbmc_IGkgaG9wZSBmaW5lID8gT2ss<br /> IEl0IHRvb2sgbWUgc28gbG9uZyB0byBmaW5kIHRydWUgbG92ZSwgWW91J3Jl<br /> IHJlYWxseSBhbiBhbmdlbCBzZW50IGZyb20gYWJvdmUuIFlvdSBjYW1lIHdo<br /> ZW4gSSBuZWVkZWQgdSB0aGUgbW9zdCwgSSB3YW50IHRvIGNlbGVicmF0ZSwg<br /> bGV0J3MgcmFpc2UgYSB0b2FzdC4gVG8gb3VyIGxvdmUgJiBvdQEwAQEBAQNt<br /> dWx0aXBhcnQvYWx0ZXJuYXRpdmUDAzI0AgN0ZXh0L3BsYWluAwMwAgN0ZXh0<br /> L2h0bWwDAzIzAjIwMTMtMDMtMDcgMDkuMzMuNTUuanBnA2ltYWdlL2pwZWcD<br /> AzEzOAIyMDEzLTAzLTA3IDA5LjMzLjI0LmpwZwNpbWFnZS9qcGVnAwMxOTg-<br />X-YMailISG: UNMOWRoWLDu0r1M.mVU2Ye5EJuoEkxrMff1U_ZwbY2OQlcY4<br /> _Rz6T3jd93qfH6JW0iuah4MPwtq5Zh5DS51.CHj62Xgp0KG6eunR_xQ7OUHe<br /> TRMEt47yGVPAQze8vf6MmeJ.huNnElNSo6jUrazSeSe1QD1EdSef9N_AVu3N<br /> HdN5t25cDIJjL8FccDIhUIxIdiO.2nZe7k2nvRt767mronGp8zvN3TgGmlxu<br /> lDTc3UgLzS0nJHe6dHeYg2jUkonRE4wv1q2R3AdT1Ws0idF5gYi5DZoENP4i<br /> u9.lz0ZF_C_gBla05dj5fe2ozcERE0Gwy6m4hBwpVXjG5jJ5yxD6IeaLGy2G<br /> nMA4NRHRKZpOyyqLYPVvMECM7BqqiGnayp1eryDcxV.TMnzI1q1_.JlL9P2.<br /> m5_6KxEgG81CTLfKNPRpOATAysdt7JLdM8x.zbc9LB3lCs6I7sNhCwQ326iZ<br /> bGKeVpsR53NfS4E8nlOEUcEptORL5SZMiMypDGcW4kxetp8SP8Vtjd7iA2DA<br /> YTGPzJfbKYyDQtLK7fWf2o544UhRmlw9f4NzMZ19IWcS8Tt9RSlxIsoWiusW<br /> PxHlNQNl9J_IAWcJRvKBESpTSIkyYERq0MzWSLSbjaobzk2h8mtA9NH2CAGc<br /> VXjsPgS7TjWSy5n5u_lg._YKn0qfmjEmr1fc96pwFq5Qk1TktkKI0OIP._89<br /> 4lHV9yU1HN31UYglhYroEfUzyZ38YbKg2i6KOdh8tqd8_tU2Sjc5A1dpGrsp<br /> JvJWYreXSblaVQg.fwB5tx_4ideGCwDzhAqs_NQPkzIMm4sAdHxOKobhOMvh<br /> mXbjhSTAd2XlDHgHG_jV7AN3Ldo2Zh52Re8nV.BH1D82KOn_z9ZcEiFuwqAb<br /> kcUEPLdjCBhfcFtBE3wr8oNir_73ec95sLi9dFLNUHh8Pe6GTioSOjiGgj6_<br /> jXoG.ZGZqUIhTJwgWwRViG6oAKOfsU7t5zY9.eK2D1wO5ZtbSap_dCM1Jtx.<br /> pB5VeEjzoCIcMRkiCe2E2Haz0ocME9yicDOSDHblNRR9Wd_NYT3xCmIeleRT<br /> fTho0l9nNjjYMGi3ZHH.Iahj6_H_ojci6ahxWYaPGeHZtjdgvd6uknLl92bq<br /> HRUOOOq6HT2TOATnpTGLyvk0cNAmAfuXiQBLbtfCqB6JLZtbUUs-<br />X-Originating-IP: []<br />Authentication-Results: mta1048.mail.ird.yahoo.com from=gmx.us; domainkeys=neutral (no sig); from=gmx.us; dkim=neutral (no sig)<br />Received: from (EHLO mout.gmx.net) (<br /> by mta1048.mail.ird.yahoo.com with SMTP; Thu, 25 Apr 2013 13:25:00 +0000<br />Received: from mailout-eu.gmx.com ([]) by mrigmx.server.lan<br /> (mrigmx002) with ESMTP (Nemesis) id 0Lse5X-1UbqSI3mcD-012KmB for<br /> <XX@yahoo.de>; Thu, 25 Apr 2013 15:24:59 +0200<br />Received: (qmail 19672 invoked by uid 0); 25 Apr 2013 13:24:59 -0000<br />Received: from by rms-eu015 with HTTP<br />Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="========GMX7714136689629961574"<br />Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2013 15:24:58 +0200<br />From: "Jason Pielak" <sonpie@gmx.us><br />Message-ID: <20130425132459.77140@gmx.com><br />MIME-Version: 1.0<br />Subject: Re: Hello again<br />To: "XXX@yahoo.de><br />X-Flags: 0001<br />X-Mailer: GMX.com Web Mailer<br />x-registered: 0<br />X-GMX-UID: /EsLcUZ/eSEqJ1V9Nn0h5T1+IGRvbwCL<br />Content-Length: 368012
RE: Jason Pielak <sonpie@gmx.us> <j.pielak@aol.com> - admin - 12-30-2023
Zitat:IP Details For:
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RE: Jason Pielak <sonpie@gmx.us> <j.pielak@aol.com> - admin - 12-30-2023
Zitat:My Sweetness....Your thought saved my life today, our van got hit by RPG and the power turned it over, Lots of bullet flying around, we got pinned down and no exit, we received heavy firing and secured a safe position till the arrival of our air strike back up, The flash of your thought and message kept me going; I wanted to leave to see another day for you,Something wonderful happened in the mission yesterday and is something that I would want to share with you alone, it is something that you must keep to yourself alone, but then I need your sincere trust on this. You know that you are so dear to me and that is why I will let you into every part of my heart and secret for you to see.During our patrol, our Intel passed resourceful information to us and with the lead; our base approval that we should hit a confrontation, and to our greatest surprise, we discovered in their hideout lots of ammunition, huge amount of cash in US dollars.One hour after we got to the base, a sgt major in my team walked up to me and called for my attention, he handed over the cash to members of our team in which after sharing i got $2.750.000.00. The reality of the fact is that, I thought about all a many good comforts this money will provide when I leave the Army.<br />I want is to send the cash to you until I leave the Army base on trust I have for you. The money $2.750.000.00 is concealed in a suitcase, covered with my personal effects like memorable items, my medal of honor, pictures, my retirement flag, books, my fear is that this money cannot be safe in the camp here in Afghanistan,At the moment I have no one outside to trust, who can I trust to safe-guide it for me? No one, faith brought us together, I strongly believe in my heart that you can help me out and safe guide the money until I am out.I nursed no fear, I felt no doubt, I believe that it will be safe with you, there won't be any problem, all you need to do is receive the suitcase and safe guide it until I come over, Honey, this I swear that we could have a chance as life partner, this money will provide good comfort for us too.Our medical supply will be coming in any moment from now, all I need to do is to hand it over to him since he will leave soon, it will get to you, I can plead with the flight accompanying Red cross diplomat that clears our medical supply to lift it out of our base, but then where will I direct it to, how will it get to you?I need your Mobile number and house address so that the Red Cross diplomat that brings our medical supplies can help me out and deliverd to you.His plan is at the moment on ground but I know that he spent at most 2/3 days in our base. It is safe because we did not steal it, secondly leaving the base through the Red cross diplomat circle will be perfect deliver of the suitcase to you and the Red Cross diplomat do not know the content of what i have insideYou are the love of my life.Jason
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SpoilerFrom Jason Pielak Mon Apr 29 16:09:52 2013<br />X-Apparently-To: XXX@yahoo.de via; Mon, 29 Apr 2013 15:09:55 +0000<br />Return-Path: <sonpie@gmx.us><br />Received-SPF: none (domain of gmx.us does not designate permitted sender hosts)<br /> bGlmZSB0b2RheSwgb3VyIHZhbiBnb3QgaGl0IGJ5IFJQRyBhbmQgdGhlIHBv<br /> d2VyIHR1cm5lZCBpdCBvdmVyLCBMb3RzIG9mIGJ1bGxldCBmbHlpbmcgYXJv<br /> dW5kLCB3ZSBnb3QgcGlubmVkIGRvd24gYW5kIG5vIGV4aXQsIHdlIHJlY2Vp<br /> dmVkIGhlYXZ5IGZpcmluZyBhbmQgc2VjdXJlZCBhIHNhZmUgcG9zaXRpb24g<br /> dGlsbCB0aGUgYXJyaXZhbCBvZiBvdXIgYWlyIHN0cmlrZSBiYQEwAQEBAQN0<br /> ZXh0L3BsYWluAwMwAgN0ZXh0L2h0bWwDAzQ-<br />X-YMailISG: buVpXQkWLDu5HBoGiXcm_Lub6Wh0kObuCm1m98eQhTviA84O<br /> Z0vn_bupJoWKq5tkCJKVD..lScjCMXI04c4MDkuhgeGcl9vrdFGQ_YcWH5vx<br /> J28_8rsfVjhbluJaHB1WAwp2O8s6xUuEvgKtFkCfWkosnn.YeMGxt1lhw7pM<br /> 4zr.66PI8CUGuzVSCx6hTUQKKl8uL1WLMbaJ5ixx30HcYsQaoxXPr1Dzw5un<br /> TNbts1kk6qbgdSdNsdVeuJP5ttlLPwe7zPvpAQpn9c47yJ_J0WjgWX.EdmHE<br /> Q6bsul4mfxt6Q28KK8UEMo6rMuIoCHJIHm7XoJnRPKmkFku4RC0_YhpGsYBm<br /> pxhRC3ZngmxcIXAk8Mbg60P6XBV4_H2myc3GE7Eps9ON13wiHaArdQ1ROy.M<br /> J.uD45UHoS2b7uUZH7SUF2mvFkMN5uOrEgSS487eXsxBmObiKPaUpFrYihMw<br /> S.31vbo2Tf2M1JDF1JuMZxxqBePyKzesrKo_NPz0d8XwUhgPCwZwtwwJTL4y<br /> yjM2jIeN85Pwq0J2Y8EuMh_axPEziYsa6ull9AKWdTgE9eeWsalmesvlDZBW<br /> 14.OfyXWGfU.aGYROTuy8SLLJEPduW6ELsrPbgQfXocul0gFtmoIV2pbhCgN<br /> 6.mM4C00O0uWN1obXsKgqcAdxVyWqmphoXZ2MeS1wj7x7QTHh62s3iOJi4su<br /> cW8.vK2BrvOMFIgFM_bZAU0ztytVijn__UWyKKTFlj5OkOLhfdq9uoGUWYj5<br /> o32hRtRJpw4_qZl1JEj.nL9iZbshsXwQu_8doSmwhwWu1sA5X18.DPzty2nA<br /> m7rsh_kd5EIfuclSpL__ijCEFBM1_fiy7stFKC5qX91kYeNlvvT97v1gkzgu<br /> _kiwCBz34Bjg6QOPq8wN1sanwn_Dd8CFnk52iPyN0J5qm7VJKl3VqsFsGrkS<br /> _.698HMq8di.3.EUNFv8cd5E_59R.IvhOMwp9Zn2IKWDPz4XGRQJTSqQ4z3f<br /> xNqN3Caxknu.d8nU6aNgResHN47J03Q2_YdGEshzZkHHLV.pfhg4GZ2qEmzM<br /> OstZCGx_fY0WXbDMwrUTpOvV4VBN3aAVEPv9yDfMzvxpH7qsrkgVms2kDmEL<br /> .a6bkkSwvZKqVG2VzANJdcIrk4jxrrJaz9tP5J.CS8hgO09Ybg--<br />X-Originating-IP: []<br />Authentication-Results: mta1038.mail.ird.yahoo.com from=gmx.us; domainkeys=neutral (no sig); from=gmx.us; dkim=neutral (no sig)<br />Received: from (EHLO mout.gmx.net) (<br /> by mta1038.mail.ird.yahoo.com with SMTP; Mon, 29 Apr 2013 15:09:54 +0000<br />Received: from mailout-eu.gmx.com ([]) by mrigmx.server.lan<br /> (mrigmx001) with ESMTP (Nemesis) id 0Me6KG-1U73lc2JXa-00PtBH for<br /> <XXX@yahoo.de>; Mon, 29 Apr 2013 17:09:54 +0200<br />Received: (qmail 7651 invoked by uid 0); 29 Apr 2013 15:09:54 -0000<br />Received: from by rms-eu002 with HTTP<br />Content-Type: multipart/alternative;<br /> boundary="========GMXBoundary218961367248193525873"<br />Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2013 17:09:52 +0200<br />From: "Jason Pielak" <sonpie@gmx.us><br />Message-ID: <20130429150953.218960@gmx.com><br />MIME-Version: 1.0<br />X-Flags: 0001<br />X-Mailer: GMX.com Web Mailer<br />x-registered: 0<br />X-GMX-UID: FugMcew0eSEqJ1V9Nn0hCJN+IGRvb0Aa<br />Content-Length: 6540<br />
RE: Jason Pielak <sonpie@gmx.us> <j.pielak@aol.com> - admin - 12-30-2023
Zitat:IP Details For:
ISP:Ghana Telecommunications Company Limited
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State/Region:Bono East
RE: Jason Pielak <sonpie@gmx.us> <j.pielak@aol.com> - admin - 12-30-2023
Zitat:Good day my dearest heart,Thank you for the information you have provided to me. Yesterday the deal was done and the suitcase was handed over to the Red Cross diplomatic staff. His flight left yesterday from Kabul to their Red Cross Diplomatic office in London to register the suitcase as personal effect before final delivery to your address in Germany.The delivery red cross staff will contact you to notify their flight schedule, date and time of arrival in Germany.Honey, i really want you to understand that this fund is 100% risk free, every arrangement have been perfected and the fund was well packaged and concealed in one suitcase and will be delivered to you through diplomatic means as personal effect, covered by the Red Cross relief supply immunity to ensure smooth delivery of the suitcase to your address in Germany and will never been check by any Governmental commission or customs.However, i would have hold on but this fund is strictly confidential among the senior officers involve and must be moved out of the base immediately. That is why i urgently need to send the money to you since i am coming straight from Afghanistan to Germany to be with you and also invest.Please it is very important that you understand that there is no one on earth who knows what is in the Suitcase, just you and I.. Please do not disclose this to anyone no matter how close you are with that person okay?It seems hard to believe, but we've been together for a while now. That's not very long in the grand scheme of things, but it's long enough for me to know how much I love you. I remember (but only vaguely now!) how my life was before I met you and I never want to go back to that dreary existence again.Now I believe in love again, because I believe in you. And I function at warp speed now because--it thrills me to say it--you actually believe in me!Leah, you've brought me so much happiness and joy that I can scarcely contain it all. I'm sure beams of light radiate from me wherever I go. I noticed a few raised eyebrows at work when I started coming in bright and early (on time, every time!), smiling and energized, humming some love song I heard on the radio while driving in. A couple of the guys wanted to know what's up with me, but they don't understand I am filled with secrets that cannot be shared or even expressed in words. So I just told them that I'm seeing someone and it's the real thing this time.It's very strange because, even when we're apart, I feel that I'm still with you. I remember what it's like to hold you, to kiss you, to make love to you, as those delicious sensations never really leave me. We respond to each other so naturally and completely I believe the gods must have created us to complete each other's existence.Ours is a union that reaches beyond the mere physical into mystical planes that take my breath away. You are part of my very being now and I could never be complete or whole without you. Tell me I will never again have to return to that mundane existence I knew before I met you!This morning I woke at dawn, still wrapped in the memory of last night, repeating over and over that line from that old Hollies' song: "Sometimes, all I need is the air that I breathe and to love you. I know what that means now because I know how that feels now. Leah, tell me we can always be together! Tell me all we need is one apartment key!I love you. Jason
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SpoilerFrom Jason Pielak Sat May 4 12:15:08 2013<br />X-Apparently-To: XXX@yahoo.de via; Sat, 04 May 2013 11:15:10 +0000<br />Return-Path: <sonpie@gmx.us><br />Received-SPF: none (domain of gmx.us does not designate permitted sender hosts)<br /> ciB0aGUgaW5mb3JtYXRpb24geW91IGhhdmUgcHJvdmlkZWQgdG8gbWUuIFll<br /> c3RlcmRheSB0aGUgZGVhbCB3YXMgZG9uZSBhbmQgdGhlIHN1aXRjYXNlIHdh<br /> cyBoYW5kZWQgb3ZlciB0byB0aGUgUmVkIENyb3NzIGRpcGxvbWF0aWMgc3Rh<br /> ZmYuIEhpcyBmbGlnaHQgbGVmdCB5ZXN0ZXJkYXkgZnJvbSBLYWJ1bCB0byB0<br /> aGVpciBSZWQgQ3Jvc3MgRGlwbG9tYXRpYyBvZmZpY2UgaW4gTAEwAQEBAQN0<br /> ZXh0L3BsYWluAwMwAgN0ZXh0L2h0bWwDAzQ-<br />X-YMailISG: 3b1v9a4WLDtJDRw3s6akcq8yP4exdmZttJv6Iyi5_fg9ah6_<br /> TSI5iQCjFLquR2XTAGW2tuliXgvvZmOKXMbZpqVovM4WsJ8bTHb0bXoWyGbV<br /> z0UQ.gDZaDHZIahF8ukdbGGe2JihvFqjJ9qOBaqpz..tJpy6A139nEhU3aT0<br /> pqUYHFvddhrzfr5s6WaEH_jvyb2tKZngq53EPTrqyDdD6balt6bmDds.ll54<br /> ZF8majLQQg.Bhf.1iGo8zPyK8axfLKnvFz7Eo1TWiUL9ON39w_TwShtiKqo8<br /> g1rFt_UZy_TmP7m3aIHD.78wQGK5_T6k94PdPRQ580M0nIASWDzx94cH2BJD<br /> PV0oQaHqE3MVtKgjyx_uPkoTpOZ3FOBNRP8ZHpntms3VEWRdGMorhhQfnvYx<br /> b3nWY..qHn.J5JQuB_tfs.UYE81SCIzp.XqI3JdYODCVWSiuH274KoRxUzvN<br /> A.nSbrsZhWtRSoMbcxgHnHYxMRVwalZTudnl3tjwXm_F2_lMV9oSoEjGU4CP<br /> N.sXOWOMHAKF.lrkSepqhC1ZZHfcgWq0zyzY.GejsduE_GDlqd.ITTRlrimg<br /> 4KjyctxM9tEThxo2vBHxr938hnz73GK6QIbquHTB8n2P6GudX4uMGRT4KJAI<br /> f5JidVFRpTtBgRLNeILJO8usUMLvZ4ny6pbLFaFc7ch8rQFQncub0jvTSaMV<br /> lkK50dw6uq5v815HKvBA26VXLtuyRG2rSqie5qRT6aqSSIJ6z9PmlJylHtbJ<br /> BTzRWIViyoYMBqthvM8kAj_HIlvPVW.liJDuX8T0_yY.NWPWNpn_WkFK.E0R<br /> 1vS8yzBPMAFe0Ci3Ld6QIt1KgtUF7fuY9Q3EMBuc.OgjlsqH5njEw6ufo3t1<br /> uznXGHttju5Q2aWVMh6HTjfsYwuQq0lZ9VpGlz4FGdojAW.NrNqiUNt2_w65<br /> tekVBxaS9d1NNnw8_qYXHvKLU1grGEHdmvboj6KQGKmoOFNmlDj4DgDje6qy<br /> jRUlH_tTeWrywe_qRRYyKBq.e6W0tO7IVDTZoXETm8fus8ZOZ9lg2YhnUNBr<br /> kKwBvjoOpAizLrphDczU<br />X-Originating-IP: []<br />Authentication-Results: mta1050.mail.ird.yahoo.com from=gmx.us; domainkeys=neutral (no sig); from=gmx.us; dkim=neutral (no sig)<br />Received: from (EHLO mout.gmx.net) (<br /> by mta1050.mail.ird.yahoo.com with SMTP; Sat, 04 May 2013 11:15:10 +0000<br />Received: from mailout-eu.gmx.com ([]) by mrigmx.server.lan<br /> (mrigmx001) with ESMTP (Nemesis) id 0MIBlI-1UaE3U0LFO-003sSM for<br /> <XXX@yahoo.de>; Sat, 04 May 2013 13:15:10 +0200<br />Received: (qmail 11644 invoked by uid 0); 4 May 2013 11:15:10 -0000<br />Received: from by rms-eu016 with HTTP<br />Content-Type: multipart/alternative;<br /> boundary="========GMXBoundary115501367666109488775"<br />Date: Sat, 04 May 2013 13:15:08 +0200<br />From: "Jason Pielak" <sonpie@gmx.us><br />Message-ID: <20130504111509.115500@gmx.com><br />MIME-Version: 1.0<br />Subject: Re: Re: Hello again<br />To: "XXX@yahoo.de><br />X-Flags: 0001<br />X-Mailer: GMX.com Web Mailer<br />x-registered: 0<br />X-GMX-UID: 6oj2cXpMeSEqJ1V9Nn0hn5d+IGRvb4Dj<br />Content-Length: 7471<br />
RE: Jason Pielak <sonpie@gmx.us> <j.pielak@aol.com> - admin - 12-30-2023
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RE: Jason Pielak <sonpie@gmx.us> <j.pielak@aol.com> - admin - 12-30-2023
Zitat:MadamI am contacting you from our UK Transit Office for onward delivery of a Diplomatic Parcel ordered by Jason Pielak (US SERVICE ARMY) in Afghanistan.Kindly complete the attached form and return it with copy of your ID to enable us secure an EU Diplomatic Delivery Clearance from the UN office here in London.Upon receipt, I will revert with my arrival schedule to Germany.Sincerely,Anthony Bolden Accredited Diplomat<br American Red Cross.UK Office<br 44 Moorfields<br London EC2Y 9AL<br Telephone: +1 3153709387
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SpoilerX-Apparently-To: XXX@yahoo.de via; Mon, 06 May 2013 11:21:55 +0000<br X-Yahoofilteredbulk:<br Received-Spf: pass (domain of live.com designates as permitted sender)<br X-Originating-Ip: []<br Authentication-Results: mta1049.mail.ir2.yahoo.com from=live.com; domainkeys=neutral (no sig); from=live.com; dkim=neutral (no sig)<br Received: from (EHLO blu0-omc1-s36.blu0.hotmail.com) ( by mta1049.mail.ir2.yahoo.com with SMTP; Mon, 06 May 2013 11:21:55 +0000<br Received: from BLU169-W131 ([]) by blu0-omc1-s36.blu0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4675); Mon, 6 May 2013 04:21:06 -0700<br X-Eip: [1a5v4LshukNXXqrmNbYDoNULD8jhjWo9]<br X-Originating-Email: [bolden.anthoney@live.com]<br Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="_f5a6d36a-b8af-4370-937c-770ba0a317cd_"<br Importance: Normal<br Mime-Version: 1.0<br X-Originalarrivaltime: 06 May 2013 11:21:06.0042 (UTC) FILETIME=[CCDDE5A0:01CE4A4B]
RE: Jason Pielak <sonpie@gmx.us> <j.pielak@aol.com> - admin - 12-30-2023
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